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राहुल सिंह, रेशमा शेख की फ़िल्म ‘चिट्ठी’ का ट्रेलर पूर्वांचल फ़िल्म सिटी पर हुआ रिलीज

Posted by on Feb 15, 2025 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

रिबेल स्टार राहुल सिंह और क्यूट गर्ल रेशमा शेख की हृदयस्पर्शी फ़िल्म ‘चिट्ठी’ ट्रेलर पूर्वांचल फ़िल्म सिटी के यूट्यूब चैनल पर आउट किया गया है। यह फ़िल्म जल्द ही सिनेमाघरों में रिलीज होगी। यह जानकारी एक्टर राहुल सिंह ने अपने सोशल मीडिया फेसबुक अकाउंट पर पोस्ट करके दिया है। साथ ही उन्होंने ट्रेलर का लिंक भी शेयर किया है।

उल्लेखनीय है कि फ़िल्म ‘चिट्ठी’ दो भाषाओं (हिंदी भोजपुरी) में बनाई गई है। इस फ़िल्म में केंद्रीय भूमिका में भोजपुरी सिनेमा की सुपरहिट जोड़ी राहुल सिंह और रेशमा शेख एक बार फिर अपने फैंस और ऑडियंस के बीच फुल टू धमाल मचाने वाली है, लेकिन इस बार उनकी रोमांटिक कमेस्ट्री काफी डिफरेंट होने वाली है, क्योंकि इस उनका प्यार और रोमांस चिट्ठियों के जरिये दिखेगा। जैसा कि फिल्म के ट्रेलर में दिख रहा है। राहुल सिंह और रेशमा शेख के साथ वर्सटाइल एक्टर देव सिंह प्रमुख भूमिका में नजर आने वाले हैं। साथ में अनूप अरोरा, माया यादव, संतोष यादव पहलवान, साहब लाल धारी, रिंकू आयुषी, साहिल राज, जय यादव आदि अपने अभिनय कला से ऑडियंस का फुल इंटरटेनमेंट करने वाले हैं। इस फ़िल्म में दर्शकों का पूरा का पूरा मनोरंजन होने के साथ साथ उन्हें जगरूकता भरा संदेश भी मिलने वाला है। इस फिल्म के गीत-संगीत बहुत ही कर्णप्रिय हैं, जो सभी संगीतप्रेमियों के दिल के दिल को छू लेने वाला है।

फिल्म चिट्ठी के निर्माता ब्लू वर्ज फिल्म्स, श्रवण प्रसाद गोंड, अरविन्द यादव हैं। सह-निर्माता सना फिल्म्स प्रोडक्शन वर्ल्ड (फैज़ अहमद)  हैं। फिल्म के निर्देशक दिनेश पाल हैं। लेखक राहुल कुमार हैं। संगीत सावन कुमार ने दिया है। नृत्य अशोक माइती, छायांकन श्रवण कुमार, संकलन डीजे प्रियंका वीडियो, कॉस्ट्यूम नेहा शेख का है। प्रोडक्शन हेड नीरज यादव, सहायक निर्देशक अनिल विश्वकर्मा, फ़िल्म प्रचारक रामचन्द्र यादव हैं।

राहुल सिंह, रेशमा शेख की फ़िल्म ‘चिट्ठी’ का ट्रेलर पूर्वांचल फ़िल्म सिटी पर हुआ रिलीज

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GULZAR 8th Solo Show Of Paintings By Artist Virendra Chopde At Kismat Art Gallery

Posted by on Feb 15, 2025 in Art Exhibition | 0 comments

From:13th to 16th February 2025


8th Solo show of paintings from the series of Chhapkhana Group by renowned artist Virendra Chopde


Kismat Art Gallery

11, Dena Bank Building,

3rd Pasta Lane, Opp. Colaba Market

Colaba, Mumbai 400 005

Timing: 10am to 7pm.

Contact: +91 8087004700

Solo exhibition of paintings by a contemporary Renowned artist, Virendra Chopde is showing his recent work at Kismat Art Gallery, 11, Dena Bank Building, 3rd Pasta Lane, opposite Colaba Market, Mumbai 400005 from 13th to 16th February 2025 between 11 am to 7 pm.

This show was inaugurated on 13th February 2025 by Chief Guest Philip D’Mello(Eminent Artist), Guest of Honour Vinita Mirchandani(Owner of Gallery Studio – 3) in the presence of Vishakha Apte, Shilpa Pachpor, Sheetal Bawkar, Ashwita Meher, Prof. Vinod Chachere, Ashish Telangur, Yogesh Patil, Umesh Patil, Vinayak Sarvankar, Shubham Kesur among others.

Virendra Chopde hails from Kamptee. He had his art education degrees from Rashtrasanta Tukdoji Maharaj University, Nagpur like BFA Drawing / Painting in 2002, M.F.A – Drawing / Painting in 2005 and Diploma Art Education in 2005 in Mumbai. He was a recipient of several meritorious awards and prizes during his student days at Government Chitrakala Mahavidyalaya Nagpur and thereafter as well as during his illustrious art journey spanning over 2 decades from various art promotional institutions of national and international reputation. He actively participated in several art shows, workshops, camps etc at Nagpur, Mumbai, Ujjain, Pune, Jodhpur, Khajuraho – M.P., New Delhi, Chennai, Dhanbad, Bhopal, Kamptee, Baramati, Manali – M.P. , Chandrapur etc. His presentations in these art shows were highly applauded which duly inspired him for the future. His works are in proud collection of many prominent art collectors in India and abroad.

The present series in mix medium on canvas illustrates his deep attachment with Nature and its many wonders in different seasons having conducive environments as well as human emotions in sensitive minds of young women or ladies. He has adopted a minimalistic approach in his creations which are also having simplicity and clarity as well as transparency achieved through relevant aesthetic sense and spirits. He has exemplified subtle nuances of shape, form, texture, colour, tonal harmony through the textures and the aroma and fragrance of the desired visual effects achieved in the apt perspectives of visual arts. He has mostly focused on vivid human emotions in a sensitive mind like love, friendship, innocence, devotion, excitement, memories, greed, anger, sadness, pain etc alongwith happiness, joy, exhilaration, anticipation (waiting) and many more. His works reveal visual experience of flowers like champa / Chameli etc along which scent aroma and freshness emanating therefrom that, in turn, leave an everlasting and profound visual impact on human mind in apt perspectives. The works also highlight the artistic visual language of artistic expressions to focus on the desired visual perspectives of ecstasy and aesthetics in the creative endeavor which always share  a dialogue with the viewers leading to their appreciation and encouraging response.


GULZAR 8th Solo Show Of Paintings By Artist Virendra Chopde At Kismat Art Gallery

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प्रदुमन परदेसी, अविनाश यादव, तनु श्री, प्राची सिंह की ‘लाडली’ का ट्रेलर हुआ लॉन्च, 28 फरवरी को सिनेमाघरों में होगी फिल्म रिलीज

Posted by on Feb 14, 2025 in Bhojpuri News | 0 comments

भोजपुरी सिने जगत के सुपर स्टार सिंगर प्रदुमन परदेसी, अभिनेता अविनाश यादव, स्टारर अदाकारा तनु श्री और प्राची सिंह के शानदार अभिनय से सजी फैमिली ड्रामा से भरपूर संपूर्ण पारिवारिक भोजपुरी फिल्म ‘लाडली’ का ट्रेलर लॉंच किया गया है। मुख्य अतिथि चैयरमैन माननीया जयमित्रा के हाथों फ़िल्म का ट्रेलर बिहार के छपरा में आलीशान होटल में किया गया। जहाँ पर भोजपुरी फिल्म जोरू के गुलाम के प्रोड्यूसर करुणेश कश्यप, फ़िल्म बिहार से तिहाड़ के प्रोड्यूसर महेश माँझी, मुन्ना भारती सहित कई विशिष्ट अतिथि मौजूद थे। सभी ने फिल्म की बहुत तारीफ किया और फ़िल्म के सुपरहिट होने की कामना की। इस फ़िल्म का ट्रेलर साउंडटैक्स म्यूजिक के ऑफिसियल यूट्यूब चैनल पर रिलीज किया गया है। यह फ़िल्म आगामी 28 फरवरी को पूरे भारत के सिनेमाघरों में भव्य पैमाने पर प्रदर्शित की जाएगी।

फ़िल्म निर्माता अविनाश यादव ने बड़े उत्साह के साथ कहा कि ‘हो जाइए तैयार! लाडली मूवी पूरी तरह से बड़े पर्दे पर अपना जादू बिखरने के लिए तैयार हो चुकी है। इस फिल्म को बड़े पैमाने पर 28 फरवरी को सिनेमाघरों में रिलीज किया जा रहा है।’ उन्होंने आगे बताया कि ‘फिल्म ‘लाडली’ का प्रमोशन भी जोर शोर से होगा, जिसकी तैयारी पूरी हो गई है। वादा है कि यह फिल्म दर्शकों को पूरा एंटरटेन करेगी। फ़िल्म की कहानी साफ सुथरी और परिवारिक है। इसमें भाई बहन के प्यारे रिश्तों बख़ूबी दिखाई गया है। आप सभी दर्शकों से गुजारिश है कि जब यह फ़िल्म रिलीज होगी तो आप सब अपने नजदीकी सिनेमाघरों फ़िल्म देखने जरूर जाइए और हमारा हौसला बढ़ाएं। फिल्म ‘लाडली’ के मुख्य कलाकार प्रदुमन परदेसी, अविनाश यादव, तनु श्री, प्राची सिंह, अमित शुक्ला, हीरा यादव, किरण यादव, रिंकू भारती, लोटा तिवारी, डॉ कामेंद्र सिंह, शंकर सिंह, अजय सूर्यवंशी, स्वर्गीय बृजेश त्रिपाठी, मनोज सिंह हैं। सभी कलाकारों ने अपना बेहतरीन अदाकारी किया है।

लीलावती फ़िल्म एंटरटेनमेंट वर्ल्डवाइड बैनर के तले निर्मित की गई फिल्म ‘लाडली’ के निर्माता अविनाश यादव हैं। फिल्म के निर्देशक कली शंकर हैं। कार्यकारी निर्माता अरुण कुमार, लेखक अनिल विश्वकर्मा हैं। संगीतकार ओम झा, गीतकार प्यारे लाल यादव, सुमित सिंह चंद्रवंशी, डॉ. कामेंद्र सिंह, प्रकाश बारूद, कुमार सिंह हैं। सिंगर प्रियंका सिंह, खुशबू झा, मोहन राठौर, आलोक कुमार हैं। फ़िल्म का छायांकन सूरज यादव, संपादन संतोष हरवाडे ने किया है। एक्शन मास्टर हीरा यादव, कोरियोग्राफर कानू मुखर्जी हैं। कला बादल, वीएफएक्स रितेश दफ्तरी, डीआई हेमंत थापा, प्रोडक्शन मनोज सिंह, मुन्ना जी ने किया है।


प्रदुमन परदेसी, अविनाश यादव, तनु श्री, प्राची सिंह की ‘लाडली’ का ट्रेलर हुआ लॉन्च, 28 फरवरी को सिनेमाघरों में होगी फिल्म रिलीज

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प्रदुमन परदेसी, अविनाश यादव, तनु श्री, प्राची सिंह की ‘लाडली’ का ट्रेलर हुआ लॉन्च, 28 फरवरी को सिनेमाघरों में होगी फिल्म रिलीज

Posted by on Feb 14, 2025 in Bhojpuri News | 0 comments

भोजपुरी सिने जगत के सुपर स्टार सिंगर प्रदुमन परदेसी, अभिनेता अविनाश यादव, स्टारर अदाकारा तनु श्री और प्राची सिंह के शानदार अभिनय से सजी फैमिली ड्रामा से भरपूर संपूर्ण पारिवारिक भोजपुरी फिल्म ‘लाडली’ का ट्रेलर लॉंच किया गया है। मुख्य अतिथि चैयरमैन माननीया जयमित्रा के हाथों फ़िल्म का ट्रेलर बिहार के छपरा में आलीशान होटल में किया गया। जहाँ पर भोजपुरी फिल्म जोरू के गुलाम के प्रोड्यूसर करुणेश कश्यप, फ़िल्म बिहार से तिहाड़ के प्रोड्यूसर महेश माँझी, मुन्ना भारती सहित कई विशिष्ट अतिथि मौजूद थे। सभी ने फिल्म की बहुत तारीफ किया और फ़िल्म के सुपरहिट होने की कामना की। इस फ़िल्म का ट्रेलर साउंडटैक्स म्यूजिक के ऑफिसियल यूट्यूब चैनल पर रिलीज किया गया है। यह फ़िल्म आगामी 28 फरवरी को पूरे भारत के सिनेमाघरों में भव्य पैमाने पर प्रदर्शित की जाएगी।

फ़िल्म निर्माता अविनाश यादव ने बड़े उत्साह के साथ कहा कि ‘हो जाइए तैयार! लाडली मूवी पूरी तरह से बड़े पर्दे पर अपना जादू बिखरने के लिए तैयार हो चुकी है। इस फिल्म को बड़े पैमाने पर 28 फरवरी को सिनेमाघरों में रिलीज किया जा रहा है।’ उन्होंने आगे बताया कि ‘फिल्म ‘लाडली’ का प्रमोशन भी जोर शोर से होगा, जिसकी तैयारी पूरी हो गई है। वादा है कि यह फिल्म दर्शकों को पूरा एंटरटेन करेगी। फ़िल्म की कहानी साफ सुथरी और परिवारिक है। इसमें भाई बहन के प्यारे रिश्तों बख़ूबी दिखाई गया है। आप सभी दर्शकों से गुजारिश है कि जब यह फ़िल्म रिलीज होगी तो आप सब अपने नजदीकी सिनेमाघरों फ़िल्म देखने जरूर जाइए और हमारा हौसला बढ़ाएं। फिल्म ‘लाडली’ के मुख्य कलाकार प्रदुमन परदेसी, अविनाश यादव, तनु श्री, प्राची सिंह, अमित शुक्ला, हीरा यादव, किरण यादव, रिंकू भारती, लोटा तिवारी, डॉ कामेंद्र सिंह, शंकर सिंह, अजय सूर्यवंशी, स्वर्गीय बृजेश त्रिपाठी, मनोज सिंह हैं। सभी कलाकारों ने अपना बेहतरीन अदाकारी किया है।

लीलावती फ़िल्म एंटरटेनमेंट वर्ल्डवाइड बैनर के तले निर्मित की गई फिल्म ‘लाडली’ के निर्माता अविनाश यादव हैं। फिल्म के निर्देशक कली शंकर हैं। कार्यकारी निर्माता अरुण कुमार, लेखक अनिल विश्वकर्मा हैं। संगीतकार ओम झा, गीतकार प्यारे लाल यादव, सुमित सिंह चंद्रवंशी, डॉ. कामेंद्र सिंह, प्रकाश बारूद, कुमार सिंह हैं। सिंगर प्रियंका सिंह, खुशबू झा, मोहन राठौर, आलोक कुमार हैं। फ़िल्म का छायांकन सूरज यादव, संपादन संतोष हरवाडे ने किया है। एक्शन मास्टर हीरा यादव, कोरियोग्राफर कानू मुखर्जी हैं। कला बादल, वीएफएक्स रितेश दफ्तरी, डीआई हेमंत थापा, प्रोडक्शन मनोज सिंह, मुन्ना जी ने किया है।


प्रदुमन परदेसी, अविनाश यादव, तनु श्री, प्राची सिंह की ‘लाडली’ का ट्रेलर हुआ लॉन्च, 28 फरवरी को सिनेमाघरों में होगी फिल्म रिलीज

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District Doda Has Best Fitness Shop Reaching Fitness Enthusiastics

Posted by on Feb 14, 2025 in Breaking News | 0 comments


Let us know about your journey as  Fitness entrepreneur?

Since childhood, I had a passion for the fitness industry. I used to watch bodybuilders on YouTube and television, observing how they performed their exercises and followed their routines. Eventually, I set up a small gym in my village and started working out myself. Whenever I didn’t know how to perform a particular exercise, I would search for it on YouTube or Google and learn. As I progressed, I also started teaching the local kids. Initially, the children in my village had no knowledge of the gym, but after I set it up, their interest in fitness gradually started to grow.

How tough is reaching people in villages regarding fitness?

Reaching people in villages regarding fitness is quite challenging, especially in the beginning. Creating awareness, providing knowledge, and encouraging them to adapt to something new can be difficult. Many villagers initially believed that fitness was unnecessary because, in the past, their daily activities-like working in the fields and managing household chores-kept them physically active.

However, as time passed and people gained more knowledge about fitness, doubts regarding the gym industry and fitness began to clear. The main issue is that while their physical activity has decreased, their diet remains the same as it was in earlier times. But villages are also modernizing now, and people are gradually realizing that fitness is not just a necessity but an essential part of life.

How important are Health Supplements in fitness industry?

Your journey is inspiring what is your massage to youth especially regarding to fitness?

In today’s time, health supplements have become essential because our diet has become sedentary, providing very little nutrition. People either don’t have time to prepare healthy meals or get bored of eating the same nutritious food. Supplements help fulfill the nutritional gaps that our regular diet cannot provide.

For example, protein is crucial for muscle growth and recovery. BCAAs (Branched-Chain Amino Acids) support muscle repair, while macro and micro nutrients are essential for overall health.

Additionally, supplements play a vital role in bone health, heart health, joint health, muscle recovery, and brain function. They ensure that our body gets the necessary nutrients to stay strong, energetic, and healthy. However, it’s important to take supplements wisely and as per individual needs, preferably under expert guidance.


District Doda Has Best Fitness Shop Reaching Fitness Enthusiastics

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ART CONTINUUM National Art Exhibition Organized By Artival Foundation At Nehru Centre Art Gallery

Posted by on Feb 13, 2025 in Art Exhibition | 0 comments

11th to 17th February 2025



An Exhibition of Paintings & Sculptures


Nehru Centre Art Gallery

Dr. Annie Besant Road

Worli, Mumbai 400018

Timing: 11am to 7pm

For More Details


+ 91 9920804573

+ 91 9833949788

Art Continuum: A Journey Through Artistic Expression

Visual Art forges connections between knowledge, culture, and expression. While its visual impact remains undeniable, the true catalyst for artistic evolution lies in the platforms that nurture creativity. It is within these dynamic spaces that emerging talent finds its voice and established artists receive due recognition.

With this philosophy, the Artival Foundation presents Art Continuum, an ambitious, nationwide exhibition that fosters artistic inclusivity. Started by Satish Patil and Sharad Gurav in 2018, Director Prashant Kashikar & Dr. Jayesh Dakre  the foundation serves as a non-commercial sanctuary for artists, championing both contemporary and indigenous art forms. With a commitment to amplifying voices often overshadowed in mainstream narratives—particularly folk and tribal artists—Artival provides a vital space for artistic exchange and appreciation.

Having begun its journey at the Visual Art Gallery, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi in 2024, Art Continuum will embark on a national tour, celebrating the diverse artistic landscapes of India. The upcoming Mumbai leg at the Nehru Centre marks a significant milestone in this journey. This prestigious venue will host a compelling selection of works by contemporary visual artists, uniting urban and rural artistic expressions under one roof.

Beyond an exhibition, Art Continuum embodies an ethos of accessibility, cultural preservation, and philanthropy. A portion of the proceeds from artwork sales will be donated to the Cancer Patients Aid Association (CPAA), reinforcing Artival’s commitment to social impact. The show invites art enthusiasts, collectors, and the public to engage in a transformative experience that bridges tradition and modernity. As Art Continuum arrives in Mumbai, it reaffirms the profound, enduring relationship between humanity and artistic expression—a celebration of creativity, heritage, and collective consciousness.


ART CONTINUUM National Art Exhibition Organized By Artival Foundation At Nehru Centre Art Gallery


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निर्देशक रमीरा तनेजा की शॉर्ट फिल्म ‘वाइल्ड फ्लावर्स’ ऐसे युवाओं की कहानी है, जिनके पास लक्ष्य नहीं है

Posted by on Feb 13, 2025 in Breaking News | 0 comments

शॉर्ट फिल्म ‘वाइल्ड फ्लावर्स’ की निर्देशक रमीरा तनेजा इन दिनों चर्चा में हैं। उनसे लिए गए इंटरव्यू के अंश…

सवाल :-  इसकी प्रेरणा कहाँ से मिली

रमीरा तनेजा:- मैंने विभिन्न फिल्म निर्माताओं की कई शार्ट फिल्में देखी हैं, और मैंने देखा है कि उनमें से कई जटिल पात्रों या बौद्धिक विषयों पर ध्यान केंद्रित करती हैं। मुझे लगा कि परिवार के अनुकूल शॉर्ट फिल्मों में एक कमी है – कुछ सरल लेकिन प्रभावशाली, एक सार्थक संदेश को एक संबंधित तरीके से देना। समाज में सब कुछ नकारात्मकता के इर्द-गिर्द नहीं घूमता; कई अच्छे और दयालु लोग हैं, और मैं इसे उजागर करना चाहती थी। दुनिया खूबसूरत है, और इसे ऐसा बनाने वाले लोग भी।

सवाल :-  इसकी कहानी और इसके मुख्य विषय के बारे में बताएं

रमीरा तनेजा:-   वाइल्ड फ्लावर्स लक्ष्यहीन युवाओं के एक ग्रुप के इर्द-गिर्द घूमती है, जिनके पास जीवन में दिशा और मार्गदर्शन की कमी है। जब एक बुजुर्ग दंपति, अर्जुन और गीता, उनके पड़ोस में रहने आते हैं, तो वे शुरू में इन युवाओं के व्यवहार से परेशान होते हैं। हालाँकि, जब उन्हें यह समझ में आता है कि ये युवा अच्छे दिल वाले अनाथ हैं, लेकिन उनके काम गलत हैं, तो उनका नज़रिया बदल जाता है। घटनाओं की एक श्रृंखला के माध्यम से – विशेष रूप से जब लड़कों में से एक, करण, अनजाने में गीता की मदद करता है – दंपति उन्हें सलाह देने का फैसला करता है। उनका समर्थन न केवल करण के जीवन को बदलता है, बल्कि अन्य युवाओं के जीवन को भी बदल देता है, जो दयालुता और सलाह के गहन प्रभाव को दर्शाता है।

सवाल :-   आप दर्शकों को इस फिल्म से क्या संदेश देना चाहती हैं? रमीरा तनेजा:-  वाइल्ड फ्लावर्स का मुख्य संदेश सरल लेकिन गहरा है – दयालुता के छोटे-छोटे कामों की शक्ति को कभी कम मत समझो। दूसरों की मदद करना, चाहे छोटे-छोटे तरीकों से ही क्यों न हो, अच्छाई एक लहर जैसा प्रभाव पैदा कर सकती है। लोग, स्वभाव से, स्वाभाविक रूप से अच्छे होते हैं, और अगर उन्हें सही समर्थन और अवसर दिए जाएँ, तो वे अपनी क्षमता को सकारात्मक बदलाव की ओर मोड़ सकते हैं।

सवाल :-  क्या फिल्मांकन के दौरान कहानी विकसित हुई?

रमीरा तनेजा:-   इसकी कहानी मूल रूप से अनिल क्रिस्टी द्वारा लिखी गई थी, लेकिन यह फिल्मांकन के दौरान स्वाभाविक रूप से विकसित हुई। हमें लोकेशन की कमी, एक्टर की उपलब्धता और कहानी के प्रवाह के आधार पर सेट पर सुधार करना पड़ा। कहानी का सार वही रहा, लेकिन वास्तविक समय में अनुकूलन ने परफॉर्मेंस और कहानी कहने में प्रामाणिकता जोड़ दी।

सवाल :-  प्रमुख निर्देशकों की सहायक रहने और एक फीचर फिल्म का सह-निर्माण करने के बाद, आपने अपने करियर के इस चरण में एक लघु फिल्म बनाने का विकल्प क्यों चुना?

रमीरा तनेजा:-   मैं फिल्म निर्माण के व्यवसाय को बहुत अच्छी तरह से समझती हूं, और मेरा मानना है कि कहानी कहने को विभिन्न माध्यमों में अनुकूलित किया जाना चाहिए। नए प्लेटफ़ॉर्म के उदय और दर्शकों की बदलती प्राथमिकताओं के साथ, कोई भी माध्यम बहुत बड़ा या बहुत छोटा नहीं है। लघु फिल्में हमें संक्षिप्त प्रारूप में एक शक्तिशाली संदेश देने की अनुमति देती हैं, और इस मामले में, वाइल्ड फ्लावर्स केवल 6 मिनट और 20 सेकंड में अपना संदेश खूबसूरती से व्यक्त करती है।

सवाल :-   इस लघु फिल्म को बनाने में सबसे बड़ी चुनौती क्या थी?

रमीरा तनेजा:-   सबसे बड़ी चुनौती समय थी। मैं अनिल क्रिस्टी से तब मिली जब वे फिल्म के अन्य अभिनेताओं त्रेहान और बबीता के साथ भारत में थे। वे दूर के परिवार से मिलने के लिए लंदन से सिर्फ़ दो दिनों के लिए आए थे। जो एक सामान्य चर्चा के रूप में शुरू हुआ, वह 24 घंटे की फिल्म निर्माण चुनौती में बदल गया। हमें लंदन के लिए रवाना होने से एक दिन पहले फिल्म का कॉन्सेप्ट बनाना था, शूट करना था और संपादित करना था। लगभग बिना किसी बजट के, हमने इस कहानी को जीवंत करने के लिए सद्भावना, वास्तविक स्थानों और गैर-अभिनेताओं पर भरोसा किया। यह एक गहन लेकिन पुरस्कृत अनुभव था।

सवाल :-   आपकी फिल्म अब तक कहां प्रदर्शित हुई है?

रमीरा तनेजा:-   फिल्म बिल्कुल नई है, और हमने हाल ही में बॉबी वत्स के प्लेटफ़ॉर्म क्रिएटिवकर्मा.इन पर इसका प्रीमियर करने का फैसला किया है। पहली स्क्रीनिंग 14 फरवरी, वैलेंटाइन डे पर होगी, क्योंकि फिल्म उम्र, पृष्ठभूमि या परिस्थितियों से परे प्यार और दयालुता का जश्न मनाती है।

सवाल :- एक फिल्म निर्देशक के रूप में आपके लिए आगे क्या है? क्या आप किसी नए प्रोजेक्ट पर काम कर रहे हैं?

रमीरा तनेजा:-   मैं वर्तमान में थ्रिलर, रोमांस और एक्शन सहित विभिन्न शैलियों में कई स्क्रिप्ट विकसित कर रही हूं। मैं जल्द ही और अधिक विवरण साझा करने की उम्मीद करती हूं, और उम्मीद है कि निकट भविष्य में मेरी अगली परियोजना की घोषणा की जाएगी।

सवाल :- आप महत्वाकांक्षी लघु फिल्म फिल्म निर्माताओं को क्या सलाह देंगी?

रमीरा तनेजा:-   अपने विजन के प्रति सच्चे रहें। ऐसी फिल्में बनाएं जो आपको व्यक्तिगत रूप से प्रभावित करें क्योंकि प्रामाणिकता आपके काम में झलकती है। एक फिल्म निर्माता को खुद और अपने शिल्प दोनों के प्रति ईमानदार होना चाहिए। साथ ही, अपने पास उपलब्ध संसाधनों का उपयोग करें- बाधाएं अक्सर रचनात्मक सफलताओं की ओर ले जा सकती हैं। सही अवसर का इंतजार न करें; जो आपके पास है, उसी से शुरुआत करें और कुछ सार्थक बनाएं।


निर्देशक रमीरा तनेजा की शॉर्ट फिल्म ‘वाइल्ड फ्लावर्स’ ऐसे युवाओं की कहानी है, जिनके पास लक्ष्य नहीं है

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प्रियंका सिंह और माही श्रीवास्तव का बहुत बड़ा सांग ‘रसभरी’ वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स ने किया रिलीज

Posted by on Feb 13, 2025 in Albums | 0 comments

सिंगर प्रियंका सिंह और एक्ट्रेस माही श्रीवास्तव की हिट जोड़ी बहुत बड़ा ब्लास्ट भोजपुरी सांग ‘रसभरी’ आडियंस के बीच आ गया है। इस गाने में माही श्रीवास्तव रसभरी बनकर सबसे खूबसूरत अप्सरा रंभा उर्वशी से टक्कर ले रही हैं। वह अपनी नजाकत और कातिल अदा से सबको दीवाना पागल घायल बना रही हैं। इस गाने को नये अंदाज में सिंगर प्रियंका सिंह ने गाकर अपनी सुरीली आवाज का जादू चला रही है। यह फुल इंटरटेनिंग वीडियो सांग वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स भोजपुरी ने अपने ऑफिसियल यूट्यूब चैनल पर रिलीज किया है। सिंगर प्रियंका सिंह और एक्ट्रेस माही श्रीवास्तव की कयामत ढाने वाली जोड़ी में आया यह बिग ब्लॉस्ट सांग तहलका मचा रहा है। महँगे लोकेशन, महँगे कॉस्ट्यूम और काफी ज्यादा कोरस डांसर के साथ शूट किया गया यह सांग सबको हैरान कर रहा है।

इस गाने के वीडियो में माही श्रीवास्तव कमाल के एक्सप्रेशन के साथ डांस का तड़का लगाते हुए महफ़िल लूट रही हैं और खूबसूरत अंदाज़ में फुल टू धमाल मचा रही है। बिंदास डांस करते हुए कहती है कि…

‘हम त खिल के कली से फूल भइनी, लोग कहे बड़ी ब्यूटीफुल भइनी, हमरा नैना के अल्हड़ दीवाना कहे, दिल माँगे के लाईन रोजाना रहे, बाटे ऑप्शन हजार करि जेकरा से प्यार, ना बुझाता कि हम केकरा प मरी, पोर पोर भरल बाटे हमरा हनी, हाय हम का करी, केहू रंभा केहू त कहे उर्वशी हाय हम का करी…’

इस गाने को लेकर माही श्रीवास्तव कहती हैं कि ‘मैंने अब तक सारे गाने वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स म्यूजिक कंपनी से किया है, लेकिन हमारा यह सांग एक अलग ही एहसास दिला रहा है। ये सांग मेरे दिल के बहुत करीब है। क्योंकि सांग बहुत ही बड़े पैमाने पर फिल्माया गया है, जो दर्शकों को खूब पसंद आ रहा है। मैं अपने फैंस और ऑडियंस को तहेदिल से धन्यवाद देती हूं, जो इस गाने को अपना भरपूर प्यार आशीर्वाद दे रहे हैं।

प्रियंका सिंह ने कहा कि ये गाना बहुत ही सुंदर बना है मुझे उम्मीद है कि गाना जल्द ही मिलेनियम क्लब में शामिल होकर सोशल मीडिया में धमाल मचाएगा।

वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स प्रस्तुत बिग ब्लॉस्ट सांग ‘रसभरी’ के निर्माता रत्नाकर कुमार हैं। इस गीत को सिंगर प्रियंका सिंह ने गाया है। इसके वीडियो में एक्ट्रेस माही श्रीवास्तव ने शानदार अदायगी किया है। इस गाने को गीतकार पिंकू बाबा ने लिखा है, जबकि संगीतकार विनय विनायक ने मधुर संगीत दिया है। वीडियो डायरेक्टर संदीप शर्मा, डीओपी हनी काम, कोरियोग्राफर अमित स्टाइल, असोसिएशट डायरेक्टर खुशी शर्मा, एडिटर जैस सिंह सरारी हैं। डीआई रोहित सिंह, मिक्स एंड मास्टर बीनुव ने किया है। इस गाने का ऑल राइट वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स के पास है।


प्रियंका सिंह और माही श्रीवास्तव का बहुत बड़ा सांग ‘रसभरी’ वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स ने किया रिलीज

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प्रियंका सिंह और माही श्रीवास्तव का बहुत बड़ा सांग ‘रसभरी’ वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स ने किया रिलीज

Posted by on Feb 13, 2025 in Albums | 0 comments

सिंगर प्रियंका सिंह और एक्ट्रेस माही श्रीवास्तव की हिट जोड़ी बहुत बड़ा ब्लास्ट भोजपुरी सांग ‘रसभरी’ आडियंस के बीच आ गया है। इस गाने में माही श्रीवास्तव रसभरी बनकर सबसे खूबसूरत अप्सरा रंभा उर्वशी से टक्कर ले रही हैं। वह अपनी नजाकत और कातिल अदा से सबको दीवाना पागल घायल बना रही हैं। इस गाने को नये अंदाज में सिंगर प्रियंका सिंह ने गाकर अपनी सुरीली आवाज का जादू चला रही है। यह फुल इंटरटेनिंग वीडियो सांग वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स भोजपुरी ने अपने ऑफिसियल यूट्यूब चैनल पर रिलीज किया है। सिंगर प्रियंका सिंह और एक्ट्रेस माही श्रीवास्तव की कयामत ढाने वाली जोड़ी में आया यह बिग ब्लॉस्ट सांग तहलका मचा रहा है। महँगे लोकेशन, महँगे कॉस्ट्यूम और काफी ज्यादा कोरस डांसर के साथ शूट किया गया यह सांग सबको हैरान कर रहा है।

इस गाने के वीडियो में माही श्रीवास्तव कमाल के एक्सप्रेशन के साथ डांस का तड़का लगाते हुए महफ़िल लूट रही हैं और खूबसूरत अंदाज़ में फुल टू धमाल मचा रही है। बिंदास डांस करते हुए कहती है कि…

‘हम त खिल के कली से फूल भइनी, लोग कहे बड़ी ब्यूटीफुल भइनी, हमरा नैना के अल्हड़ दीवाना कहे, दिल माँगे के लाईन रोजाना रहे, बाटे ऑप्शन हजार करि जेकरा से प्यार, ना बुझाता कि हम केकरा प मरी, पोर पोर भरल बाटे हमरा हनी, हाय हम का करी, केहू रंभा केहू त कहे उर्वशी हाय हम का करी…’

इस गाने को लेकर माही श्रीवास्तव कहती हैं कि ‘मैंने अब तक सारे गाने वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स म्यूजिक कंपनी से किया है, लेकिन हमारा यह सांग एक अलग ही एहसास दिला रहा है। ये सांग मेरे दिल के बहुत करीब है। क्योंकि सांग बहुत ही बड़े पैमाने पर फिल्माया गया है, जो दर्शकों को खूब पसंद आ रहा है। मैं अपने फैंस और ऑडियंस को तहेदिल से धन्यवाद देती हूं, जो इस गाने को अपना भरपूर प्यार आशीर्वाद दे रहे हैं।

प्रियंका सिंह ने कहा कि ये गाना बहुत ही सुंदर बना है मुझे उम्मीद है कि गाना जल्द ही मिलेनियम क्लब में शामिल होकर सोशल मीडिया में धमाल मचाएगा।

वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स प्रस्तुत बिग ब्लॉस्ट सांग ‘रसभरी’ के निर्माता रत्नाकर कुमार हैं। इस गीत को सिंगर प्रियंका सिंह ने गाया है। इसके वीडियो में एक्ट्रेस माही श्रीवास्तव ने शानदार अदायगी किया है। इस गाने को गीतकार पिंकू बाबा ने लिखा है, जबकि संगीतकार विनय विनायक ने मधुर संगीत दिया है। वीडियो डायरेक्टर संदीप शर्मा, डीओपी हनी काम, कोरियोग्राफर अमित स्टाइल, असोसिएशट डायरेक्टर खुशी शर्मा, एडिटर जैस सिंह सरारी हैं। डीआई रोहित सिंह, मिक्स एंड मास्टर बीनुव ने किया है। इस गाने का ऑल राइट वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स के पास है।


प्रियंका सिंह और माही श्रीवास्तव का बहुत बड़ा सांग ‘रसभरी’ वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स ने किया रिलीज

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URBAN WHISPERS Solo Show Of Paintings By Renowned Artist Ajit Deswandikar At Jehangir Art Gallery

Posted by on Feb 13, 2025 in Art Exhibition | 0 comments

From 11th to 17th February 2025

“Urban Whispers”

The Cityscapes by renowned artist Ajit Deswandikar


Jehangir Art Gallery

161-B, M.G. Road

Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001

Timing: 11am to 7pm

Contact: +91 9322234057

This show was inaugurated on 11th February 2025 by Chief Guest Shri.Prakash Bal Joshi(Senior Journalist, Eminent Artist, and Writer), Guests of Honor Dr. Sanjay Bhide(Founder & Convenor, Trans Asian Chamber of Commerce & Industry), Shri. Aleksander Perminov(Representative, Russian Chamber of Commerce & Industry),  Shri. Jesus Alejandro De la Rosa (Consul of Mexico), Shri. Graham London (Graffic Artist from UK). Smt. Fiona Graham Rouse Art Lover and the Wife of Consul General of New Zealand), Smt. Sarala N. (Managing Director, Artquest Art Gallery(AAG).

Urban Whispers: The Cityscapes of Ajit Deswandikar Ajit Deswandikar’s upcoming solo show offers a poignant glimpse into the heart of India’s urban existence. With a masterful hand, he captures the hustle and quietude of city streets, where life unfolds in layers. His subdued palette of whites and greys mirrors the muted tones of urban chaos. Yet, amidst the quiet monotones, a splash of vibrant color breathes life into his compositions. Rickshaw pullers pause mid-journey, their silhouettes etched against crumbling buildings. Vendors gather in bustling markets, their movements merging into a rhythmic urban dance. Streams of water wind their way through the city, reflecting the gritty skyline. Tall, looming structures frame the horizon, marking the city’s relentless growth. The skylines Deswandikar paints are not mere backdrops but protagonists in their own right. His work speaks of the fragile balance between progress and the remnants of the past. Through restrained hues, he conveys the resilience of those who inhabit these spaces. A lone streak of red or yellow symbolizes hope amid the greys of urban monotony. The artist’s brush strokes are deliberate yet fluid, echoing the city’s dynamism. Every frame is a narrative, alive with the pulse of humanity and its struggles. Deswandikar’s cityscapes are not just visuals but a sensory experience. You can almost hear the honking rickshaws and the chatter of street vendors. The juxtaposition of stillness and motion defines his artistic language. In his work, modernity coexists with traces of a simpler, bygone era. Ajit Deswandikar invites us to pause and reflect on our relationship with urban spaces. His paintings remind us that beneath the grey, every city holds a vivid, untold story.

———- Prakash Bal Joshi


URBAN WHISPERS Solo Show Of Paintings By Renowned Artist Ajit Deswandikar At Jehangir Art Gallery

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Dr. Anurita Kapur: An American, Visionary Leader Bridging Medicine, Diplomacy, Intelligence, Political Science And Global Security

Posted by on Feb 12, 2025 in Exclusive News | 0 comments

In a world where healthcare, diplomacy, and national security intersect, Dr. Anurita Kapur stands as a remarkable figure who embodies an exceptional blend of her expertises and dedication. With an impressive array of qualifications—including M.D., A.S., B.S., M.A.S., and M.S.—Dr. Kapur’s journey is nothing short of inspiring. Her accolades, such as being inducted into the Omicron Sigma Sigma Order of Sword Shield and receiving the National Honor Award Gold Medal, highlight her commitment to excellence in both her professional undertakings and humanitarian efforts.

Born into a family with a rich legacy of political involvement in the United States, Dr. Kapur has played a significant role in shaping the electoral landscape since 2009. As Dr. Kapur was a U.S. Presidential candidate herself in 2024, she was honored to have the trust and endorsement of the American people by ballot votes for her, vying for the prestigious position of U.S. President for 2025. Her deep-rooted ties to American history extend back five generations, showcasing a legacy of support for prominent leaders and the U.S. Presidents including Hon. President John F. Kennedy.

Anurita was a supporter, campaigner, donor and endorser of Hon. Donald J. Trump in 2015 to present.

Dr. Kapur’s academic journey is equally commendable. With a perfect 4.0 GPA, she has excelled in her studies at some of the most prestigious American universities in the world, she also attended Harvard University.  She honed her skills in medicine, law, intelligence (specializations in national & global security, terrorism studies & WMDs CBRNEs), political science and diplomatic international relations. This solid educational background has empowered her to tackle some of the most pressing issues of our time, particularly in the fields of terrorism studies, national security, WMD’s (CBRNEs) and emergency management.

Her career spans a multitude of sectors, including her impactful work at the United Nations Institute of Training and Research in Geneva, and as a producer at the United Nations headquarters in New York City. Dr. Kapur has engaged with heads of states from 193 countries, participating in high-level sessions at the UN Security Council and UN General Assembly as well as contributing to organizations such as the World Health Organization, International Monetary Fund, and European Union and more.

In the aviation industry, Dr. Kapur had made strides as a contracted professional, engaged in the commercial acquisition and sales of aircraft, further showcasing her versatile skill set.

As a successful medical administrator since 2002, she founded Livingston Medical Groups (LMG), dedicated to delivering high-quality medical services to underserved populations. Her vision extends globally with plans for Trillion Dollar Medical Projects aimed at establishing state-of-the-art hospitals in the U. S. and worldwide, elevating healthcare standards to match those found in the United States.

A person of extraordinary achievements, Dr. Kapur’s legacy is also tied to her heritage, as she is the great-great-granddaughter of Emperor Maharaja Ranjit Singh of Punjab, India. This royal lineage influences her leadership style, embedding cultural wisdom and a sense of responsibility toward her community.

Dr. Anurita Kapur considers Bollywood film director Rajesh Bhatt as her best friend who keeps guiding her from time to time.

As a visionary, she stated, “I diligently strive to create and sustain: understanding, love, peace, security, stability and prosperity to prevail globally in our world and in the entire cosmos.”

With this note, Dr. Kapur stated, “In the U.S. , I promote, endorse and advocate for Artificial Intelligence (AI) fundings to bring into action proper research, training and integration of (AI) into human lives.  This action should start by providing proper human training and within the governing bodies. In order to implement (AI) into action, we require proper laws to govern (AI).”

As Dr. Anurita Kapur continues to break barriers and create meaningful change, she remains a beacon of hope and inspiration for future generations, exemplifying how one individual can profoundly affect the medical, political, diplomatic,

intelligence and global landscape. Her commitment to gold standards, excellence, leadership, and service ensures that her contributions will resonate for years to come, solidifying her place as a transformative figure in the modern world.

Written by Robin Hayes


United States of America

Dr. Anurita Kapur: An American, Visionary Leader Bridging Medicine, Diplomacy, Intelligence, Political Science And Global Security

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Webinar Recap: A Groundbreaking Initiative In Diabetes Reversal, Webinar Hosted By Arun Gandhi

Posted by on Feb 10, 2025 in Special News | 0 comments

The “Destroying Diabetes: Interpretation & Implementation” webinar, hosted by IIS USA, was a resounding success, bringing together experts from diverse fields to deliver powerful insights and real-world solutions for diabetes prevention and reversal. With an engaged audience and transformative discussions, this event marked a significant step toward actionable health solutions.

The session was opened by Arun Gandhi, Founder of IIS USA and the sole sponsor of the event, whose vision for holistic well-being and impactful change set the stage for an enlightening discussion. Each speaker provided unique and practical insights, equipping attendees with knowledge that extends far beyond conventional approaches.

Key Takeaways from Our Esteemed Speakers:

*  Madhura Kulkarni – The importance of preconceptional detox and how early intervention can shape long-term health.

*  Vaidya Ashlesha Raut – A deep dive into the role of diet in preventing and reversing diabetes.

*  Mr. Jay – The essential role of minerals in diabetes management and overall wellness.

*  Dr. Navinji Gupta – Practical, science-backed steps toward type 2 diabetes reversal.

*  Dr. Garimaji Agrawal – Understanding the link between stress and diabetes and effective management techniques.

*  Dr. Vanita Sharma – Epigenetics and diabetes, exploring how lifestyle choices influence genetic expression.

*  Dr. Udai Kulkarni – The concept of detox and its critical role in metabolic health.

*  Dr. Vijay Kushvaha – Real-life experiences and evidence supporting diabetes reversal strategies.

This interactive session was more than just a discussion—it was a movement toward transformation. Attendees left with clarity, confidence, and actionable steps to take charge of their health and contribute to a larger mission of wellness and sustainability.

Next Steps & Taking the Mission Forward

The insights shared in this webinar are just the beginning. IIS USA is committed to expanding this initiative, offering practical solutions and creating a platform for global impact. Attendees are encouraged to apply the knowledge gained, share their learnings, and stay connected for future sessions and collaborations.

A special thank you to Arun Gandhi for his vision and unwavering support in making this event possible, and to all our speakers for their invaluable contributions. Together, we are not just discussing change—we are driving it.

Stay tuned for more initiatives from IIS USA as we continue shaping a healthier, diabetes-free future!

Webinar Recap: A Groundbreaking Initiative In Diabetes Reversal, Webinar, Hosted By IIS USA

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One World One Family Cup 2025: Cricket For A Cause Concludes

Posted by on Feb 10, 2025 in Special News | 0 comments

Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli – February 08, 2025: The second edition of the One World One Family Cup (OWOF Cup), a unique cricketing event uniting sports and humanitarian service, concluded successfully at Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli. Spearheaded by Sri Madhusudan Sai Global Humanitarian Mission (SMSGHM) under the guidance of Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai, the event saw retired cricketing legends come together to support the noble cause of Nutrition, Health, and Education for All.

The much-anticipated match witnessed cricketing greats from India and Sri Lanka, including Venkatesh Prasad, Irfan Pathan, Yusuf Pathan, Marvan Atapattu, Aravinda De Silva, Muthiah Muralitharan, Arjuna Ranatunga, and Chaminda Vaas, among others, competing with great fervor.

Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai, the visionary behind this initiative, stated, “The One World One Family Cup is more than just a cricket match; it is a platform where the sporting fraternity unites for a greater cause—to uplift those deprived of essential necessities like education, healthcare, and nutrition. This is a testament to our commitment to humanity, and I am grateful to all those who took time to join hands in spreading the message of unity and compassion.”

Cricketing legend Dr. Sunil Gavaskar, who presided over the event, added, “Cricket for a Cause is a celebration of humanity. In India, cricket is more than a sport—it is a unifying force. Nothing is more meaningful than cricketing icons coming together to support millions through such a noble initiative. We deeply appreciate the efforts of Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai in organizing this remarkable event. We look forward to returning for the third edition next year.”

Under the leadership of Venkatesh PrasadOne World (India) secured a thrilling six-run victory over One Family (Sri Lanka). However, in the spirit of OWOF, the match had no losers—only winners united by the love for cricket and a commitment to global welfare.

Captain Venkatesh Prasad reflected on the significance of the event, stating, “Winning or losing does not matter here; the real victory is in the lives that will be transformed through this initiative. We are humbled to contribute to SMSGHM’s mission of providing free education, healthcare, and nutrition to the needy.”

Echoing similar sentiments, Marvan Atapattu, Captain of One Family (Sri Lanka), expressed his gratitude, saying, “It is an honor for us Sri Lankans to be part of this initiative. Cricket has the power to unite, and today, it has brought us together to serve humanity. We look forward to more such opportunities.”

Adding to the excitement, Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai announced the launch of the Vishwanath-Gavaskar Cricket Academy for Boys at Sri Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli. This free-of-cost residential cricket academy, named in honor of legendary cricketers, will select students purely on merit, ensuring that deserving young talents receive professional training without financial constraints.

Engraved with the message “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”—The World is One Family—the One World One Family Cup 2025 successfully embodied the spirit of unity and collective responsibility.

One World One Family is a humanitarian movement led by Sri Madhusudan Sai, dedicated to uplifting marginalized communities through transformative initiatives in Nutrition, Education, and Healthcare. Over the past 12 years, the Sri Madhusudan Sai Global Humanitarian Mission has positively impacted over 13 million lives worldwide informed Dr Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios and Chancellor of AAFT University while talking to the press. The One World One Family movement continues to pave the way for a future where compassion leads the way, ensuring that no one is left behind added Marwah.

One World One Family Cup 2025: Cricket For A Cause Concludes

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Rajasthani Cinema’s Rising Star Priya Rajpoot Set To Make A Mark With TAANDAV 2

Posted by on Feb 9, 2025 in Actress | 0 comments

Rajasthani actress Priya Rajpoot is ready to shine in the spotlight with her role in Taandav 2, the much-anticipated sequel to a blockbuster hit. This exciting opportunity marks a bold shift from her established career in Rajasthani cinema, where she has already made a significant impact.

Priya’s love for acting sparked during her school days, where her natural charm won over many. As she matured, her passion only grew, leading her to star in popular Rajasthani films like Nani Bai, Rakhi Ro Kawach, and Jawai Ji Pavana.

Now, with Taandav 2, Priya is stepping into uncharted territory by portraying a negative character, showcasing her range as an actress. She’s thrilled about this new role and hopes the audience will connect with her character.

Her enthusiasm for acting is contagious, and her commitment to elevating Rajasthani cinema is admirable. Priya believes that with the right promotion, Rajasthani films can truly resonate with audiences far and wide.

As she prepares for the release of Taandav 2, Priya is also diving into another exciting project, Mhare Shyam. With these two films on the horizon, she’s set to make a significant impact in the entertainment world, and we’re eager to see what she brings to the table.

Priya Rajpoot’s journey reflects her dedication, hard work, and love for her craft. As she continues to break new ground and embrace fresh challenges, it’s clear she’s on her way to becoming one of the most talented and versatile actresses around.


Rajasthani Cinema’s Rising Star Priya Rajpoot Set To Make A Mark With TAANDAV 2

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D PAC: The Independent Rap Sensation Redefining Hip-Hop With Authenticity

Posted by on Feb 8, 2025 in Trending News | 0 comments

In an era where commercialized rap dominates the airwaves, independent artist D PAC is carving his own path with raw storytelling, relentless hustle, and a commitment to real music. From humble beginnings to a rising star in the underground rap scene, his journey is a testament to resilience, hard work, and staying true to one’s roots.

Born and raised in a modest household, D PAC moved abroad as an international student, balancing multiple jobs while chasing his passion for music. The struggles of working 16-hour shifts to pay tuition and rent fueled his lyrics, giving birth to tracks that speak to the heart of every dreamer and hustler. His breakthrough came with “7 Sins,” a conceptual album that explores the complexities of human nature through gripping narratives and hard-hitting beats.

Now, he is gearing up for his next ambitious project, “DPACYCLOPEDIA,” a 17-track album that delves into the grind, struggles, and triumphs of an independent artist. His music isn’t just about beats and rhymes—it’s a movement, inspiring a generation of dreamers to push forward despite the odds.

With a rapidly growing fanbase and a reputation for unfiltered lyricism, D PAC stands as a beacon of independent rap, proving that authenticity and perseverance can break barriers. As he puts it: “Hustle don’t sleep, and neither do I. Dreams take wings when you aim for the sky.”


D PAC: The Independent Rap Sensation Redefining Hip-Hop With Authenticity

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The Curvy Glamour Ms. Mumbai Plus Size 2025 Season-1 Beauty Pageant, Presented By Meghana Charitable Trust (MCT)

Posted by on Feb 8, 2025 in Trending News | 0 comments

The Curvy Glamour Ms. Mumbai Plus Size 2025 Season 1,  beauty pageant, presented by Meghana Charitable Trust (MCT), took place over two days on January 29th and 30th, 2025, at the Country Club in Andheri West, Mumbai. This inaugural event was organized by Curvy Glamour, an initiative founder by  Meghana Shendge (Founder), Sapna Pillai (Managing Director), and Bharat Shendge (Art Director), with the goal of empowering plus-size women and redefining traditional beauty standards.

The pageant featured a series of events designed to showcase the talents, confidence, and elegance of the participants. The contestants engaged in various rounds, including *1wear, **evening gowns, and **talent showcases*, providing them with a platform to display their unique abilities and personalities.

The *vision of Meghana Shendge* was to approach women from all walks of life, from simple housewives to high-level executives, encouraging them to participate in the *Curvy Glamour Beauty Pageant. This vision aims to send a powerful message that there should be **equality for all sizes and shapes, challenging societal norms about beauty. Through this event, Curvy Glamour has proven its ability to perform on an **international level*, spreading this important message across the world.

The *international level* aspect of the pageant reflects Curvy Glamour’s ambition to not only celebrate plus-size beauty locally but to position this message on the global stage. With the participation of international guests, influencers, and media coverage, the pageant has demonstrated its potential to reach and inspire audiences worldwide. By showcasing diverse beauty standards and the empowerment of plus-size women, Curvy Glamour has successfully bridged cultural boundaries and created an event that resonates with audiences beyond India.

The pageant’s success was not only about the participants’ journey but also about the visibility it provided to the global conversation on body positivity, inclusivity, and self-love. Through partnerships with international brands and media, Curvy Glamour aims to continue expanding its reach, sending a message of body acceptance that transcends borders and promoting the idea that true beauty is not confined to any one standard.

*Curvy Glamour, under the leadership of **Ms. Meghana Shendge*, is dedicated to celebrating diversity and promoting self-love among women of all sizes. The organization believes that true beauty and intelligence come from within and that confidence is the key to shining brightly.

The success of this inaugural event marks a significant step forward in challenging societal norms and empowering plus-size women in *Mumbai, **India, and on an **international level*.


Here’s the revised paragraph with Mr. Suresh Gupta added as a Guest of Honor and Sponsor:

The event was a remarkable success, with an impressive list of honored guests, performances, and special recognitions. Highlights include:

*Guests of Honor*:

Ashish shelar cabinet minister

Varsha Gaikwad Mp

Aslam shaikh ex cabinet minister Main Adviser

Mr. Vinod Shelar (BJP Leader)

Shabbir Shaikh (Fortune Lifeline Media & Entertainments)

Mrs. Rupal Mohta (Mrs. Indian Universe)

Mr. Suresh Gupta (Owner of All India Cine Worker Association)

*Celebrities in Attendance*:

Brijendra Kala

Hemant Choudhary

Dilip Sen

Sunil Pal

Sonam Arora

*Distinguished Guests*:

Mr. Chetan Parikh (Director, ITPL, UK)

Mr. SunnyBhushan Mungekar (Actor-Producer)

*Notable Performances*:

Ambika Pujari – performed Ganesh Vandana.

Child Artist Sai Shendge – showcased a captivating ramp walk and dance.

Pallavi Thorave – gave an outstanding performance.

Daisy Vazirani – delivered a stunning dance performance.

Shabbir Shaikh – walked the ramp to the song “Azeemushshan Shehenshah.”

*Special Recognitions*:

Makeup Partner Sunny Agarwal  and the Lakmé Academy Malad Makeup Team were honored.

All Jury Members  were felicitated by Sapna, Bharat Sir, and Meghana.

Celebrities  Dilip Sen, Sunil Pal, and Sonam Arora received special honors.

* Acknowledgments*:

– He honored the Sarkari Baccha film team.

– Praised Meghana Shendge for empowering individuals and supporting the event.

– Honored *Rupal Mohta, who joined *Sunil Pal and Sonam Arora for a ramp walk.

*Beauty Pageant Winners*:

Here’s the formatted list of contestants for *Curvy Glamour Ms Mumbai Plus Size 2025 – Season 1*:

*Beauty Pageant Winners*:

*Winner: *Advocate *Latika Raghuvanshi

*First Runner-up: *Jidnyasa Chavan

*Second Runner-up: *Miss Kashmira Swain

*Ms. Malti Pal*

*Ms. Shila Jadhav*

*Ms. Priyanka Kapadia*

*Ms. Sunanda Mane*

*Ms. Sonali Sawant*

*Ms. Mallet Pereirra*

*Ms. Jinu Solkar*

*Ms. Minal More*

*Ms. Chitra Kakade*

. *Closing Remarks*:

– The event was widely appreciated for its success and Meghana Shendge’s initiative in empowering individuals.

– Special honors were also given to all *executives*, including Mohammad Rais, Executive Arun Harinan , Recruitment Manager Ronaldo Rosario, Curvy Glamour executive Lavina Nazareth. Special honors to Directors of Curvy Glamour Ms Sapna Pillai Managing Director and Bharat Shendge Art Director and Honour to Host Mayuri.

This spectacular event not only celebrated beauty but also highlighted the importance of self-confidence, empowerment, and community support.

*A Grand Celebration of Confidence: Plus-Size Beauty Pageant 2025* 

The *Plus-Size Beauty Pageant 2025, organized by **Curvy Glamour, was a spectacular event that celebrated confidence, beauty, and empowerment. Held in association with **Mr. Shabbir Shaikh, owner of Fortune Lifeline Media and Entertainment*, the pageant was not just about crowning winners but about redefining societal beauty standards and encouraging body positivity.

*An Esteemed Jury Panel* 

The event featured a distinguished panel of jury members, each bringing their expertise and charm to the competition:

Jury Members :

– Main Judge *Vijay Bhaviskar* – A renowned celebrity choreographer, known for his creative expertise in the entertainment industry.

– *SunnyBhushan Mungekar* – A celebrated Marathi actor, producer, and director with a passion for storytelling.

– *Pallavi Thorave* – A well-known Marathi actress and a skilled Lavani dancer, adding cultural richness to the event.

– *Azia Sabarwal* – Maven Plus Size West Zone Winner 2024, a role model for plus-size women.

– *Tina Dey* – Maven Plus Size East Zone Winner 2024, known for her elegance and confidence.

– Deepashri Sunny Bhushan Mungekar

– Actress and Drama Artist

The jury members were not just there to judge but also to inspire. A highlight of the evening was when they walked the ramp, exuding grace and confidence, proving that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.

*Special Guests Who Added Prestige to the Event* 

The event was graced by several influential personalities, making it even more prestigious:

– *Miss Rupal Mohata* – Miss India Universe, a symbol of beauty and grace.

– *Ms. Neha Suradkar* – Co-founder of Yogee/Yogez, a fashion educator, and style coach who inspires women to embrace their true selves.

– *Ms. Vibhuti / Ms. Supriya* – Founders of Areeka Creations, known for their innovative contributions to the fashion industry.

– *Mr. Sunny Agarwal* – A Lakmé makeup partner who played a significant role in enhancing the contestants’ looks.

– *Ms. Prajakta Desai* – Owner of Bow’s Button’s, an entrepreneur promoting style and fashion.

– *Mr. Parveen Chandra* – Mumbai Head of Diamond Group of Publications, supporting media and entertainment.

The presence of these dignitaries not only added credibility to the event but also reinforced the message of empowerment, inclusivity, and self-love.

*A Celebration of Beauty Beyond Size* 

The contestants, dressed in *Nauvari sarees with an ethnic look, followed by **elegant evening gowns*, walked the ramp with poise and confidence. The event was not just about competition but about celebrating each woman’s journey, struggles, and triumphs.

With every step, the message of *body positivity and self-acceptance* resonated with the audience. The contestants’ transformations, confidence, and sheer elegance proved that beauty is not limited to conventional standards but is defined by *strength, grace, and individuality*.

*A Night to Remember* 

The Plus-Size Beauty Pageant 2025 was more than just an event—it was a movement. A movement that shattered stereotypes, empowered women, and proved that confidence is the key to beauty.

With such a grand success, *Curvy Glamour* continues to inspire and pave the way for a more inclusive world. We look forward to witnessing even more remarkable moments in the future!

The Curvy Glamour Ms. Mumbai Plus Size 2025 Season-1 Beauty Pageant, Presented By Meghana Charitable Trust (MCT)

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At His Son’s Wedding, Gautam Adani Commits To Seva Sets An Example By Donating INR 10,000 Cr For Social Causes

Posted by on Feb 8, 2025 in Breaking News | 0 comments

Ahmedabad, 7 Feb 2025: On his visit last month to the Maha Kumbh Mela, Gautam Adani had said that his son’s wedding would be conducted in a “simple and traditional way.” Staying true to his word, and also ending all rumours and speculation that his son Jeet Adani’s wedding would be a lavish and spectacular affair, the billionaire industrialist not only kept the wedding simple but also donated INR 10,000 crore. This distinctive wedding gift from one of the richest men in the world will be channelled into various social causes.

Sources close to him said that Gautam Adani’s cause list for his sizeable donation has been shaped by his social philosophy of सेवा साधना है, सेवा प्रार्थना है और सेवा ही परमात्मा है| The larger part of his donation is expected to go into funding massive infrastructure initiatives in healthcare, education and skill development. These initiatives will focus on giving all sections of society access to a network of affordable world-class hospitals and medical colleges, affordable top-tier K-12 schools and advanced global skill academies with assured employability.

On the occasion of the wedding of his younger son, Gautam Adani posted on X (formerly Twitter):

परमपिता परमेश्वर के आशीर्वाद से जीत और दिवा आज विवाह के पवित्र बंधन में बंध गए।

यह विवाह आज अहमदाबाद में प्रियजनों के बीच पारंपरिक रीति रिवाजों और शुभ मंगल भाव के साथ संपन्न हुआ।

यह एक छोटा और अत्यंत निजी समारोह था, इसलिए हम चाह कर भी सभी शुभचिंतकों को आमंत्रित नहीं कर सके, जिसके लिए मैं क्षमाप्रार्थी हूँ।

मैं आप सभी से बेटी दिवा और जीत के लिए स्नेह और आशीष का हृदय से आकांक्षी हूँ। 🙏

Interestingly, in the tweet, he addressed his daughter-in-law as “daughter Diva”.  At the Belvedere Club in Ahmedabad’s Adani Shantigram township this afternoon, Jeet Adani married Diva, daughter of diamond trader Jaimin Shah. According to family insiders, the wedding was a simple affair, with the usual religious rituals followed by a traditional Gujarati ceremony attended only by close relatives and friends. Conspicuous by their absence were politicians, business leaders, diplomats, bureaucrats, film stars, entertainers and other celebrities.

Jeet Adani currently serves as Director at Adani Airports, managing six international airports and overseeing the building of a seventh in Navi Mumbai. Jeet is an alumnus of the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

Just two days before the wedding, Gautam Adani announced ‘Mangal Seva’, a program to support newly married women with disabilities. To begin with, every year, 500 such women will be provided financial assistance of INR 10 lakh each. Jeet Adani met 21 newly married divyang women and their husbands to launch this initiative. The chairman of the Adani Group took to X (formerly Twitter) to express his joy that Jeet and Diva are starting the first chapter of their journey with a virtuous resolution:

At Prayagraj on 21 January, when asked by reporters at the Maha Kumbh if his son’s wedding would be a “Maha Kumbh of celebrities” as was being widely speculated, Gautam Adani had said, “Definitely not. We are like common people. Jeet came here to take Ma Ganga’s blessings. His marriage will happen in a simple and traditional way.”

Gautam Adani’s exemplary gesture of “Seva Over Self” on his son’s wedding day has set an example. By choosing to support social causes, he has redefined the essence of celebrating personal milestones by introducing a thoughtful, community-focused approach that creates an impact transcending the public display of wealth.

At His Son’s Wedding, Gautam Adani Commits To Seva Sets An Example By Donating INR 10,000 Cr For Social Causes

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Beauty Queen Rehaa Khann To Launch Zaid Darbar As A Pop Star With “HELLA”

Posted by on Feb 7, 2025 in Actress | 0 comments

The Indian music industry is abuzz with excitement as beauty pageant winner, actress, and model *Rehaa Khann* takes on the responsibility of launching *Zaid Darbar* as a pop star. Zaid, the son of renowned Bollywood music director *Ismail Darbar* and husband of actress *Gauahar Khan, is all set to make his mark in the music world with his upcoming song *”Hella”*, which is expected to release on **February 8*.

Rehaa Khann, who has gained recognition for her exceptional talent in the modeling and acting industry, is now stepping into music production. Her journey has been inspiring, transitioning from beauty pageants to films and now to music. She is known for her glamorous presence, strong screen appeal, and dedication to her work. Taking Zaid Darbar under her wing is a significant move that highlights her ability to recognize and nurture talent.

*Who is Rehaa Khann?* 

Rehaa Khann is not just a beauty queen but also an accomplished actress and model. Over the years, she has worked in various Bollywood and Telugu films, earning praise for her acting skills. Her elegance and confidence have won her multiple accolades, and she continues to be a prominent figure in the fashion and entertainment industry.

Apart from acting, Rehaa is now exploring new avenues as a producer. Her decision to support Zaid Darbar in launching his career as a pop star is a bold and strategic move. Given her experience in the entertainment industry, she brings valuable insights and a fresh perspective to the music scene.

*Zaid Darbar’s Journey into Music* 

Zaid Darbar is widely known for his charismatic personality and talent. As the son of *Ismail Darbar, a respected composer in Bollywood, Zaid has grown up in a musical environment. While he has previously been recognized for his social media presence, dance skills, and collaborations with his wife **Gauahar Khan*, “Hella” will mark his official entry into the world of pop music.

This project is expected to showcase his vocal abilities, musical talent, and unique style. With the backing of Rehaa Khann and her production expertise, the anticipation surrounding “Hella” is at an all-time high.

*What to Expect from “Hella”* 

The song “Hella” is expected to be a high-energy track with catchy beats and a modern pop vibe. Industry insiders suggest that it will feature a visually stunning music video, bringing together stylish cinematography and engaging choreography.

Given Rehaa Khann’s track record of excellence in entertainment and Zaid Darbar’s potential as an emerging music star, “Hella” is likely to make a strong impact. Fans are eagerly waiting to see this collaboration unfold and witness the transformation of Zaid Darbar into a pop sensation.

As the countdown to the release begins, all eyes are on February 8, when “Hella” will finally be unveiled, marking a new chapter in both *Rehaa Khann* and *Zaid Darbar’s* careers.

Beauty Queen Rehaa Khann To Launch Zaid Darbar As A Pop Star With “HELLA”

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India International Shopping Carnival Exhibition In Mumbai By Eventra Exhibitions And Trade Fair Llp Mayur Narwani And Ujawal Verma

Posted by on Feb 4, 2025 in Breaking News | 0 comments

The India International Shopping Carnival witnessed participation from many veterans, including those from Mumbai and its surrounding areas. Numerous companies from India and abroad showcased their products, which were highly appreciated by thousands of visitors.

The specialty of this exhibition was that it was the first of its kind to be inaugurated with a ribbon-cutting ceremony and lamp-lighting event in a residential area. The ribbon was cut by Advocate Ashish Shelar ji , along with the founders of Eventra Exhibitions and Trade Fair LLP, Mayur Narwani and Ujaval Verma, in the presence of their dedicated team members.

A large crowd attended the exhibition, exploring various stalls and indulging in shopping. Notable political figure Sanjay Nirupam ji from Shiv Sena visited the exhibition, explored the stalls, and even purchased household items. Another influential political leader, Sachin Ahir, also honored the event with his presence. Additionally, the well-known IPS officer Krishna Prakash ji ,  was part of the exhibition, adding to its prestige.

The exhibition featured a wide range of attractions, including interior and home décor, lifestyle and cosmetics, garments and jewelry, handloom and handicrafts, Iranian carpets, handbags, wooden crockery, designer garments, Afghan dry fruits, massage chairs, and decorative lamps, which captivated the interest of the attendees.


India International Shopping Carnival Exhibition In Mumbai By Eventra Exhibitions And Trade Fair LLLP  Mayur Narwani And  Ujawal Verma

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Sir Ratan Tata Business Excellence Awards – 2025 Organised By K Ravi, Mahi Sharma, Honey Bhalla Were Present

Posted by on Jan 31, 2025 in Awards | 0 comments

Mumbai – Industrialist Ratan Tata’s new avatar in Matunga, Mumbai… India Media Link Events and Management celebrated his birthday with great fervour…. Dignitaries from across the country were felicitated, The birthday of the late industrialist Ratan Tata, who gained fame worldwide, being honoured as India’s Udyog Ratna was celebrated by India Media Link and Matunga Management with great fervour. Seeing Ratan Tata’s selfie at the inaugural ceremony, the fans present there felt as if Ratan Tata had really come back to earth. During this day-long event, dignitaries from across the country were honoured with attractive awards for their outstanding achievements in the field of industry and social medicine. Famous Bollywood actors Mahi Sharma actress (Kumkum Bhagya fame), Dilip Sen (Music director), Honey Bhalla actress, Vishwajeet Soni (Prem Chopra), Uday Dahiya (Comedy King), Sanjay Verma (Comedy King), Ramakant Munde (Bollywood photographer and PRO) and social worker K Ravi Dada felicitated all the dignitaries.

The grand event was held at the cultural hall in Matunga. Various events were organized on the occasion. The event started with the unveiling of the grand statue of late industrialist Ratan Tata in which K Ravi Dada, Dr. Ratnakar Ahire and famous actresses of the film industry Mahi Sharma and Honey Bhalla were present at the event. After the main event started, the award ceremony was inaugurated with the Maharashtra Geet. Earlier, Mumbaikars participated in the blood donation camp organized by the expert team at JJ Hospital. On this occasion, the works of Kumari Swapnali Yadav, Satyawan Redkar, Abhijit Sonawane, Faizullah Khan, Dr. SS Shastri were honored by presenting honorary medals by the dignitaries of Maharashtra and India. The dignitaries who received the Late Ratan Tata Gaurav Award praised Ravi Dada, Managing Director of India Media Link and Event Management, for celebrating the birthday of late Ratan Tata, for the eighth consecutive time in India. At that time, Ravi Dada, a social activist, had said that I have actually met Ratan Tata many times. When he was asked about his birthday, he said that he would not celebrate it, but Ravi Dada firmly told him that on behalf of the countrymen, we will honor your birthday and your work. The program of celebrating Ratan Tata’s birthday every year was started from Mumbai. After the recent demise of Ratan Tata, his first birthday was celebrated on December 28. But the government had declared seven days of mourning in the country on the demise of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Hence, wishes are pouring in from Mumbai and across the country to honour Ratan Tata by organising an event on his birthday on 28th January 2025.

Photographer: Ramakant Munde Mumbai


Sir Ratan Tata Business Excellence Awards – 2025 Organised By K Ravi, Mahi Sharma, Honey Bhalla Were Present

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KIAN Foundation Makes A Mark In Mumbai’s Art Scene With Debut Exhibit BHUMI

Posted by on Jan 28, 2025 in Art Exhibition | 0 comments

KIAN Foundation Dazzles Mumbai with Spectacular Inaugural Art Exhibit

Mumbai, January, 2025: The KIAN Foundation, a rising powerhouse in the world of art and culture, unveiled its highly anticipated debut exhibit Bhumi by Shampa Sircar Das in Mumbai to resounding acclaim. The opening event brought together an exceptional gathering of art aficionados, cultural luminaries, and dignitaries from across the city and beyond.

The evening was graced by distinguished guests, including Mrs. Pheroza J. Godrej, renowned theatre personality Dolly Thakore, celebrated artist and writer Prakash Bal Joshi, Dr. Sanjay Bhide, Shri Graham London, Mr. Arun Pawar, Mrs. Seema Pawar, Mr. Shyam Babu N., Mrs. Saral N and Anju Sehgal. Also present were the artist Shampa Sircar Das and the curator of the show, Aarti Naik, who brought this beautiful exhibit to life and provided detailed explanations of the artworks on display. Noted photographer and documentarian Sanjay Das also attended, further enriching the evening with his presence.

Aarti Naik, Founder & Curator of Art Exhibition Bhumi and Siddharth Naik, the visionary co-founder of KIAN Foundation, expressed their gratitude to the guests and shared their vision for the Foundation’s future. “Bringing KIAN to Mumbai is a significant milestone. This city’s vibrant art community and its unwavering support for creativity provide the perfect environment for us to grow and contribute to the cultural landscape,” said Aarti Naik.

The exhibit, running until January 31, 2025, offers a thoughtfully curated selection of artworks, transforming the gallery into a space of introspection and connection. Each piece reflects the depth of human emotion and creativity, resonating deeply with Mumbai’s art community.

Siddharth Naik expressed heartfelt appreciation for the enthusiastic response and shared insightful thoughts. “This is a monumental moment for the KIAN Foundation, and the overwhelming support from our guests underscores the ever-growing significance of art in our lives. Art is not the privilege of a select few; it transcends boundaries, shaping cultures and enriching societies. To truly appreciate and find meaning in art, one must engage with it more actively—by exploring exhibitions and immersing themselves in its transformative power.”

The launch of Bhumi is a testament to KIAN’s ambition to elevate the appreciation and accessibility of art in India. As the exhibit continues to captivate audiences, it promises to set the tone for the city’s cultural calendar in 2025.

To witness this inspiring collection, visit the KIAN Foundation exhibit before January 31, 2025. For further details, explore our website and stay updated as we continue our journey to celebrate art, creativity, and culture across India.

Be part of our story—where the passion for art meets boundless horizons.

For further details, please contact:

Kian Foundation

E-18, Varsha Park, Baner Road, Baner, Pune 411045


Mobile: +91-73787 75057


Event Details:

Exhibition Dates: January 25–31, 2025

Timings: 11:00 AM–7:00 PM (Open on Sundays)

Venue: Cymroza Art Gallery, 72, Bhulabhai Desai Road, Mumbai

Join us at bhūmi to experience a fusion of tradition and innovation that captures the essence of life and earth.

For more inquiries:

KIAN Foundation

Email: | Phone: +91-73787 75057


KIAN Foundation Makes A Mark In Mumbai’s Art Scene With Debut Exhibit BHUMI

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Angel Tetarbe Celebrated Her Birthday In Las Vegas

Posted by on Jan 27, 2025 in Trending News | 0 comments

Angel Celebrated her Birthday  in Las Vegas ..

“ It was a great time for me and I enjoyed a lot .City of Glitters & Glamour..

Felt happy n nice ..

It’s gods blessings .. “

“Life  is to Enjoy the journey ,be passionate about what u love to do but don’t forget ur family are your roots  .Thank u my mom n dad for always  being there for me so loving n caring ,

Thank u my sis for always loving me so much .

Family is a wonderful gift from life .”

We  are Born  to spread Peace Love n Happiness in this World,

Pls Join Hands With me For Mission World Peace ,

Angel Tetarbe

Miss International Peace Beauty Queen 2024”

International Peace Ambassador “

Miss Glamourface Workd India “

Angel Tetarbe Celebrated Her Birthday  In Las Vegas

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Actress Poonam Dhillon Made Her Present Felt At Bollywood Maha Arogya Camp, Raju Tak Of Mumbai Entertainment Expressed His Gratitude To All The People Who Came

Posted by on Jan 27, 2025 in Trending News | 0 comments

Bollywood Maha Arogya Camp was organized on 19 January 2025 at Chitrakoot Ground Andheri West. This program was kept free for the bollywood workers and media industry. In which many well-known personalities and social workers were present along . Its organizers are Dr. Dharmendra Kumar and Dr. Dheeraj Kumar of Doctor 365. Kanpur’s well-known organization ‘Lucky Singh Foundation’ participated in this program. Keeping in view the creative work being done by Lucky Singh Foundation in Kanpur and the country, it was also awarded the Dadasaheb Phalke Chitranagri Award .

Lucky Singh Foundation distributes free fertilizers to poor families, free treatment to helpless families, water coolers for drinking water, submersible pumps, expenses for marriage of children of poor families etc. This social work is being done by this foundation for many years. The foundation is feeling proud by participating in this program.

The organization wants that such events should be organized in Kanpur city and other districts of the country. So that the welfare of the poor can be done. After receiving this award, the chairman of the organization, Lucky Singh, said that his organization will do more work for the welfare of the poor.

Dr. Mahinder Sharma is a well-known singer and lawyer of Delhi who was recently honored with the Dadasaheb Phalke Chitra Nagari Film City Award during the Bollywood Maha Arogya Shivir Medical Camp and he entertained everyone with his voice.

Actress Poonam Dhillon was also present at this event. On this occasion, Raju Tak of Mumbai Entertainment expressed his gratitude to all the people who came.

Actress Poonam Dhillon Made Her Present Felt At Bollywood Maha Arogya Camp, Raju Tak Of Mumbai Entertainment Expressed His Gratitude To All The People Who Came

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A License Is Required For Organizing Musical Events In Hotels!

Posted by on Jan 25, 2025 in Hindi News | 0 comments

Music in Events in Hotels!

Hyatt India was conveyed to stop playing music owned by Novex Communications without a license, but they didn’t listen. In fact, they disobeyed the court order a number of times and now it has given Hyatt time until April 28, 2025, to respond with their explanations.

The takeaway: It’s crucial to get the necessary licenses and permissions when using copyrighted materials. This case shows that the court is serious about upholding copyright laws and protecting creators’ rights.

A license is required for organizing musical events in hotels!

Pics Courtsey Respected Websites :

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Youtube Channels Crime Se Savdhan And Savdhan Crime Bolta Hai Will Provide An Opportunity To Understand How Caution Can Be Taken By Knowing The Crimes And The Thinking Of Criminals

Posted by on Jan 25, 2025 in Hindi News | 0 comments

Crimes are increasing with time, it is very important to be cautious and vigilant to avoid these crimes. Similarly, the YouTube channel ‘Crime Se Savdhan’ and ‘Savdhan Crime Bolta Hai’ alerts the public through their stories. The stories shown in it are fictional, but based on the events happening in the present time. ‘Crime Se Savdhan’ and ‘Crime Bolta Hai’ YouTube channel alerts towards crime and the mentality of criminals. The presenter of this channel is Lalit Agarwal, producers are Rupali Rawat, Neha Rawat and Anjali Rawat, co-producer is Yogendra Srivastava. This YouTube channel is made under the banner of Sagar Arts and Movie House. The main host and narrator of the show shown on this channel is actress Gehna Vashisht who introduces the mystery, reason, crime and the mentality of criminals of the crime story.

The duration of the web series shown in this YouTube channel is thirty minutes. The director of all these series is Yatindra Rawat. Yatindra Rawat and Sanjay Kabir have made the stories of the web series interesting by using their skilled writing style. Till now, many shows have been aired on this channel and the channel is continuously producing new series keeping the audience in mind. Every story hides a new message, which will be known only after watching the entire story. Many famous influencers Rishabh Roy, Karan, Irfan, Aman Sheikh etc. will make their debut in the stories coming on this channel and will add a tadka of entertainment to this crime story.

Its actors are Rohit Gulshan, Tarakesh Chauhan, Ranjit Singh, Sanjit Nirmal, Shaina Khatri, Riddhima Tiwari etc. All these actors have filled the color of reality in these crime stories with their acting. The theme of these crime stories itself says that if you think about crime, then you are a criminal. By the way, it has been said since ancient times that the one who thinks about committing a crime or plots a crime is a bigger criminal than the one who commits the crime. Crime stories are shown on these YouTube channels which provide an opportunity to understand how caution can be taken by knowing the crime and the thinking of the criminal.


Youtube Channels Crime Se Savdhan And Savdhan Crime Bolta Hai Will Provide An Opportunity To Understand How Caution Can Be Taken By Knowing The Crimes And The Thinking Of Criminals

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PRAKRUTI Annual Conference 2025 On Green Building, Green Company And Sustainable City

Posted by on Jan 24, 2025 in Business News | 0 comments

Prakruti Annual Conference 2025 was organized on 10th Jan’2025. This year it was second annual conference organized by Prakruti Education and Research Foundation’s Prakruti Research Institute organized in association with RCUES of All India Institute of Local Self Government, Mumbai which works under Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India and CII – IGBC. Reciclar Technologies Pvt Ltd, Empower Education, Memtrix Technologies Pvt Ltd were the associate partners for the Event and Rotary Club of Mumbai Inspire and Women Entrepreneurs’ Enclave (WEE) were supporting partners.

Chief Guest for the Event was Dr. Jairaj Phatak, IAS (Retd), past Municipal Commissioner, BMC and Director General, AIILSG, Mumbai

The Eminent Speakers for the Event were Dr. Sunita Purushottam, Head, CSR & Sustainability, Mahindra Lifespaces Ltd who spoke on “Sustainable Urbanization”, Dr. Mala Singh, Chairperson, CII IGBC Mumbai Center who spoke on “Green Building Movement of India”, Dr. Milind Kulkarni, Director, Prakruti Research Institute & Prachi Services Inc who spoke on “Computation of Carbon Footprint and Strategies to become Carbon Neutral”, Dr. Ajit Salvi, Director, RCUES, who spoke on “Green Energy” and Rtn Alpa Shah, President, Rotary Club of Mumbai Inspire who spoke on “Sustainability through financial empowerment of women and weaker sections of society”.

Panel Discussion on Topic “Environmental Issues of Mumbai and Solutions” was moderated by Dr Ajit Salvi for which the Panellists were Dr. Prashant Bhave, Professor (Adjunct) Environmental Engg. VJTI, Mr. Yogen Parikh, past president, Indian Environmental Association, Dr. Milind Kulkarni and Smt Revati Shidhaye, Executive Engineer, BMC

Second Panel Discussion on “Pros and Cons of Green Buildings” was coordinated by Dr Milind Kulkarni and the Eminent Panellists for the same were Dr. C. J. Rao, Ret Executive Engineer, MHADA, Mr. Harvinder Matharoo, Interior Designer and Mr. Pramod Daspute, Energy Auditor

Other Eminent Speakers for the Event were Mr. Sunil Doshi, Consulting Engineer – CII on Topic “GreenCo for Industries”, Mr. Pramod Daspute, Energy  Auditor on Topic “Energy Audit of Commercial Buildings”, Mr. Nikhil Mene, AE, BMC on Topic “Climate Budget of BMC”, Rtn Chaitali Chatterji on Topic “Women Empowerment and Sustainability”, Commercial presentations were conducted by Mr. Mayank Soni- Reciclar Technologies and Mr. Ravi Trivedi – Memtrix Technologies.

At end, certificates were distributed to delegates by Mr. Avinash Kate, Chief Engineer BMC, Rtn Shanta Valluri Gandhi – President Elect Rotary Club of Mumbai Inspire

Objective of the Conference :The Entire Event was curated and designed by Dr. Milind Kulkarni who ideated the Theme of the Conference was Green Building, Green Company and Sustainable City. The existence of our planet is in danger due to adverse effects of industrialization and urbanization on environment. The objectives of the conference were to disseminate knowledge in the areas of Green Building, Green Company and Sustainable City to young and mid-level engineers, managers from Government, Municipal Functionaries and industries and also to entrepreneurs. It is heartening to note the conference could get renowned experts from Industry, Government and academecia. The response to conference was very good. It is planned to submit the recommendations regarding various topics to bodied such as BMC, MPCB etc.

The Event was anchored by Rtn Chaitali Chatterjee

Article Written by: Dr. Milind Kulkarni

Edited by: Rtn Chaitali Chatterjee


PRAKRUTI Annual Conference 2025 On Green Building, Green Company And Sustainable City

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Five Decades Of Abstraction On View At ‘Contours Of Infinity’- A Vipta Kapadia Retrospective

Posted by on Jan 23, 2025 in Leo News | 0 comments

Inauguration of the retrospective show, ‘Contours of Infinity’ of celebrated veteran artist Vipta Kapadia. This show was inaugurated on 21st January 2025 by Mr Amrit Gangar ( Film theorist, writer, curator and historian) in the presence of many art lovers and connoisseurs. This show was curated by Ms Sushma Sabnis, an art writer and curator and continues till 27th January 2025 at Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai.

The distinguished chief guest, Amrit Gangar, an eminent film historian and cultural theorist, inaugurated the show with a thoughtful address. Gangar praised Kapadia’s ability to transform abstraction into an evocative language of emotional and cultural resonance, connecting the realms of art and philosophy and drew attention to the conceptual layering in Kapadia’s art, aligning it with traditional Indian philosophies and the rhythms of nature.

Curator Sushma Sabnis shared her reflections on how an artist of Vipta Kapadia’s calibre, with a five-decade art practice, has perfected a specific visual language. Only by scrutinising her works does one create a dialogue. Sabnis further compared the ‘retrospective’ show to beautiful Mughal miniatures or intricate illuminated manuscripts, which bring the entire timeline of the person together, merging past, present, and future. The retrospective features a sweeping collection of Kapadia’s works, spanning explorations in oil, acrylic, and enamel on metal. 

Art and cultural aficionados, critics, fellow artists, and Kapadia’s family members attended ‘Contours of Infinity and engaged in animated discussions about Kapadia’s legacy and the significance of abstraction in contemporary Indian art. The exhibition, running until January 27th, promises to be an enriching experience, inviting all to immerse themselves in the boundless world of Vipta Kapadia’s abstract legacy.


Five Decades Of Abstraction On View At ‘Contours Of Infinity’- A Vipta Kapadia Retrospective

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INNER TRANQUILITY Solo Show Of Paintings By Artist Nilesh Dada Nikam In Jehangir Art Gallery

Posted by on Jan 23, 2025 in Leo News | 0 comments

From: 20th to 26th January 2025

“Inner Tranquility”

Solo Show of Paintings by Renowned artist Nilesh Dada Nikam


Jehangir Art Gallery

161-B, M.G. Road, Kala Ghoda,

Mumbai 400 001

Timing: 11am to 7pm.

Contact: +9967440683, 9867914232

Renowned artist Nilesh Dada Nikam is showing his recent work series named ‘Inner Tranquility’ at Jehangir Art Gallery, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai from 20th to 26th January 2025. Daily between 11am to 7pm.

This exhibition was inaugurated on 20th January 2025 by Chief Guest Mr. Ajay Maganlal Veera(Partner at Painted Rhythm Art Gallery), Guest of Honour Mrs. Sunita Sanghai(Owner of Vachi Art Gallery) in the presence of many art lovers, art dignitaries among others.

Inner Tranquility is a solo exhibition by the artist Nilesh Dada Nikam, who is renowned for his ability to translate abstract spiritual and religious concepts into evocative visual experiences. Through his latest body of work, Nikam invites viewers to delve into a deep exploration of spirituality, harmony, and the human psyche.

Rooted in abstraction yet pulsating with energy, Nikam’s art captures the essence of Stillness (tranquility) in a chaotic world. His works, characterised by intricate textures, layers of colours, and geometrical and rhythmic forms, evoke a meditative resonance. Using a diverse palette of earthy and ethereal tones, the canvases pulsate with a quiet energy, offering a sensory and contemplative experience.

The title Inner Tranquility reflects the artist’s journey toward achieving a serene equilibrium amid life’s dynamic tensions. Each piece is imbued with a sense of balance, drawing inspiration from the natural world and metaphysical concepts. Nikam’s mastery lies in his ability to balance abstraction and corporeal worlds, allowing viewers to interpret and internalise his art in deeply personal ways.

This exhibition also highlights the artist’s distinctive use of texture, where layers of pigment and gestural strokes create a tactile depth, a mesmerising spiral energetic movement, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the narrative embedded within each canvas. The works serve as a visual sanctuary, urging us to pause, reflect, and connect deeply with our inner selves.

Inner Tranquility is an experience that resonates with the universal quest for peace and understanding. Artist Nilesh Dada Nikam’s unique voice, deeply rooted in spiritual inquiry, promises to captivate both seasoned art connoisseurs and new admirers.

Sushma Sabnis

Mumbai – 27th December 2024


INNER TRANQUILITY Solo Show Of Paintings By Artist Nilesh Dada Nikam In Jehangir Art Gallery

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His Eminence Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan Chief Rector Of AUGP Was Invited At The Inaugural And Ball Ceremony From The Office Of Hon’ble President Mr. Donal J Trump’s, USA.

Posted by on Jan 23, 2025 in Leo News | 0 comments

His Eminence Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan , the Eminent Scientist , Chairaman and Chief Rector of The American University USA and United Nations University of Global Peace USA , was Invited as Special Guest  by Hon’ble Mr. Donal J Trump’s Office at his Inaugural and  Ball Ceremony. Dr. Mark Burns is the Spiritual Advisor to President Mr. Donald Trump is also the Chairman of  MPAC Ps.

At the Great Event MPAC Ps. Dr. Mark Burns was  awarded with a very prestigious Award  “MARTIN LUTHER KING Jr 2 NOBEL PEACE AWARD 2024.

Full Phd Doctor Of Divinity and Peace Ambassador certificate was also honoured during the  Ball Ceremony .A gala Dinner was  also organised  on 20th January 2025 , at

Arbor Ballroom, 3600 New York Ave, NE, Washington DC 20002.Washington Time Building

His Eminence Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan also submitted the hard copy of his Proposal for funding to  a magnitude of 100 Billion US Dollars To The Chairman  MPAC PS.Dr. Mark Burns ,the Spiritual Advisor to Hon’ble President Mr. Donald Trump for relief and rehabilitation for Los Angeles by the Giant wild fire Disaster. Proff Dr Madhukrishan wants to help the victim families  of the Great Disaster.The proposal also had the inputs to rebuild Los Angeles with his team of HRH PRINCE PETER and His Grace Duke Williams Of Kingdom of Bantan , Nusantara to join hands with the Hon’ble Donald J Trump for making USA economy sustainable developed and strong Nation in the World.

On 18th Jan , there was a Pre inaugural dinner meet with the newly elected Cabinet . His Eminence Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan was given the  great privilege to address and greet from the podium of the The President of the United States.

Dr. Daljeet Kaur , The Ambassador Of AUGP USA from India along with VC Prof. Dr. Lakshman Madhurasinghe and all the board of Governing Council of AUGP USA of 120 countries have expressed their Heartiest Congratulation to the Honourable President of USA Mr. Donald J Trump for becoming the President of the great Country USA. The whole team of AUGP also congratulated Ps. Dr. Mark Burns for becoming the first recipient of MARTIN LUTHER KING Jr. NOBEL PEACE Award 2025.

World News | Washington DC |


His Eminence Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan Chief Rector Of AUGP Was Invited At The Inaugural And  Ball Ceremony From The Office Of Hon’ble  President Mr. Donal J Trump’s, USA.

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Veer Pahariya’s Debut Film SKY FORCE Gets A Nod From Rajnath Singh!

Posted by on Jan 22, 2025 in New Films | 0 comments

Here’s What The Defence Minister Said

Veer Pahariya’s much-anticipated debut film Sky Force is already creating waves as it gears up for its big release this Friday. Positioned as the perfect Republic Day watch, the trailer of the action-packed drama has captivated audiences with its stunning locales, intense action sequences, and a compelling storyline rooted in history.

Adding to the buzz, the film received a special applause from Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, who attended an exclusive screening of the Akshay Kumar and Veer Pahariya-starrer in Delhi. Praising the film on social media platform X, the defence minister lauded the cast and crew for bringing a pivotal chapter of India’s post-Independence history to life. Sharing pictures from the screening, he wrote, “Joined CDS and three service chiefs at the special screening of Sky Force. The film narrates the story of the Indian Air Force’s bravery, courage, and sacrifice during the 1965 War. I laud the makers of the film for their efforts.”

The pictures featured Akshay Kumar, Veer Pahariya, and producers Dinesh Vijan and Amar Kaushik, alongside Rajnath Singh, the three service chiefs, and the CDS (Chief of Defence Staff). Responding to the Minister’s praise, Akshay Kumar expressed his gratitude on X: “Thank you, Sir. An absolute honour for me and the team of Sky Force that you, the CDS, and the three service chiefs took out time to watch and bless our film. We’ve made it with immense pride and gratitude for the courage of our armed forces.”

Veer Pahariya echoed similar sentiments on his Instagram stories, sharing snapshots from the screening with the caption, “What an honour! Memories for a lifetime. Thank you, Sir.”

Sky Force delves into the untold story of India’s first and deadliest airstrike on enemy territory during the 1965 Indo-Pak War. Veer Pahariya portrays Air Force Officer T Vijaya, inspired by Squadron Commander Ajjamada Boppayya Devayya—posthumously awarded the Mahavir Chakra for his heroic role in the Sargodha mission. The film pays homage to the bravery, strategy, and sacrifice of India’s armed forces, presenting a stirring narrative that resonates deeply with its viewers.

In a unique initiative, the film’s team, including Akshay Kumar, Veer Pahariya, Dinesh Vijan, and Amar Kaushik, also hosted a special screening for National Cadet Corps (NCC) cadets in Delhi. The event was made possible with support from Lieutenant General Gurbirpal Singh and the Indian Air Force’s Disha Cell. The NCC cadets, representing the vibrant youth wing of the armed forces, were visibly moved by the film’s powerful storytelling and emotional depth, with many seen discussing its impactful moments post-screening.

Directed by Sandeep Kewlani and Abhishek Anil Kapur, Sky Force also features Sara Ali Khan. Produced by Dinesh Vijan, Jyoti Deshpande, Amar Kaushik, and Sahil Baber Khan, the film promises high-octane action and heartfelt patriotism. Sky Force releases in cinemas on Friday, January 24, 2025.

Veer Pahariya’s Debut Film SKY FORCE Gets A Nod From Rajnath Singh!


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Promo Launch Sapne Jinke Ho Gaye Apne

Posted by on Jan 22, 2025 in Special News | 0 comments

D Star Entertainment (USA) presents “ Sapne Jinke Hogaye Apne” promo has been launched. The show premieres on 27th January 2025 and can be streamed on Cine Box Prime and Jio Star along with streaming partner Amazon Prime Video. The show is hosted by Rajesh Shrivastav.

The Producer of the show is Mr. Mukesh Modi. The launch event was attended by Actor Mr.Dheeraj Kumar, Singer Mr. Ram Shankar, Padmashri Dr. Soma Ghosh, Mr. Sandip Soparrkar, Captain A. D. Manek, Mr. Shhyam Singhania, Mr. Prakash Tata, Chairman of IMPPA- Mr. Abhay Sinha, Mr. Ramesh Turani, Chairman of Bright Outdoor Media- Mr. Yogesh Lakhani and many more dignitaries.

Promo Launch Sapne Jinke Ho Gaye Apne

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Target India The Power Man (Hindi) A Film By Vijay Saxena Releasing On 26 January 2025, On Missing Stream OTT Platform Canada

Posted by on Jan 22, 2025 in Special News | 0 comments

TARGET INDIA THE POWER MAN A Film By Vijay Saxena is Releasing on 26 January 2025  On Missing Stream OTT Platform Canada and  as well as On Major OTT Platforms.


Sai Nagraj Films

VS Music and Films Ltd UK Presents

Cast : Vijay Saxsena, Arun Bakshi, Ali Khan, Manoj Bakshi,Omkar Natha, Ramesh Goyal, Gulshan Panday, Armaan Tahir, Kamal Khan Tahir, Anjali Singh, Kanchan Singh, Altaf (Africa), Uri(Rasiya), Akansha Raja, Surendra Sharma,  Prince, Archana joshi, Priya Gupta, Misty Sharma, Amit Khasa, Baljinder Singh, Dr. Begraj, Rajesh Kumar, Mithun Angel, Riya Rathi,Kushkan Khan, Manjeet Singh(Hongkong)

Art director : Akshay

Photo Grapher : Sunil Kalkal 103 Battalion (Raf)

Costume : NIlam Gupta

Choreographer : Bhopi

Action Direction : Surendra Sharma

Background Music : Asif Chandwani, Amar Deshai

Sound Engineer : Deepak Mandal

Foley : Rafiq Ahmad

Lyrics : Ds Raghuvanshi, Rakesh Mishra, Bankin Chandra, Chottapandhaya

Singers : Mohd. Salamat, Vidhi Sharma, Arun Bakshi, Neelam Narayan, Rakesh

Mishra, Ritu Jha

DI : Rohit Singh

Editor : Mohd Akhtar

DOP : Trilok Chand, Harsh, Ramesh, Owaish, Pintu, Harman

Music : Rakesh Mishra, Bijender Chauhan, Sachin Dev103 Battalion Team (RAF)

Produced & Directed by : VIJAY SAXSENA

Target India The Power Man (Hindi) A Film By Vijay Saxena Releasing  On 26 January 2025, On Missing Stream OTT Platform Canada

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Vaishali Bhaoorjar Was Specially Invited As Guest At Bollywood Maha Arogya Camp Organized On 19 January 2025 At Chitrakoot Ground, Andheri, Mumbai

Posted by on Jan 21, 2025 in Entertainment | 0 comments

Vaishali Bhaoorjar, who was a Gladrags Mega model Achiever at the national level, has recently received an honor badge from the Government of India. Nehru Yuva Kendra Mumbai Maharashtra Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports honor badge was given to Vaishali. Apart from this, she has also received the honor badge of Super Human Excellence Award 2024. Vaishali received this award from Bollywood singer Padmashree Udit Narayan. Vaishali Bhaoojar is very happy and proud to receive this special honor. Vaishali has been honored with many awards before this as well. She has received the Akhand Bharat Gaurav Award 2024 from Mumbai Global. She has also received this award from Padmashree Udit Narayan. She has been awarded the Best Face of the Year Award at the Nari Shakti Samman ceremony. At the same time, she has given awards to the pharmacy students with her own hands by attending the Nari Shakti Award Show as a guest at the state level.

She has been honored with the Best Face of the Year 2022 at the Cinema Aaj Tak Award ceremony. Bollywood Maha Arogya Camp was organized on 19 January 2025 at Chitrakoot Ground Andheri West. This program has been kept free for the media industry. Its organizers are Dr. Dharmendra Kumar and Dr. Dheeraj Kumar of Doctor 365. Vaishali Bhaoorjar was specially present in this program.

Vaishali is currently a model for many brands and also performs at festivals.

Vaishali has won many state and national beauty competitions with her talent and skills. From where she got a chance to enter the world of modeling and advertising. She has done advertisements for branding of covid products. She has done many advertisements, which include advertisements to make people aware like alertness towards do not drink and drive etc. Along with this, she has also done many small and big advertisements for BSNL.

Vaishali has got an offer to become the brand ambassador of some products. She is also making her mark in the television world and film world.

Vaishali is a resident of Bhilai in the state of Chhattisgarh. She has been  modeling while living in Mumbai for many years. Well, her story of becoming a model is quite interesting and inspiring. Vaishali initially wanted to become an air hostess and she did. She also worked as an ex-cabin crew (airhostess) with Kingfisher Airlines but her fate brought her into the world of modeling. She has been working in ads and modeling while living in Mumbai.she is  worker hard to achive her goal.


Vaishali Bhaoorjar Was Specially Invited As Guest At Bollywood Maha Arogya Camp Organized On 19 January 2025 At Chitrakoot Ground, Andheri, Mumbai

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I AM DESI Magazine Features Renowned Choreographer Sandip Soparrkar On The Cover

Posted by on Jan 21, 2025 in Entertainment | 0 comments

Paris, France – January 2025: I Am Desi, the premier French magazine dedicated to Indians living abroad, is proud to feature the legendary choreographer and multifaceted artist Sandip Soparrkar on its latest cover. Known for his unparalleled contribution to the world of dance and entertainment, Sandip graces the year-end edition in a spectacular feature following a special request by the prestigious Louis Vuitton brand.

Sandip Soparrkar’s journey is nothing short of extraordinary. From choreographing Bollywood blockbusters to international collaborations, he has established himself as a global icon. His unique ability to blend classical Indian dance with contemporary styles resonates with audiences worldwide. Beyond his artistic achievements, Sandip is celebrated for his philanthropic endeavors and inspiring leadership in the arts.

“I Am Desi” magazine, renowned for its dedication to showcasing the vibrant essence of Indian culture abroad, highlights Sandip’s impressive journey in an exclusive interview by Giandra Uppilirajan. Readers are treated to an in-depth exploration of his creative process, his insights into Indo-French cultural fusion, and his association with global luxury brands like Louis Vuitton.

Founder of I Am Desi, Mr. Juns Brown, shared, “We are thrilled to feature Sandip Soparrkar on our cover. His journey is a testament to Indian excellence on the global stage and aligns with our mission of celebrating the achievements of Indians thriving abroad.”

In addition to Sandip’s feature, this special edition includes articles on Indian festivals, traditions, and the fusion of Indo-French art and fashion, creating a unique cultural narrative for expatriates.

Don’t miss this inspiring edition of I Am Desi, now available in stores and online. Celebrate Indian heritage and cross-cultural excellence with us as we step into a new year.

I AM DESI Magazine Features Renowned Choreographer Sandip Soparrkar On The Cover

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Indo-Equatorial Guinea Film And Cultural Forum Launched In New Delhi

Posted by on Jan 18, 2025 in International News | Comments Off on Indo-Equatorial Guinea Film And Cultural Forum Launched In New Delhi

New Delhi, 15th Jan,2025: The Indo-Equatorial Guinea Film and Cultural Forum was officially launched in a distinguished ceremony hosted at the Embassy of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea in New Delhi. The event was graced by the presence of H.E. Manuel Mbela Bama Ndong, Ambassador of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea to India, in collaboration with the International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry (ICMEI).

The forum aims to strengthen the cultural and artistic ties between India and Equatorial Guinea. Speaking on the occasion, H.E. Manuel Mbela Bama Ndong emphasized the importance of fostering mutual understanding and collaboration through cultural exchanges.

Dr. Sandeep Marwah, President of Marwah Studios and ICMEI, highlighted the significance of this initiative, stating, “The purpose of the Indo-Equatorial Guinea Film and Cultural Forum is to build bridges of understanding and cooperation between the people of India and Equatorial Guinea through the universal language of art and culture.”

This new forum is expected to play a vital role in promoting cross-cultural interaction, fostering goodwill, and opening avenues for collaboration in the fields of cinema, arts, and cultural exchanges between the two nations.

The event marked a significant milestone in strengthening diplomatic and cultural relations, further solidifying the shared vision of unity and creativity. H.E. Manuel Mbela Bama Ndong, Ambassador of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea to India is being presented with Patronship of the form and Dr Sandeep Marwah will be the Chair of the forum.

Indo-Equatorial Guinea Film And Cultural Forum Launched In New Delhi


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The Artistry and Vision of Srishti Sharma as a Model And Actress

Posted by on Jan 15, 2025 in Actress | Comments Off on The Artistry and Vision of Srishti Sharma as a Model And Actress

Signature Style and Aesthetic
Srishti Sharma’s modeling prowess is defined by her distinctive signature style and aesthetic. With an innate ability to exude elegance and charm, she effortlessly embodies various looks and trends, setting her apart as a model to watch in the ever-evolving world of fashion.

Influence on Fashion Trends
As a trendsetter in her own right, Srishti Sharma’s influence on fashion trends is undeniable. Her ability to seamlessly blend classic elegance with contemporary flair has made her a fashion icon, inspiring many to embrace their unique style sensibilities and make a statement with confidence.

Challenges and Triumphs: Srishti Sharma’s Journey to Success

Defining Moments and Breakthroughs
Throughout her career, Srishti Sharma has experienced several defining moments that have shaped her journey to success. From landing her first major role to receiving critical acclaim for her performances, each breakthrough has not only boosted her confidence but also solidified her presence in the industry. These moments of triumph serve as a testament to Srishti’s talent and hard work, propelling her towards greater heights in her career.

Srishti Sharma’s Impact on the Fashion and Entertainment Industry

Representation and Diversity in Media
As a talented actress and model, Srishti Sharma has been a trailblazer in promoting representation and diversity in the fashion and entertainment industry. By breaking stereotypes and embracing her individuality, she has inspired others to do the same. Srishti’s commitment to inclusivity and authenticity has not only made her a role model for aspiring artists but has also sparked important conversations about the importance of diverse voices in mainstream media.

Community Engagement and Advocacy
Beyond her on-screen presence, Srishti Sharma has actively engaged with her community and advocated for causes close to her heart. Whether it’s supporting charitable initiatives or speaking out on social issues, she uses her platform to make a positive impact in the world. Srishti’s dedication to giving back and being a voice for the voiceless highlights her commitment to making a difference both on and off the screen.

Upcoming Roles and Ventures for Srishti Sharma
Looking ahead, Srishti Sharma has an exciting lineup of upcoming roles and ventures that are sure to captivate audiences. With her versatility and dedication to her craft, she continues to seek out challenging and diverse projects that showcase her talent. From exploring new genres to collaborating with top industry professionals, Srishti’s future projects promise to push boundaries and redefine her artistic capabilities.

Long-term Goals and Vision
In the long term, Srishti Sharma envisions a career filled with meaningful roles, impactful storytelling, and continued growth as an artist. Her vision for the future includes expanding her presence in the global entertainment landscape, connecting with audiences on a deeper level, and using her platform to uplift and empower others. With her unwavering passion and determination, Srishti’s long-term goals are not just aspirations but a roadmap to leaving a lasting legacy in the industry.

In conclusion, Srishti Sharma stands as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring talents, showcasing that with dedication, perseverance, and an unwavering passion for her craft, one can truly make a mark in the competitive world of entertainment. As we look forward to witnessing her future projects and endeavors, it is evident that Srishti Sharma’s journey is one defined by excellence, artistry, and a commitment to pushing boundaries in the realms of acting and modeling. With each new role and photo shoot, she continues to redefine standards and leave an indelible mark on the industry, solidifying her status as a true luminary in the world of show business.

Vital Statics

Height 5’7

Wait 52

Vital 34 24 35

Color fare

Eyes colour light brown

Hair colour light brown

Rich look

Follow Her On Social Media


The Artistry and Vision of Srishti Sharma as a Model And Actress

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Jaswinder Gardner: A Versatile Actress With A Passion For Powerful Roles

Posted by on Jan 15, 2025 in Actress | Comments Off on Jaswinder Gardner: A Versatile Actress With A Passion For Powerful Roles

With over 15 years of experience in the film industry, Jaswinder Gardner has carved a niche for herself as a talented and versatile actress. Having worked in more than seven feature films, 12 television shows, and over 600 TV commercials, she has consistently impressed audiences with her captivating performances and strong screen presence.

Jaswinder recently garnered widespread appreciation for her remarkable portrayal of Divya Ahuja in State vs. Ahuja. Her performance as the resilient and multi-layered character was hailed as compelling and authentic, leaving an indelible mark on viewers. The depth she brought to the role, coupled with her expressive acting, showcased her ability to embody complex emotions effortlessly. Looking ahead, Jaswinder is set to appear in the much-anticipated release Tota Udu Maina Udu, where she promises to enthrall audiences once again. Additionally, she has recently featured in a beautifully choreographed music video, further showcasing her artistic range.

Her upcoming ventures also include an exciting web series, signaling her commitment to exploring diverse storytelling platforms. Jaswinder is drawn to roles that challenge her as an actress—those with strong, dynamic characters that allow her to push boundaries and redefine herself with every project.

She is open to working with emerging directors and new-age storytellers who bring fresh perspectives to the industry. With her charisma, natural talent, and willingness to take risks, she is the perfect fit for impactful narratives.  Her dream of collaborating with visionary filmmakers like Anees Bazmee, Sanjay Leela Bhansali, Rajkumar Hirani , and Punkaj Parashar remains alive, as she aspires to work on projects that resonate deeply with audiences. She is also eager to venture into Punjabi cinema, bringing her grace and authenticity to the vibrant film culture of Punjab. Apart from her acting prowess, Jaswinder’s radiant personality and elegant looks have made her a favorite in the fashion and advertising world.

As a professional who combines beauty with substance, she has a unique ability to connect with audiences across different mediums. For filmmakers and storytellers seeking a dedicated and powerful performer, Jaswinder Gardner is a name to remember. With her experience, versatility, and passion for meaningful roles, she continues to be a force to reckon with in the industry.


Jaswinder Gardner: A Versatile Actress With A Passion For Powerful Roles

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Fashion Runway Of India 2025 Season 2 Organized By Sanjeev Kumar ( Showtheeme Production)

Posted by on Jan 14, 2025 in Entertainment | Comments Off on Fashion Runway Of India 2025 Season 2 Organized By Sanjeev Kumar ( Showtheeme Production)

Fashion Runway of India 2025 season 2 has been organized by Showtheeme production  ,associate  brand partner   Black pearl managing director Mitesh Upadhay , Raj sharma collection, Aarohi Dhole collection  and event has been supported by Bright Outdoor media Ltd  Shri Yogesh Lakhani Ji ( CMD) , Universal group of companies CMD Yusuf Shakir ji, , perfect women Magazine, Films Today Magazine, satellite TV Hindi News Channel Swadesh News , universal News Express hindi and Marathi,  offical beverages partner cloud 9.

Make up partner Annu Anki . Show director Mallone and show Fashion Music director Maneet Paul. Sunehha Thakur singer songs have make the crowd to dance over their feet.

Celebrities who attended the show were Ramesh Goel actor, Ali Khan , Aashit Chatterjee actor , actress Meera joshi, actress and model Shilpi Chugh, Nish  Chowdhry actress & model , internet sensation sana suri , ACP.ssnjay patil , music director manoj mannu , legend Bollywood music director Dilip Sen ji, raghav Kapoor Sufi singer ,  international  No Trans model Eliza Benazir, Deepak Bhanushali ji many others .

Show has been hosted by actress and model Simran Ahuja where as the  back stage and show management has been done by Showtheeme director Siya zade.

About 42 professional models and 12 designers across the country have participated in this Runway.


Fashion Runway Of India 2025 Season 2 Organized By Sanjeev Kumar ( Showtheeme Production)

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BHALESSA MERI JAAN: A Tribute To Ethno Linguistic Culture Of Bhalessa

Posted by on Jan 13, 2025 in Albums | Comments Off on BHALESSA MERI JAAN: A Tribute To Ethno Linguistic Culture Of Bhalessa

Review  by Sadaket Malik

Bhalessa, Historically recognized as a paragna in the jagir of Maharaja Amar Singh, Bhalessa carries the legacy of Queen Bhalla of Raja Nagpal, who traversed these lands en route to Chamba. The Takri records and accounts of travelers like Frederick Drew bear evidence to the ethnic richness and the Pahari dwellers of this land besides the pahari linguistic Paradise as classified by Dr GA Grierson.   Today, with “Bhalessa Meri Jaan,” Raja Sarfaraz, Sonali Dogra, and Ishfaq Kawa have taken a monumental step toward preserving and showcasing the soul of Bhalessa through a heart-touching musical masterpiece.

“Bhalessa Meri Jaan” is more than a song; it is a cultural exercise and a timeless document that focuses on the natural beauty, ethnicity, and cross-cultural heritage of Bhalessa. Spearheaded by Raja Sarfaraz, a local artist, and writer, this project envisions preserving the essence of Bhalessa amidst the rapid modernization and evolving cultural landscapes. The song’s tagline, “A Saga of Brotherhood and Modesty,” focus on  the values of respect, tradition,  education, and religious harmony that define this land.

The song is a  multilingual masterpiece performed in four languages, representing the linguistic and cultural diversity of Bhalessa including Gojri and Pahari. The thematic framework revolves around the four seasons, with each language and melody celebrating the vibrancy of nature and the ethos of the region.

The music, composed by Ashh K, is an auditory delight, blending traditional instruments like the Rabab (played by Zubair) and the Flute (by Rakesh Ji). The soulful melodies are complemented by the evocative lyrics penned by Raja Sarfaraz, with contributions of Bhaderwahi lines from Ashaq Ali Ashaq. The harmonious interplay of music and lyrics paints a vivid picture of Bhalessa’s natural and cultural richness.

The song brings together a stellar team of artists and creatives. Renowned singers Ishfaq Kawa and Sonali Dogra lend their voices alongside local talents like Touqir Ali and Musa Choudhary, an orphan given his first break as an on-screen performer. Raja Sarfaraz himself contributes vocally, adding a personal touch to this labor of love.

The visual spectacle is captured through the lens of Pinku Chauhan, under the creative direction of Keshav Bhat. Costume designer Nargis Manzoor ensures authenticity in representing the region’s traditional attire. The impressive cast includes main leads Raja Sarfaraz and Sejal Sahu (of Star Plus fame), supported by dynamic performances from Muzamil, Simran, Ziva, Sehran, Aira, Sagar, and others.

The project pays homage to the legends of Bhalessa those individuals whose contributions to education, culture,  education, heritage, and development are immortalized in the areas history. Personalities such as Alhaj Gh. Qadir Gani Puri Sahib, Gh. Rasool Azad, Munshi Ram Chand, Badrinath Mangotra Sahib, Haji Gh. Rasool, Abdullah Khan (Talib) Bhalessvi, Ghulam Hussain Malik, Mohammed Shafi Mattoo, Abdul Rashid Sheikh, Gh Mustafa Batt, Din Mohd Rather, and many others are celebrated for their selfless sacrifices and enduring legacies.

Bhalessa’s  cultural movement initiated by us and other local fora in 2010, we  explored the untouched beauty, art and languages of the area. People there are simple, honest, caring, lovely and more importantly true to their culture including artistic tastes.  Among those I was introduced to during that period was Mr Raja Sarfaraz. I have known Raja Sarafarz, a  cultural enthusiast for more than two decades now.

He is not just the creative force behind “Bhalessa Meri Jaan” but also an accomplished author, actor, and filmmaker. His notable works include the book Tears of Kashmir, an exploration of peace and brotherhood in the kashmir valley, and his forthcoming book Apology to the Contemporary World. With acclaimed projects like “Ye Meri Kahani Hai Damini”, 92 Hours, and Salaam-i-Bhalessa under his belt, Sarfaraz continues to highlight the rich cultural heritage of his homeland.

“Bhalessa Meri Jaan” stands as a beacon for the unexplored beauty and cultural richness of Bhalessa. It is a clarion call to the government of Jammu and Kashmir to prioritize the preservation of Bhalessa’s ethno linguistic culture. Through its breathtaking visuals, melodious tunes, and profound themes, the song reminds us of the importance of safeguarding our roots for future generations.

This initiative not only highlights the potential of Bhalessa as a cultural and tourist destination but also inspires local youth to embrace their identity and contribute to its preservation.

The song beautifully weaves the threads of culture, and natural beauty  that resembles  with the essence of this lesser-explored paradise. Raja Sarfaraz, along with his team, has created a wonderful song that will echo in the hearts of Bhalessa’s people and beyond.

For those who wish to experience the soul of Bhalessa, this song serves as a heartfelt tribute and a call to action to preserve its legacy for generations to come.

(The writer is Author of the Books “Bhalessa Cultural History and heritage  and Cultural History of Valley of Chenab | Paharies of Doda Kishtwar and Ramban -An Anlytical Study)

BHALESSA MERI JAAN: A Tribute To Ethno Linguistic Culture Of Bhalessa

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Dr. Sandeep Marwah Honored For Promoting Global Relations Through Art And Culture

Posted by on Jan 12, 2025 in Digital News | Comments Off on Dr. Sandeep Marwah Honored For Promoting Global Relations Through Art And Culture

New Delhi, 2025: Dr. Sandeep Marwah, President of Marwah Studios and Chancellor of AAFT University, was honored by Dr. Vijay G. Prabhakar of Chicago, USA, during his recent visit to New Delhi. The recognition celebrates Dr. Marwah’s unwavering dedication to promoting global relations through the medium of art and culture.

Dr. Vijay Prabhakar, a distinguished public health physician, visionary leader, and Chairman of GSA – Global Strategic Alliance Inc., lauded Dr. Marwah for his remarkable achievements. He specifically congratulated Dr. Marwah on the occasion of the International Day of Cultural Relations, which the International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry (ICMEI) has designated to coincide with Dr. Marwah’s birthday on January 3rd. This special day aims to recognize Dr. Marwah’s extraordinary contributions to the global art and culture landscape.

In response to the honor, Dr. Sandeep Marwah expressed his gratitude and reaffirmed his commitment to fostering cultural exchange and international collaboration. He stated, “Art and culture are powerful tools for building bridges across nations. I am deeply humbled by this recognition and will continue to work tirelessly for global harmony and understanding.”

Dr. Vijay Prabhakar, an accomplished individual with a multifaceted career, praised Dr. Marwah for his relentless efforts. He added, “Dr. Marwah’s vision and leadership in the world of art and culture have brought nations closer. His work exemplifies the true spirit of cultural diplomacy.”

This recognition further cements Dr. Marwah’s position as a global cultural ambassador and a pioneer in international media and entertainment initiatives. The collaboration between two influential personalities—Dr. Sandeep Marwah and Dr. Vijay Prabhakar—promises to inspire future endeavors aimed at uniting the world through creative expression.

Dr. Sandeep Marwah Honored For Promoting Global Relations Through Art And Culture

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Art Through Spirituality: Successful Inauguration Of Cosmic Imprints By KANCHAN TODI

Posted by on Jan 11, 2025 in Art Exhibition | Comments Off on Art Through Spirituality: Successful Inauguration Of Cosmic Imprints By KANCHAN TODI

Cosmic Imprints by Kanchan Todi, Presented by Svarang Art Initiative

Bombay Art Society, Bandra – 10th January 2025, 5 PM

The highly anticipated launch of Cosmic Imprints, presented by the Svarang Art Initiative and featuring the visionary artist Kanchan Todi, captivated attendees at the prestigious Bombay Art Society. The evening was a remarkable celebration of art, drawing a distinguished audience of art enthusiasts, philanthropists, and cultural connoisseurs.

Kanchan Todi’s Cosmic Imprints offered a breathtaking exploration of the intricate relationship between the cosmos and the human spirit. In her speech, Kanchan eloquently shared the inspiration behind her work, reflecting on the cosmic themes that shape her artistic journey. She emphasized the transformative power of art to connect the earthly with the celestial, inviting viewers to embark on a journey of introspection and wonder. Her words resonated deeply, underscoring the role of art as a medium for profound storytelling and emotional connection.

The evening also marked the launch of her book Cosmic Imprints, a profound compilation that delves deeper into her artistic vision. Each page of the book captures the essence of her cosmic-themed artwork, blending artistic brilliance with deep philosophical insights, offering readers a unique journey through the realms of art and spirituality.

The event was honored by the presence of esteemed guests such as Ajay De, a prominent charcoal artist; Navin Agrawal, philanthropist and Senior Partner at KPMG; and other luminaries including Sanjay Arora, CEO of Zentech Info Solutions; Iravati Harshe, actress and art collector; Aparna Mayekar, a gifted singer; and Aarti Nagpal, among many others.

Shri Shriraj Nair VHP National Spokesperson, the Hon’ble Chief Guest, delivered an inspiring address, commending the Svarang Art Initiative for its commitment to fostering creativity and cultural growth. He highlighted the essential role of art in preserving and celebrating Bharat’s rich heritage, encouraging future endeavours that blend tradition with innovation.

Looking ahead, the Svarang Art Initiative aims to continue nurturing artistic talent through upcoming exhibitions, workshops, and collaborative projects, fostering a vibrant community that celebrates creativity and cultural enrichment.


The Bombay Art Society

K.C. Marg, Opp. Rang Sharda,

Reclamation, Bandra(West), Mumbai 400 050

+91 7208050006 / +91 9819992161


From:  January 10th to 12th, 2025 

Timing: 11am to 7.30pm


Svarang Art Initiative Celebrates The Grand Launch Of COSMIC IMPRINTS By Kanchan Todi

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प्रवेश लाल यादव, नीलम गिरी स्टारर निर्माता मुकेश गिरी की भोजपुरी फ़िल्म ‘जस्ट मैरिड’ रिलीज़ के लिए तैयार

Posted by on Jan 11, 2025 in Bhojpuri Films | Comments Off on प्रवेश लाल यादव, नीलम गिरी स्टारर निर्माता मुकेश गिरी की भोजपुरी फ़िल्म ‘जस्ट मैरिड’ रिलीज़ के लिए तैयार

निर्माता मुकेश गिरी और विशाल वर्मा के निर्देशन में बनी भोजपुरी फ़िल्म ‘जस्ट मैरिड’ बहुत जल्द सिनेमाघरों में आ रही है। प्रवेश लाल यादव और नीलम गिरी की मुख्य भूमिका वाली इस फ़िल्म का ट्रेलर गिरिराज म्युज़िक पर आउट हो गया है जिसे काफी सराहा जा रहा है। मुम्बई के इम्पा थिएटर में इस फ़िल्म का प्रीव्यू रखा गया जिसे सभी ने खूब पसन्द किया। निर्माता मुकेश गिरी की इस फ़िल्म के संगीतकार साजन मिश्र हैं और इस फ़िल्म के गीतकार डॉ सागर हैं।

गिरिराज प्रोडक्शन और गिरिराज म्युज़िक के ओनर प्रोड्यूसर मुकेश गिरी अपनी इस फ़िल्म को लेकर काफी एक्साइटेड हैं। उनका कहना है कि जस्ट मैरिड भोजपुरी सिनेमा में मील का पत्थर साबित होगी। इसकी कहानी इसके संवाद और इसका संगीत इसके प्लस पॉइंट हैं। फ़िल्म दर्शकों को बेहद लुभाएगी।

निर्देशक विशाल वर्मा अपनी इस फ़िल्म को लेकर बहुत उत्साहित हैं उनका कहना है कि यह रोमांटिक फिल्म है और फैमिली ड्रामा है। इसकी शूटिंग बनारस और मिर्जापुर में की गई है। फ़िल्म मे कुल 4 गाने हैं।  सभी गीत सिचुएशनल हैं, कहानी को आगे बढाते हैं। हम कोशिश कर रहे हैं कि इस फ़िल्म को मल्टीप्लेक्स में रिलीज़ करें। हमारी एक और फ़िल्म होली के अवसर पर रिलीज होगी।”

गिरिराज प्रोडक्शन और बनिया प्रोडक्शन प्रस्तुत फ़िल्म जस्ट मैरिड के लेखक शशि रंजन द्विवेदी, डीओपी इमरान शगुन हैं। प्रवेश लाल यादव और नीलम गिरी के साथ फ़िल्म में संतोष पहलवान, राजेश तोमर, श्रद्धा यादव, नीलम पांडेय, मनीष चौरसिया इत्यादि ने भी काम किया है। प्रोडक्शन मैनेजर जीतू बाबा हैं।


प्रवेश लाल यादव, नीलम गिरी स्टारर निर्माता मुकेश गिरी की भोजपुरी फ़िल्म  ‘जस्ट मैरिड’ रिलीज़ के  लिए तैयार

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ICMEI Declares International Day of Cultural Relations on 3rd January

Posted by on Jan 8, 2025 in Trending News | Comments Off on ICMEI Declares International Day of Cultural Relations on 3rd January

Noida, India – This is amazing! In an unprecedented global celebration, 127 organisations with over an incredible 40,000 members spanning an astounding 145 countries came together on January 3, 2024, to mark the “International Day of Cultural Relations”. The day was declared on the birthday of Dr Sandeep Marwah, a living legend, cultural ambassador to over 80 nations and a tireless promoter of art and culture as tools for global unity.


The grand occasion was hosted at Marwah Studios, located in the heart of Film City, Noida, where artists, diplomats, and cultural leaders gathered to commemorate the inaugural celebration of this remarkable day. The event underscored the unifying power of art and culture in fostering global peace and harmony.

Speaking at the gathering, Dr Sandeep Marwah, who has dedicated over 33 years to promoting love, peace and unity through art and culture, said, “Art and culture are the most powerful tools to bring the world together. By celebrating this day, we aim to highlight the importance of cultural relations in bridging gaps and building lasting connections between nations. Today, we take a significant step forward by giving this mission a dedicated date to celebrate and remember.”

The announcement was met with thumping applause, as participants hailed this initiative as a beacon of hope in an increasingly divided world. Congratulatory messages poured in from dignitaries, artists and cultural enthusiasts from around the globe. Leaders from various international organisations expressed their support for the mission to unite the world through cultural exchanges.

Dr Marwah, who has been honoured with numerous awards for his contributions to art and culture was lauded by attendees as a visionary leader. Under his guidance, Marwah Studios has become a hub for fostering international collaborations in the fields of cinema, education and cultural diplomacy.

The celebration also included a pledge by all participating organisations to continue promoting cultural exchange and understanding.

“We believe that cultural diplomacy is the need of the hour,” Dr Marwah emphasised. “By celebrating our diversity and finding common ground through art, we can create a world that thrives on mutual respect and collaboration.”

The International Day of Cultural Relations will now serve as an annual reminder of the pivotal role that art and culture play in uniting people across the globe. This year’s celebration has set a strong precedent, inspiring communities worldwide to embrace the transformative power of cultural connections. A grand statement in itself!

ICMEI Declares International Day of Cultural Relations on 3rd January

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Vivacious RADHIKA CHOUDHARY Smiles Her Way Into Bollywood..!

Posted by on Jan 8, 2025 in Trending News | Comments Off on Vivacious RADHIKA CHOUDHARY Smiles Her Way Into Bollywood..!

If you haven’t heard her name her name is set to sound louder sooner than later. Well, meet the gorgeous and amazingly talented actress Radhika Choudhary who hasn’t just been parachuted on Bollywood landscape but has come a long way from a small village in Haryana to Mumbai, the ultimate city of dreams!

So how has been the journey so far for the pretty Radhika? “Every journey with a mission is a challenge. It’s upto you how you take the path with proper planning and intelligent strategy,” said Radhika aa a matter of fact as she continued, “I came to Jaipur for my graduation. There while studying I joined different classes to improve my skills like dancing, theatre, swimming, communication enhancement, personality development et al. Since my childhood I always wanted to do something in fashion industry which had fascinated me. As I was growing up I didn’t know how to pursue my Bollywood dream. One of my mentors told me about beauty pageants. I started my preparation for that and after all my hard work I was declared the fifth runner-up of Elite Miss Rajasthan.”

How did Radhika come to Mumbai? “See, my modelling career was good in Jaipur. I was getting regular work there. But when we talk about acting projects Jaipur was not the place. So I left for Mumbai for acting workshop and work. And I always wanted to come to Mumbai and live here beacuse Mumbai is a wonderful city and  gives me motivation,” said Radhika thoughtfully.

How has been the journey as a small-town girl in Jaipur to Mumbai? “My journey was quite tough as I belonged to to a non-filmi background. In my family all are doctors and teachers. And I had to convince my parents. Fortunately, they are very understanding,” said a charming Radhika.

“Though you face rejections and come across some wrong people, I always have faith in me, my God and  my hard work. I worked really hard for it and I’m confident I’ll soon sign my first movie,” told Radhika with high optimism.

Professionally, what has Radhika done so far? “I do regular commercial shoots, big brands shoot and I also did three music album songs,” informed Radhika.

And what’s Radhika’s strategy to overcome the competion as there are lots of newcomers trying their luck in the film industry? “To be fair, everybody has their own strategy, struggle and luck. I’m not here to compete with anyone,” said Radhika plainly.

You were curious to know who’s Radhika’s idol in Bollywood and why? “I admire Deepika Padukone. She is my favourite actress. Whenever I see her on big-screen I feel the positivity and hardwork,” said Radhika with an infectious smile.

Regarding her hobbies and how she relaxes, Radhika lists painting, writing, swimming and shopping.

“I do meditation and I watch Korean dramas which make me feel super relaxed and happy,” said the beautiful Radhika as she signed off with her trademark smile.


Vivacious RADHIKA CHOUDHARY Smiles Her Way Into Bollywood..!

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Actress Preet Ajmer Has Worked With Many Big Brands Along With Advertisements Of Jewellery, Sarees, Cosmetics Etc

Posted by on Jan 8, 2025 in Actress | Comments Off on Actress Preet Ajmer Has Worked With Many Big Brands Along With Advertisements Of Jewellery, Sarees, Cosmetics Etc

Actress Preet Ajmer is acting in a music video song. This music video is going to be released  very soon. This music video song ‘Zikr Tera’ has been sung and acted in by Preet herself. Preet Ajmer is a resident of Punjab. She had dreamed of acting in films since childhood. She came to Mumbai to fulfill her dream. Preet started her career with advertising films. She has also worked with many big brands along with advertisements of jewellery, sarees, cosmetics etc. She is fond of cooking, travelling to hill stations and writing. She also knows how to create music and write Shayari.

Preet Ajmer says that she likes such roles in which a woman has a strong role. She wants to work with Ekta Kapoor. Actress Rekha is her favorite actress. She likes the films ‘Chak De India’ and ‘Bhaag Milkha Bhaag’.

Preet Ajmer says that every woman should be self-reliant. Do not spend your life depending on others, otherwise your self-esteem will be shattered. Create your own respect and identity. A woman is not only a soft-bodied woman adorned with sixteen adornments, she is also Durga adorned with weapons and Kali holding human heads. Therefore, it is necessary to change oneself according to the circumstances. By the way, Preet Ajmer is currently very busy in ad films and soon she will reach the audience through web series, short movies and films.

Actress Preet Ajmer Has Worked With Many Big Brands Along With Advertisements Of Jewellery, Sarees, Cosmetics Etc

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Actress Srishti Sharma Wishes Happy New Year 2025 To Her Fans, Followers And Her Producers Directors and One And All

Posted by on Jan 6, 2025 in Web News | Comments Off on Actress Srishti Sharma Wishes Happy New Year 2025 To Her Fans, Followers And Her Producers Directors and One And All

Srishti Sharma Actress And  Model Of  Outstanding Merits And Glimpses Of Latest Photo Shoot

Srishti Sharma, a name synonymous with talent and grace, has carved a niche for herself in the dynamic realm of acting and modeling. Renowned for her exceptional skills and captivating presence, Srishti Sharma is a Popular  star whose journey in the entertainment industry has been nothing short of remarkable. With a string of accolades and a portfolio brimming with diverse roles, she continues to captivate audiences with her remarkable performances and mesmerizing beauty. In this article, we delve into the outstanding merits and glimpses of the latest photo shoot that showcase the undeniable charm and prowess of this multifaceted artist.

Introduction to Srishti Sharma: A Shinning Star in the Entertainment Industry

Early Life and Background
Srishti Sharma, a name that has been gaining momentum in the entertainment industry, was born  at Delhi On 16 Sept. 1996  and brought up & did her graduation from Delhi University with big dreams. Her journey from humble beginnings to the glitzy world of acting and modeling is a tale of determination and passion.

Entry into the World of Acting and Modeling
With a twinkle in her eye and a spirit full of ambition, Srishti Sharma made her foray into the world of acting and modeling. Her natural charisma and dedication caught the attention of many, propelling her towards a path filled with lights, cameras, and endless possibilities.

Career Achievements and Recognition in Acting and Modeling

Notable Roles and Projects
Srishti Sharma has graced the screens with her mesmerizing performances in various notable roles and projects. From portraying diverse characters to adding depth to each role, she has showcased her versatility and talent, leaving a lasting impression on audiences.

Awards and Accolades
Srishti Sharma’s stellar performances have not gone unnoticed, earning her accolades and awards in the realm of acting and modeling. Her dedication and commitment to her craft have been recognized, solidifying her status as a rising star in the industry.

Behind the Scenes of Srishti Sharma’s Latest Photo Shoot

Concept and Inspiration
Step into the creative realm of Srishti Sharma’s latest photo shoot, where imagination meets innovation. The concept and inspiration behind the shoot reflect a fusion of artistry and vision, bringing to life captivating visuals that enchant the beholder.

Collaboration with Creative Team
Behind every incredible photo shoot lies a dedicated and talented team. Srishti Sharma’s collaboration with her creative team showcases a harmonious blend of ideas and expertise, resulting in a seamless execution that captures the essence of her unique persona.

Obstacles Faced in the Industry
Srishti Sharma’s path to success in the entertainment industry has been no walk in the park. From facing rejection at auditions to battling stereotypes and industry norms, she has encountered her fair share of challenges. Despite these hurdles, Srishti’s determination and passion for her craft have always pushed her to keep going, proving that resilience is key to overcoming obstacles in the competitive world of showbiz.

Vital Statics

Height 5’7

Wait 52

Vital 34 24 35

Color fare

Eyes colour light brown

Hair colour light brown

Rich look

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Actress Srishti Sharma Wishes Happy New Year 2025 To Her Fans, Followers And Her Producers Directors and One And All

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ROBIN KING: Phool Singh Shines as a Modern-Day Santa Claus in DS Creations Movies’ Inspiring Short Film

Posted by on Jan 6, 2025 in Web News | Comments Off on ROBIN KING: Phool Singh Shines as a Modern-Day Santa Claus in DS Creations Movies’ Inspiring Short Film

Since its Christmas 2024 release, Robin King, a short film by DS Creations Movies, has captivated audiences with its unique and meaningful narrative. Starring the multi-talented Phool Singh in the titular role, the film presents a compelling tale of a modern-day Robin Hood who, dressed as Santa Claus, fights societal injustices by redistributing wealth from corrupt businessmen to children in need.

Phool Singh’s heartfelt performance as Robin King has been widely celebrated, with critics and fans alike praising his ability to embody a character that symbolizes hope, justice, and compassion. The film’s narrative resonates deeply, shedding light on societal inequities while offering a message of generosity and change. Singh’s portrayal, combined with the unique concept of a Santa Claus who delivers justice, has earned him accolades and reaffirmed his status as a powerhouse in socially conscious storytelling.

With over 2 lakh views on YouTube within days of its release, Robin King has become a sensation, drawing praise for its impactful performances, including those of co-stars Kshitij Singh Bhardwaj and Raakesh Paswan. Shot against the stunning backdrops of Daman and Silvassa, the film’s visual storytelling adds depth and appeal, making it a cinematic gem.

Phool Singh, already known for his acclaimed portrayal of Shree Vidyapati in Hey Bholenath, continues his legacy of meaningful cinema with Robin King. His ability to blend entertainment with a poignant social message underscores his dedication to creating films that inspire change.

The success of Robin King is also attributed to the creative expertise of its team. Directed by Raakesh Paswan and guided by the creative direction of Dinesh Sudarshan Soi and Sonia Malhotra Soi, the film is a perfect blend of storytelling and visual artistry. Team DS Creations ensured the highest production standards, with meticulous attention to detail in costumes and casting, enhancing the film’s authenticity and charm.

Available on the official YouTube channel of DS Creations Movies and the OTT platform, Robin King has touched the hearts of viewers worldwide. The modern-day Santa Claus has become a beacon of hope, reminding audiences of the importance of kindness, compassion, and standing up against societal wrongs.

As Robin King continues to receive love and admiration, it serves as a powerful reminder that cinema can be a medium for change, encouraging audiences to reflect on their actions and contribute positively to society.


ROBIN KING: Phool Singh Shines as a Modern-Day Santa Claus in DS Creations Movies’ Inspiring Short Film

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ICMEI Declared 3rd January As International Day Of Cultural Relations

Posted by on Jan 5, 2025 in Leo News | Comments Off on ICMEI Declared 3rd January As International Day Of Cultural Relations

Noida, India – In an unprecedented global celebration, 127 organizations with over 40,000 members spanning 145 countries came together on January 3, 2024, to mark the “International Day of Cultural Relations”. The day was declared by International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry (ICMEI) on the birthday of Dr. Sandeep Marwah, a living legend, cultural ambassador to over 80 nations, and a tireless promoter of art and culture as tools for global unity.

The grand occasion was hosted at Marwah Studios, located in the heart of Film City, Noida, where artists, diplomats, and cultural leaders gathered to commemorate the inaugural celebration of this remarkable day. The event underscored the unifying power of art and culture in fostering global peace and harmony.

Speaking at the gathering, Dr. Sandeep Marwah, who has dedicated over 33 years to promoting love, peace, and unity through art and culture, said: “Art and culture are the most powerful tools to bring the world together. By celebrating this day, we aim to highlight the importance of cultural relations in bridging gaps and building lasting connections between nations. Today, we take a significant step forward by giving this mission a dedicated date to celebrate and remember.”

The announcement was met with widespread applause, as participants hailed this initiative as a beacon of hope in an increasingly divided world. Congratulatory messages poured in from dignitaries, artists, and cultural enthusiasts from around the globe. Leaders from various international organizations expressed their support for the mission to unite the world through cultural exchanges.

Dr. Marwah, who has been honored with numerous awards for his contributions to art and culture, was lauded by attendees as a visionary leader. Under his guidance, Marwah Studios has become a hub for fostering international collaborations in the fields of cinema, education, and cultural diplomacy.

The celebration also included a pledge by all participating organizations to continue promoting cultural exchange and understanding.
“We believe that cultural diplomacy is the need of the hour,” Dr. Marwah emphasized. “By celebrating our diversity and finding common ground through art, we can create a world that thrives on mutual respect and collaboration.”

The International Day of Cultural Relations will now serve as an annual reminder of the pivotal role that art and culture play in uniting people across the globe. This year’s celebration has set a strong precedent, inspiring communities worldwide to embrace the transformative power of cultural connections.

ICMEI Declared 3rd January As International Day Of Cultural Relations

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