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Bridging The Digital Divide: New Book, WIFI & WISDOM – Connecting With Teens Offers Hope For Families In The Digital Age

Posted by on Aug 23, 2024 in Author | Comments Off on Bridging The Digital Divide: New Book, WIFI & WISDOM – Connecting With Teens Offers Hope For Families In The Digital Age

[Mumbai, Maharashtra] – In today’s digital age, wifi has transformed the way we connect, but has it also created a divide between generations?

 “Wifi and Wisdom- Connecting with Teens”  published by Atlantic Books and represented by The Book Bakers Literary Agency has been authored by a unique combination- that of a Teen grandson (Gen Z), Rajveer Kumar and his Grandmother, Neelam Kumar ( Boomer).

This book delves into the relationship each generation –from Boomers to Millennials to Gen Z has with technology. It highlights the struggles teens face with mental health issues, cyberbullying, online safety, and digital addiction, as well as the concerns parents have about screen time and of raising teenagers in today’s AI-driven world.  And in this complex landscape, grandparents struggle with loneliness, all the while craving for face-to face meetings with their children and grandchildren.

In this heart-warming book, the co-authors explore the impact of wifi on intergenerational relationships and offer practical advice for navigating these challenges. Through powerful case studies, interviews and expert insights, “Wifi and Wisdom- Connecting with Teens” provides a comprehensive guide for building stronger connections and creating a healthier digital culture.

The authors emphasize the importance of understanding perspectives and developing empathy as ways to bridge the gap between generations.

“Let’s find wisdom in the digital age”, says co-author Rajveer Kumar.

“Let’s use wifi as a tool to bring us closer, not drive us apart,” says co-author Neelam Kumar.

Rajveer is a High School student, headed to the U.K. for his Management Studies

Neelam Kumar is a bestselling author of 10 life-transforming books, as also a Life Skills Coach. In her 20 years of experience in Life Skills Coaching, she has empowered 10,000/ Teens, whose inputs on mental health problems and the AI age they are growing up in, she has included in this book.

” Wifi and Wisdom- Connecting with Teens” is now available for purchase online and in stores.

For more information, please contact:

[Neelam Kumar]


The Book: Wifi & Wisdom – Connecting with Teens

By Neelam Kumar (Baby Boomer)

Rajveer Kumar (Gen Z)

From Author’s Desk:  Why did a Gen Z grandson and a Baby Boomer grandmom write this first-of-its-kind-book together?

But first, who are Baby Boomers? Anyoneborn from 1946 to 1964.

And Gen Z? Anyone born from 1997 to 2012.

Since our time, the Earth has spun many circles around the Sun. The entire canvas of life has changed so much that it is almost unrecognisable to the other generation. Several Gen Zs cannot imagine how their grandparents lived without gadgets in those “black and white times”. Several Baby Boomers baulk at the speed of today’s technological change. “Gran, how was it in your times?” Rajveer, my 16-year-old grandson, often asks me.

“Well, Veer, everything has changed, but in many ways, nothing has changed,” I tell him. This is how this book between generations was conceptualised.

We discuss my leisurely, stress -free teenage years and he tells me about today’s academic load and how AI  is changing the world.   Rich in perspectives and sprinkled liberally with Gen Z and Baby Boomer interviews, our book is about all the things that make us different and yet all the things that bind us.

Misconceptions abound.  Are today’s teens a lost generation, glued to mobile devices? Are the Senior teenagers judgemental, stuck in the past and complaining about the lifestyle of today’s youth? What expectations do we have from the other generation? Can we bust some pre-conceived notions and stereotypical myths? Is there a way forward?

Come, join us in this interesting dialogue of  discovery, wonder and mutual findings across decades. Come, share with us what your times are/were like….


Bridging The Digital Divide: New Book,  WIFI & WISDOM – Connecting With Teens  Offers Hope For Families In The Digital Age

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Ashfaq Khopekar’s Book SACHHAI Was Released By Saints And Saints In Mumbai

Posted by on Aug 5, 2023 in Author | Comments Off on Ashfaq Khopekar’s Book SACHHAI Was Released By Saints And Saints In Mumbai

मुस्लिम लेखक अशफाक खोपेकर की पुस्तक “सच्चाई” का विमोचन साधु-संतो के हाथों सम्पन्न

अशफाक खोपेकर द्वारा लिखित पुस्तक “सच्चाई” का विमोचन महान अध्यामिक गुरु पायलट बाबा और‌‌ उन की शिष्या माता श्रद्धा  और माता श्वेता ‌के साथ शायर जाकिर, रऊफ चौधरी ने होटल ‌रमाडा जुहु मुम्बई में किया। यह एक बेहतरीन किताब है जो जीवन के उसूल सिखाती है और प्रेरणा देती है।

बता दें कि अशफाक खोपेकर दादासाहेब फाल्के फिल्म फाउंडेशन के अध्यक्ष हैं। वह वर्षो से दादा साहब फाल्के फिल्म फाउंडेशन अवॉर्ड का भव्य रूप से आयोजन करते आ रहे हैं। वह एक अनुभवी लेखक भी हैं और उन्होंने अपने सभी अनुभवों को इस किताब सच्चाई में पेश कर दिया है जो फ्लिपकार्ट पर भी उपलब्ध है।

अशफाक खोपेकर ने प्रतिभाशाली गायकों और कलाकारों को एक उचित प्लेटफार्म देकर बड़ा और अनोखा कदम उठाया है। उनकी यह पुस्तक अवश्य पढ़ें जिससे काफी कुछ सीखने का मौका मिलेगा।

Take a look at this  book “Sachchayee”  writen by Ashfaque Khopekar on Flipkart

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मुस्लिम लेखक अशफाक खोपेकर की पुस्तक “सच्चाई” का विमोचन साधु-संतो के हाथों सम्पन्न

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Karina Sharma Author Comes Up With children’s book The Clownfish

Posted by on Jun 7, 2022 in Author | Comments Off on Karina Sharma Author Comes Up With children’s book The Clownfish

Meet Karina Sharma, an up and coming children’s book author. She is devoted to giving her readers simple and easy-to-read children’s stories that are also fun and engaging. As a clinical ABA therapist for children with autism, she has become a passionate advocate for those diagnosed with the disorder. She holds an M.S in Behavioral Psychology from Pepperdine University which is located in the USA.  This is her very first children’s book. She has previously written articles on psychology and development disorders for multiple internanewspapers .

The Clownfish illustrates the fun-filled day of four mischievous clownfish! Join the clownfish as they go to the movies, visit a haunted house, learn at school and unwind at home after a long day outside! Children will fall in love with their playful antics and their sweet and loving nature. An easy-to-remember rhyme scheme and brightly colored illustrations will delight parents and little readers alike. It’s perfect for toddlers learning how to read or teaching children how to recognize and label emotions. This book can be purchased on by searching for The Clownfish by Karina Sharma.

Karina Sharma Author Comes Up With children’s book The Clownfish

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Shabana Azmi – Ajay Mago – Shantanu Ray Chaudhuri – Maithili Rao – Rinki Roy Bhattacharya Launch Om Books International’s The Oldest Love Story at Title Waves Bandra

Posted by on Jun 4, 2022 in Author | Comments Off on Shabana Azmi – Ajay Mago – Shantanu Ray Chaudhuri – Maithili Rao – Rinki Roy Bhattacharya Launch Om Books International’s The Oldest Love Story at Title Waves Bandra

UNPFA Goodwill Ambassador Padma Bhushan Shabana Azmi launches an extraordinary collection of essays that address the theme of motherhood through the prism of lived experiences at Title Waves in Bandra. “Popular culture the world over refers to motherhood as the ultimate destination for women. But is motherhood really the gold standard for women it is assumed to be? The Oldest Love Story delves into this and much more,” elaborates Ajay Mago, Publisher, Om Books and the driving force behind The Oldest Love Story.

The literary gem boasts of essays by some of India’s celebrated writers – Kamala Das, Shashi Deshpande, Nabaneeta Dev Sen, C.S. Lakshmi, Vaidehi and a rare gem by Mannu Bhandari, who introspect with admirable honesty their experience of mothering and the price demanded by years of giving. Many others including Shabana Azmi, Chitra Palekar and Saeed Mirza explore their relationship with their mothers.

Maithili Rao, co-editor of the anthology, describes the process of gathering these honest personal stories as ‘invaluable’. “These searching essays prove that the personal is political in the truest sense. Besides being explorations of life’s fundamental relationship, the stories are a record of social history.”

Co-editor Rinki Roy Bhattacharya says, “Overflowing with honest, heartfelt – often humorous – homages to mothers, or the children, The Oldest Love Story dazzles with a rich galaxy of brilliant authors from across India who share their deeply personal stories. The extraordinary collection will be a jewel amongst nonfiction works for years and years … we shall savour it.”

Editor-in-chief of Om Books International, Shantanu Ray Chaudhuri, describes the anthology as an incredible document of the experience of motherhood. “What appealed to me is the range of views on offer here. Given the sociocultural conditioning around motherhood, it’s fascinating how contrarian views coexist in this anthology to provide a holistic understanding of the complex phenomenon. It is not every anthology that brings together a Kamala Das and a Mannu Bhandari, a Shashi Deshpande and a Shabana Azmi.”

Shabana Azmi –  Ajay Mago – Shantanu Ray Chaudhuri – Maithili Rao – Rinki Roy Bhattacharya Launch Om Books International’s The Oldest Love Story at Title Waves  Bandra



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शबाना आज़मी, अजय मागो, शांतनु रे चौधरी, मैथिली राव, रिंकी रॉय भट्टाचार्य ने ओम बुक्स इंटरनेशनल की द ओल्डेस्ट लव स्टोरी को टाइटल वेव्स, बांद्रा में लॉन्च किया

Posted by on Jun 4, 2022 in Author | Comments Off on शबाना आज़मी, अजय मागो, शांतनु रे चौधरी, मैथिली राव, रिंकी रॉय भट्टाचार्य ने ओम बुक्स इंटरनेशनल की द ओल्डेस्ट लव स्टोरी को टाइटल वेव्स, बांद्रा में लॉन्च किया

यूएनपीएफए ​​सद्भावना राजदूत पद्म भूषण शबाना आज़मी ने निबंधों का एक असाधारण संग्रह लॉन्च किया जो बांद्रा में टाइटल वेव्स में जीवित अनुभवों के चश्मे के माध्यम से मातृत्व के विषय को संबोधित करते हैं। “दुनिया भर में लोकप्रिय संस्कृति मातृत्व को महिलाओं के लिए अंतिम गंतव्य के रूप में संदर्भित करती है। लेकिन क्या मातृत्व वास्तव में महिलाओं के लिए सोने का मानक माना जाता है? द ओल्डेस्ट लव स्टोरी इस और बहुत कुछ में तल्लीन है, ”अजय मागो, प्रकाशक, ओम बुक्स और द ओल्डेस्ट लव स्टोरी के पीछे की प्रेरणा शक्ति को विस्तार से बताता है।

साहित्यिक रत्न भारत के कुछ प्रसिद्ध लेखकों – कमला दास, शशि देशपांडे, नबनीता देव सेन, सी.एस. लक्ष्मी, वैदेही और मन्नू भंडारी के एक दुर्लभ रत्न के निबंधों का दावा करता है, जो सराहनीय ईमानदारी के साथ अपने मातृत्व के अनुभव और वर्षों से मांग की गई कीमत का आत्मनिरीक्षण करते हैं। देने का। शबाना आज़मी, चित्रा पालेकर और सईद मिर्ज़ा सहित कई अन्य अपनी माताओं के साथ अपने संबंधों का पता लगाते हैं।

एंथोलॉजी के सह-संपादक मैथिली राव इन ईमानदार व्यक्तिगत कहानियों को इकट्ठा करने की प्रक्रिया को ‘अमूल्य’ बताते हैं। “ये खोज निबंध साबित करते हैं कि व्यक्तिगत सही मायने में राजनीतिक है। जीवन के मौलिक संबंधों की खोज के अलावा, कहानियां सामाजिक इतिहास का एक रिकॉर्ड हैं।”

सह-संपादक रिंकी रॉय भट्टाचार्य कहते हैं, “ईमानदार, हार्दिक – अक्सर विनोदी – माताओं या बच्चों को श्रद्धांजलि, द ओल्डेस्ट लव स्टोरी भारत भर के प्रतिभाशाली लेखकों की एक समृद्ध आकाशगंगा के साथ चमकती है जो अपनी गहरी व्यक्तिगत कहानियां साझा करते हैं। असाधारण संग्रह वर्षों और वर्षों तक गैर-कथा कार्यों के बीच एक गहना होगा … हम इसका स्वाद लेंगे। ”

ओम बुक्स इंटरनेशनल के एडिटर-इन-चीफ शांतनु रे चौधरी, एंथोलॉजी को मातृत्व के अनुभव का एक अविश्वसनीय दस्तावेज बताते हैं। “जिस बात ने मुझसे अपील की, वह है यहां पर पेश किए जाने वाले विचारों की श्रृंखला। मातृत्व के आस-पास के सामाजिक-सांस्कृतिक कंडीशनिंग को देखते हुए, यह आकर्षक है कि जटिल घटना की समग्र समझ प्रदान करने के लिए इस संकलन में विरोधाभासी विचार कैसे सह-अस्तित्व में हैं। कमला दास और मन्नू भंडारी, शशि देशपांडे और शबाना आज़मी को एक साथ लाने वाला हर संकलन नहीं है।”

शबाना आज़मी, अजय मागो, शांतनु रे चौधरी, मैथिली राव, रिंकी रॉय भट्टाचार्य ने ओम बुक्स इंटरनेशनल की द ओल्डेस्ट लव स्टोरी को टाइटल वेव्स, बांद्रा में लॉन्च किया


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High Flyers 50 Global Indians – Awards and Book Launch – Pooja Bedi – Aman Verma – Dr Aneel Kashi Murarka – Aanjjan Srivastav Grace the Occasion

Posted by on Apr 26, 2022 in Author, Awards | Comments Off on High Flyers 50 Global Indians – Awards and Book Launch – Pooja Bedi – Aman Verma – Dr Aneel Kashi Murarka – Aanjjan Srivastav Grace the Occasion

The second edition of High Flyers 50, a prestigious award ceremony and book release function, was recently concluded at the The Westin Mumbai, Powai Lake (Marriott Group).  Recognising people from various walks of life, for their outstanding contribution in the fields of Art, Culture, Entertainment, Business, Entrepreneurship, Philanthropy, Healthcare and Academics, High Flyers 50 is helmed by well-known journalist and trade analyst, Ravi Kumar. The glitterati of tinsel-town, including actors Pooja Bedi, Aman Verma and Aanjjan Srivastav, philanthropist Dr.Aneel Kashi Murarka, Dr.Chirantan Ghosh, and noted filmmaker Onir among many others, descended upon the red carpet, making the soiree a more delightful one. While the ever-so-gorgeous Pooja Bedi felicitated the awardees, actor Aman Verma was the master of ceremonies for the evening.
“High Flyers 50 is a unique platform wherein we discover people who deserve to be recognised and honoured and narrate their untold success stories. Each year, we finalise fifty people from different walks of life and felicitate them in distinguished ways. After a successful launch of the first edition of High Flyers 50 last year, this year we have taken the platform to a global level with High Flyers 50 Global Indians that recognises deserving people from India, UK, USA, UAE, Netherlands et al,” averred host Ravi Kumar.
Interestingly, besides the award felicitations, the evening also witnessed the release of the niche High Flyers 50 coffee-table book that recounts the riveting success stories of the all the heroes. The High Flyers 50 coffee-table book will be available on all the major online and e-Book platforms.
The awardees of High Flyers 50 Global Indians, include, Lord Karan Bilimoria , Dr.Aneel Kashi Murarka, Onir, Aanjjan Srivastav, Kaushik Basu, Sukhinder Singh Cassidy, Kamel Hothi OBE, Dr.Chirantan Ghosh, Abhnash Kaur Bains, Vijay Kalantri, Prabhu Guptara, Dr.Atanu Biswas, Vivek Gupta, Dr.Dinesh Dhamija, Dr.Santanu Sanyal, Ronald Silvan D’Souza, Malav Sanghavi, Bala V Sathyanarayanan, Arsh Pal, Sumit Goel, Samir Sathe, Tanveer Ghazi, K. S.  Ratra, Mohan Prathiban, Dr.Mukesh Batra, Hitesh Agarwal, Dr.Anand Kumar, Sneh Mehta, Girish Pant, Dr.Ravindra Bhagwanrao Deshmukh, Rajat Singhania, Anish Maheshwari, Vasanthan Ramakrishnan, Dr.Ashok Yende, Giridhar Jha, Dr.Bhawani Rathore, Manjit Singh, Nijjar, Benzy, Abhijit Sarkar, Prachi Tantia, Pratik Gauri, Adv. Chandni Kapadia, Abhishek M Datta, Bhavesh Kumar, Indrani Dwarampudi, Srividhya Sukumar, Sachin Narwade among others.

“It’s always wonderful to recognise the achievements of those who have put time, money, and energy into doing something out of the ordinary. Awards such as High Flyers 50 motivate awardees to achieve even greater heights and inspire others to follow in their footsteps,” imparted Pooja Bedi.
Additionally, Jeet Trivedi, a 17-year-old wonder from Bhavnagar, Gujarat, known the world-over for his blindfold abilities such as painting, cycling, reading, and playing Chess, took to the stage and enthralled the audience with his unusual craft.
All in all, an eventful evening indeed!


High Flyers 50 Global Indians – Awards and Book Launch –  Pooja Bedi – Aman Verma – Dr Aneel Kashi Murarka – Aanjjan Srivastav Grace the Occasion

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Bollywood screenwriter turned Author, Akshat Gupta’s debut book, “The Hidden Hindu”, a mythology fiction, gets acquired by Penguin Random House India.

Posted by on Feb 23, 2022 in Author | Comments Off on Bollywood screenwriter turned Author, Akshat Gupta’s debut book, “The Hidden Hindu”, a mythology fiction, gets acquired by Penguin Random House India.

– The trilogy has been acquired for a screen adaptation by Dhoni Entertainment Pvt. Ltd.

Bollywood screenwriter, poet, lyricist turned author, Akshat Gupta’s debut book, “The Hidden Hindu” a mythology fiction, gets acquired by the leading publishing house, Penguin Random House India. A trilogy, the first of this three-part series is titled, “The Hidden Hindu”, schedule to release in February, 2022 and is currently available on pre-order on all major e-commerce websites. The trilogy has been acquired for a screen adaptation by Dhoni Entertainment Pvt. Ltd.

Based in contemporary India, The Hidden Hindu is a brilliant work of fiction that interlinks Sci-Fi technology and Hindu mythology. Author Akshat Gupta brings forth the story of Prithvi, a twenty-one year old searching for a mysterious aghori, Om Shashtri, who was traced more than 200 years ago before he was captured and transported to a high-tech facility on an isolated Indian island. The story proceeds to disclose the incredible revelations of the mystical aghori that could shake up the ancient beliefs of the present and alter course of the future. Readers will discover who is Om Shashtri, why he was captured, unfolding the secrets to enigmatic immortals from Hindu mythology as they follow Prithvi’s pursuit and adventures.

Speaking about the book, author Akshat Gupta said, ‘Writing The Hidden Hindu was exhausting and rejuvenating at the same time. Readers will love the amount of work and time that has been dedicated to developing this story which is an amalgamation of science fiction, mythology and thriller. They can expect the unexpected at every turn of the page, from finding answers to conspiracy theories, to exploring the idea of immortality and understanding our rich history, which is often limited to being seen as ‘mythology’. I am thankful to Penguin Random House India for believing in the story of the entire trilogy before it was even completed.”

Milee Ashwarya, Publisher, Ebury Publishing and Vintage, Penguin Random House India, said ‘I am delighted to be publishing this fantastic trilogy – The Hidden Hindu by Akshat Gupta. Book One of the series takes you into the incredible and exciting world of Om Shastri’s secrets, Prithvi’s pursuit and the adventures of the immortals of Hindu mythology. A fusion of mythology and science fiction the book will keep you captivated till the end. I welcome Akshat Gupta to the Penguin Random House family, and very much look forward to publishing this book.’

About the author

Akshat Gupta belongs to a family of hoteliers and is now an established Bollywood screenwriter, poet and lyricist. He is a bilingual author and has been working on The Hidden Hindu trilogy for years. He was born in Chhattisgarh, grew up in Madhya Pradesh and now lives in Mumbai. Apart from the book, Akshat has been excelling in the Bollywood industry as well as is associated with some of the biggest upcoming projects and massive size films. Akshat has more than 4 films in his kitty, out of which two are with T- series, and a few others with well-known production houses of Bollywood.


Bollywood screenwriter turned Author, Akshat Gupta’s debut book, “The Hidden Hindu”, a mythology fiction, gets acquired by Penguin Random House India.

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Poet Shashi – Her Latest Hindi Poems And Introduction

Posted by on Oct 2, 2021 in Author | Comments Off on Poet Shashi – Her Latest Hindi Poems And Introduction

कवयित्री शशि – परिचय

शशि एक बहुत ही योग्य कवयित्री होने के साथ साथ गीतकार एवं  कहानीकार ( लेखिका)  हैं। जैसा कि हम सभी को विदित है कि हमारा  भारतवर्ष गांवों का देश है। ये बड़ी मेहनत एवं लगन से एमकाे म्यूज़िक प्रा. लि. कंपनी के लिए हिन्दी फ़िल्म की कहानी ग्रामीणों के जनजीवन के  विकासपूर्ण उद्देश्य से लिख रही हैं।

ग्रामीणों की तरक्की, समृद्धि एवं  उज्वल भविष्य हेतु अपनी कलम से यह फिल्म की कहानी देश को समर्पित करना चाहती हैं। आशा है कि निकटतम भविष्य में एमको म्यूज़िक कंपनी इस कहानी को हिन्दी फ़िल्म के जरिए देश एवं दुनियां को समर्पित करेगी।

कवयित्री: शशि

**   गणित  **

यह गणित बड़ा दुखदाई है

छात्र  छात्राओकी आफ़त आई है

स्कूल से जब घर जाते

दस बीस सवाल निकलते

मानो दिमाग में काई है

यह गणित बड़ा दुखदाई है

यह रखता है और भी शाखाएं

बीज गणित और रेखाएं

पर सब में है कठिनाई

यदि होता मेरा राज यहां

क्यों होता जग में गणित  भला

जग कहता यह बड़ा सुखदाई

मैं कहती यह बड़ा दुखदाई

कवयित्री :  शशि

**  नेक सलाह  **

खाना चाहते हो तो ” गम” खाओ

पीना चाहते हो तो ” क्रोध” पियो

पहनना चाहते हो तो ” नेकी” का जामा पहनो


देखना चाहते हो तो ऊंची निगाह से देखो

लेना चाहते हो तो सिर्फ़ आशीर्वाद लो

छोड़ना चाहते हो तो सिर्फ़ पाप और अत्याचार छोड़ो


रखना चाहते हो तो ” इज्ज़त” रखो

बोलना चाहो तो सदा ” सत्य” बोलो

जीतना चाहो तो ” तृष्णा” को जीतो


मारना चाहो तो बुरी इच्छा को मारो

देखना चाहो तो अपने आप को देखो

भोगना चाहो तो सन्तोष को भोगो


फेंकना चाहो तो ” ईर्ष्या” को फेंको

हारना चाहो तो ” अनीति” को हारो

दिखलाना चाहो तो दया दिखलाओ


करना चाहो तो समाजसेवा करो

सीखना चाहो तो अनुशासन सीखो

पढ़ना चाहो तो अच्छी पुस्तक पढ़ो


——सौजन्य से: अरुण शक्ति मैनेजिंग डायरेक्टर

——एमको म्यूजिक प्रा. लि. मोबाइल नम्बर: 9468467100

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Poet Shashi’s New Poem MANAV KRODH Published by Amco Music

Posted by on Jul 14, 2021 in Author | Comments Off on Poet Shashi’s New Poem MANAV KRODH Published by Amco Music

कवयित्री:  शशि

मानव क्रोध

आता है जब क्रोध, लाल चेहरे को कर देता है,

नेत्र आग बरसाते हैं, बुद्धि को हर लेता है,

समय, धर्म, धन का विनाश कर, पाप वृद्धि करता है,

क्रोध महाराक्षस, मानव की समूल शान्ति हरता है।


रक्त विकृत हो जाता है, खाया पानी बन जाता है,

आते रोग अनेक, क्षीण मन दुख से भर जाता है,

न कहने योग्य शब्द, मुख से झरने लगते हैं,

अगले के मानस, पीड़ाओं से भरने लगते हैं।


क्रोध बढ़ाता बैर, स्वजन को कर देता परजन है,

भय का वातावरण, बनाकर पीड़ित करता मन है,

छोटी छोटी बातों में भी, क्रोध नहीं अच्छा है,

करके क्रोध जीत नहीं सकते, जो छोटा बच्चा है।


क्रोध पशुत्व स्वभाव,  विवशता की दुर्लभ बेड़ी है,

जिसने सम्यक समझ लिया, उसने इसको तोड़ी है।

एमको म्यूजिक व अरुण शक्ति के सौजन्य से

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Raja Sarfaraz An Indian Writer And Actor Of Rare Calibre

Posted by on Jan 18, 2021 in Actors, Author | Comments Off on Raja Sarfaraz An Indian Writer And Actor Of Rare Calibre

Raja Sarfaraz Is an Indian Writer and Actor Hails Basically From Jammu and Kashmir District Doda Bhalessa.Raja Sarfaraz is a Columnist also who currently is A PHD Scholar in English literature as well. During Junior Engineering inspired he did Theater and so Made Acting his Carrier. His First Book Tears Of  Kashmir is a quest to Bring Peace and Brotherhood Back In Kashmir is Voice of Silent Mountains and Nature of Kashmir.

*Raja Sarfaraz is Well known For 92 Hours Webseries Negative Lead,

*Ye Meri Kahani Ha Damini ( Hindi Film Nased on Rape Case released in 2013)

* His Upcoming Movie is DUST,

* Upcoming Webseries are Lahore Dairies,  Mission 70, Cynanide Mohan, Scammy.

He has worked in Few Music Videos in Hindi ,Punjabi, Kashmiri, Arabic.

Following are links of ,Articles ,videos, Etc.



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Book Tears of Kashmir

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