अंगद कुमार ओझा की तेलुगु और भोजपुरी भाषा में बनी फिल्म “करिया” का फर्स्ट लुक हुआ आउट
भोजपुरी फिल्म इंडस्ट्री के मल्टी टैलेंटेड एक्टर अंगद कुमार ओझा जल्द ही एक साथ दो भाषाओं की फिल्मों में अपने दमदार अभिनय का जौहर दिखाते हुए नजर आने वाले हैं. उनके चैलेंजिंग अभिनय से सजी फिल्म करिया का फर्स्ट लुक लॉन्च किया गया है, जिसके पोस्टर में अंगद कुमार ओझा एक्ट्रेस जोया खान के साथ रोमांटिक मूड में दिख रहे हैं. पोस्टर का बैकग्राउंड रेत के मैदान और नीला आसमान से घिरा हुआ बड़ा ही मनोहारी लग रहा है.
शक्ति फिल्म्स इंडस्ट्रीज के बैनर तले बनी फिल्म करिया की कहानी आज के ज्वलंत मुद्दों पर केंद्रित है, जिसे अभी रिबिल नही किया जा रहा है. इस फिल्म में केंद्रीय भूमिका में एक अलग तेवर में अंगद कुमार ओझा दिखाई देंगे. वे इस फिल्म के लेखक, निर्देशक और निर्माता भी हैं. वे भोजपुरी फिल्मों के इकलौते ऐसे निर्माता हैं, जिन्होंने दो भाषाओं में फिल्म का निर्माण किया है. यह भोजपुरी फिल्म इंडस्ट्री के लिए गौरव की बात है.
उल्लेखनीय यह है कि फिल्म में अंगद ओझा का हैरतअंगेज अंदाज दर्शकों को बेहद पसंद आ सकता है. फिल्म में अंगद ओझा डबल शेड्स में दिखाई देगें. उनका साउदर्न स्टाइल एक बार फिर से दर्शकों के बीच छाप छोड़ सकता है. फिल्म करिया के संगीतकार वीरेंद्र पॉल हैं. डीओपी टी शबरी नाथ, डांस मास्टर प्रसून यादव, एक्शन मास्टर दिनेश यादव, आर्ट डायरेक्टर राजीव शर्मा, एडिटर गोविन्द दूबे, प्रोडक्शन कंट्रोलर जीतू बाबा हैं. पोस्ट प्रोडक्शन वर्क आई फोकस स्टूडियो में किया गया है।. फिल्म प्रचारक रामचन्द्र यादव हैं। मुख्य भूमिका में अंगद ओझा के साथ जोया खान, मनोज टाइगर, अमित शुक्ला, प्रकाश जैस, बालेश्वर सिंह, अयाज खान, बीना पांडेय, सोनिया मिश्रा और ज्योति मिश्रा हैं.
गौरतलब है कि अपनी पहली रिलीज फिल्म “वायरस” से फिल्मी पर्दे पर सुर्खियां बटोरने वाले जाने माने फिल्म निर्माता, निर्देशक, लेखक व अभिनेता अंगद कुमार ओझा अपनी नई फिल्म “करिया” को लेकर काफी ज्यादा उत्साहित हैं. ये फिल्म बनकर तैयार हो चुकी है. इसकी रिलीजिंग की तैयारियां जोरों से शुरू हो गई हैं.
फिल्म के बारे में बात करने पर अंगद कुमार ओझा ने बताया कि फिल्म “करिया” की कहानी पूरी तरह से फ्रेस और सम्पूर्ण पारिवारिक है. जिसमें एक्शन भी है, इमोशन भी है, रोमांस भी है और कॉमेडी का तड़का भी लगा है. उम्मीद है कि फिल्म करिया को आलोचकों और दर्शकों से समान रूप से सकारात्मक प्रतिक्रियाएं मिलेंगी और यह बॉक्स ऑफिस पर सफल साबित होगी.
अंगद कुमार ओझा की तेलुगु और भोजपुरी भाषा में बनी फिल्म “करिया” का फर्स्ट लुक हुआ आउट
INDIA’S PRIDE EXCELLENCE ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS 2022 was held in Pune recently with great fan and fare. Many Celebrities and Businessman were Awarded the IPEAA Awards in a marvelous function In WE Hotel Pune.
- Seema Bundhela: Seema Bundhela is a Public Relations expert and Executive Producer based in Mumbai. In a short period of time, she has achieved considerable success in her career and has become a well-known figure in Mumbai.
- Snehal Bangar: Snehal Bangar has been named a young icon for inspiring others to be the best in their respective fields.
- Samruddhi Jadhav: Samrudhi has been a fashionista since she was a child, and she has always created her own unique statement. Her zeal has earned her the title of fashionista of the year.
- Ritesh Vyas: Ritesh Vyas has had entrepreneurial ideas since he was a child. His calculated mind and foresight have made him a well-known Ahemdabad businessman.
- Babu Patel: Babu Patel is the Managing Partner of Sasta Recharge and has been a part of Joil Entertainment for the past 5 years, among his other activities.
- Mona Poordayaei: Mona Poordayaei is a famous Iranian chef. She is a young woman who has organised multiple cuisine festivals in India’s five-star hotels. She has worked as a wedding chef for Hyderabadi Nawabs and possesses Iranian magic in her hands.
- Sonal Purohit: Dr. Sonal Purohit is a celebrity lifestyle coach and the managing director of Satvik Lifestyle Management in Pune. She has encouraged many people to live a satvik lifestyle and understand the importance of the same.
- Shruti Saxena: Shruti Saxena is a strong woman who has worked as a train manager, a position that is uncommon in India. She has tried her luck as a model and actress since she has a passion for modeling and acting, which has led to success and renown, and this award is to recognize her gut power and vitality.
- Salman Inamdar: Salman Inamdar is a well-known businessman. He is the Director of Balraj and Salman Production.
- Balraj Singh: Balraj Singh is a well-known figure in the business community. He is the Director of Balraj and Salman Production.
- Kunal Thakkar: Kunal Thakkar is the Founder and CEO of the Interior Mall, which is known for its design quality. He is also a young, dynamic personality in the creative industry who has been recognized for this award.
- Pushpak Pashine: Pushpak Pashine is a passionate and talented photographer who excels in capturing the ideal moments, thus winning the Best Photography of the Year award.
- Rahoul Sonawane: Rahoul Ssonawane is the Founder and CEO of Success booster Pvt Ltd. He has had a lot of success in the corporate sector and has done some amazing work in the industry, which has helped him get a lot of popularity among the general public.
- Naren Rathi: Naren Rathi has always been a keen observer and follower of the fashion world. Because of his interest, hard effort, and enthusiasm, he has become one of the top fashion designers of our day.
- Pakkhi Hegde : Pakkhi Hegde is a multitalented individual. She is a well-known actress who has appeared in numerous Bollywood and South Indian films. Pakhi is a stunning woman with impeccable taste and a gracious demeanor, in addition to being a social activist.
- Shripal Jain: Shripal Jain is a successful businessman who specializes in real estate and contracts. He also has a passion for production and direction and runs his own production company.
- Yash Wadali: Yash Wadali has a number of viral music videos and has appeared as a background singer in a number of South Indian films, as well as being named Best Signer of the Year by a jury in the United States.
- Riya Mohan: Riya Mohan, a 23-year-old young woman from Pune, dreams of reaching the sky and flying high. She holds a bachelor’s degree in fashion design. She is a model, a Pagent winner, a fashion connoisseur, and an aspiring influencer. Despite her young age, she has won countless titles and crowns in beauty pageants.
- Rakesh Sabarwal: Rakesh Sabarwal is a well-known Bollywood director and producer who has worked on a variety of shows, events, and films. He owns his own production house as a result of his keen interest in the field. Since season one, he has served as an event jury for a number of shows around the world and has been a strong supporter of Joil entertainment events.
- Nikita Rawal: Nikita Rawal is one of the most sophisticated actors in the industry. She has won awards for best actress in both Bollywood and the South.
- Malvi Malhotra: Malvi Malhotra is one of the most stunning models in the industry right now. She has been named the Fresh Face of the Year.
- Shamonisha: Shamonisha is a stunning young woman who is fascinated by sculptures, stones, and marbles. Her vibrant personality and inventive mindset have earned her the title of Best Business Woman of the Year.
- Bhakti Jamsandekar : Bhakti Jamsandekar is a well known Model in the industry . She is also a Pagent winner.
- Ayush Lotikar: Ayush Lotikar is a well-known Model on the Fashion Runway. Because of his charming nature, hard work, and great determination, he is gaining a foothold in the field.
- Yash Thorat: Yash Thorat is a well-known runway model. Due to his dashing and lethal features, he has become the heartthrob of many young people.
- Basannt Rasiwasia : Basannt Rasiwasia is a Numerologist and Vastu Expert. People who understand Vastu and believe in the numerological significance of numbers eagerly wait for his appointments.
- Mannan Maalik: Mannan Maalik is a well-known model and recipient of the Pagent award.
- Pradeep Pali: Pradeep Pali comes from a family of entrepreneurs. His vision has earned him the title of the town’s top businessman.
- Mayuri Shubhanand: Mayuri Shubhanand is a fashion Model also gifted with acting skills. She is also an Actress now.
- Anushka Harake: Anushka Harake aspires to be a role model for children and to make a meaningful contribution to society by utilizing her positive talents. Singing and dancing are two of her favorite activities. In addition, she enjoys outdoor sports such as cricket, badminton, and skating. This actress and stylish kid model has won multiple pageant awards since she was a child.
- Sandy Joil : Sandy Joil is an entrepreneur, director, and CEO currently headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra, is well-known in the fashion world. He is a young entrepreneur and a vibrant, adaptable individual who is well-known in the fashion world as a pageant organiser. Due to his entrepreneurial and leadership qualities, he is the founder and owner of two beauty pageants. He started Joil Entertainment, a Mumbai-based company, in September 2021 and serves as its director and CEO. Mr. Miss & Mrs. Universe is his company, and he is the founder, CEO, and Director.
- Sunny and Sanjay Golden Guys:
Read Moreवर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स की फ़िल्म कलाकंद के सभी गाने गायेंगी शिल्पी राज
भोजपुरी सिनेमा की चहेती सिंगर शिल्पी राज के सितारे इन दिनों बुलंदी पर हैं। उनकी ख्याति इस समय सातवें आसमान पर हैं। जैसा कि शिल्पी राज के नाम में ही राज है वैसे ही वे अपनी दमदार आवाज के दम पर भोजपुरी इंडस्ट्री पर राज कर रही हैं। छोटी उम्र में ही उन्होंने इंडस्ट्री के एक से बढ़कर एक हिट गाने दिए हैं। उनके गाए सभी गाने मिलिनियन क्लब में शामिल हो जाते हैं। अब शिल्पी राज के फैंस के लिए एक और खुश खबरी हैं।
वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स चैनल के बैनर तले दिनेश लाल यादव निरहुआ, आम्रपाली दुबे और नीलम गिरी स्टारर फिल्म ‘कलाकंद के सभी गानों में दर्शकों को शिल्पी राज की जादुई आवाज सुनने को मिलेगी। इस बात की पुष्टि खुद निर्माता रत्नाकर कुमार ने की हैं। वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स के एमडी रत्नाकर कुमार ने बताया है कि हमारी भोजपुरी फिल्म कलाकंद के सभी गानों को शिल्पी राज अपनी मधुर आवाज देंगी। यह श्रोताओं और शिल्पी राज के फैन्स के लिए बड़ी खबर है। शिल्पी राज की युवाओं में अच्छी खासी फैन फॉलोइंग हैं। जिसका फायदा कलाकंद को मिलेगा।
उन्होंने बताया कि ‘कलाकंद’ से शिल्पी राज का जुड़ना हमारे लिए भी खुशी की बात है। वे हमारी फिल्में के गाने गानें वाली है। इससे फिल्म का ग्राफ और बढ़ जाएगा। वैसे भी इस फिल्म दिनेश लाल यादव निरहुआ और आम्रपाली दुबे के होने से पहले ही फिल्म का केनवास बड़ा था। अब शिल्पी राज के जुड़ जाने से इसके ग्राफ में चार चांद लगा गए हैं।
Shilpi Raj will sing all the songs of Worldwide Records Film Kalakand
Read MoreActress Vandana Gautam Great Granddaughter of Dadasaheb Phalke Reached For Tribute on His Memorial Day In Mumbai
Vandana Gautam Great Granddaughter of Dadasaheb Phalke..Who is the father of Indian CINEMA …reached to Mumbai for tribute on her Great Grand Father’s memorial day. On this day Vandana Gautam’s Father Dr. Chandra Shekhar Pusalkar..and mother Pushpa Pusalkar also reached to tribute..they spoted at Dadasaheb Phalke Statue at Goregaon Filmcity Mumbai.
Dhundiraj Govind Phalke popularly known as Dadasaheb Phalke (30 April 1870 – 16 February 1944), was an Indian producer-director-screenwriter, known as “the Father of Indian Cinema”.[1] His debut film, Raja Harishchandra, was the first Indian movie released in 1913, and is now known as India’s first full-length feature film. He made 95 feature-length films and 27 short films in his career, spanning 19 years, until 1937, including his most noted works: Mohini Bhasmasur (1913), Satyavan Savitri (1914), Lanka Dahan (1917), Shri Krishna Janma (1918) and Kaliya Mardan (1919).
Dadasaheb Phalke father of Indian CINEMA
Vandana Gautam with Dad Chandra Shekhar Pusalkar and Mother Pushpa Pusalkar
Vandana Gautam with Dad Chandra Shekhar Pusalkar
Vandana Gautam Great Granddaughter of Dadasaheb Phalke
On this occasion Artist Ishwar Kumar gifted to the Vandana Gautam a self made painting of Dadasaheb Phalke… Actress Vandana Gautam ( Great Granddaughter of Dadasaheb Phalke) become so happy and Same presented to her Father( Chandra Shekhar Pusalkar) and Mother ( Pushpa Pusalkar)..after receiving that gift parents become happy and announced to everyone that every daughter should gift something to her Father for making him happy …
Actress Vandana Gautam Great Granddaughter of Dadasaheb Phalke Reached For Tribute on His Memorial Day In Mumbai
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~The carnival will be onfrom24th to 27thFeb, 2022~
~ Bollywood actress Nia Sharma to grace the grand finale of the carnival~
India, February 21, 2021: Asia’s largest offshore gaming and entertainment destination, Deltin Royale – Goa, is all set to host India’s Largest Gaming Carnival from February 24th to27th, 2022. The gaming carnival will coincide with the famous‘Goa Carnival’ scheduled from the 26th of Feb to the 1st of March; tourists from all over the world flock to Goa to witness the carnival every year. Bollywood actress Nia Sharma will gracethe grand finale of the gaming carnival onboard Deltin Royale and she will also felicitate the winners.
Riding high on the spirits of thrilling and exciting gaming experience, the Gaming Carnival welcomesthe avid gamers as well as the thrill seekers to participate in various genres of live gaming & try their luck at winning & taking home grandprizes such as the newBMW X3 car, MG Hector, Luxurywatches,iPhones and lots more.Combined with Deltin’s iconic hospitality, world class entertainment, gourmet food and free flowing beverages, the carnival will be open to all gaming enthusiasts who can walk- in and choose to play a variety of games being offered at the casino floor and indulge in the finest services onboard.
Speaking on the carnival, Mr. Anil Malani, CEO, Deltin, said, “We are thrilled to host this year’s most awaited Gaming Carnival and, as always, look forward to giving our guests an unforgettable experience.The gaming enthusiastswill have a perfect setting totry their luck and win an exciting line-up of grand prizes,in a safe and comfortable environment”
With best-in-class safety protocol ‘BestAssured’ in place and adherence to all covid safety guidelines, Deltin Royale, ensures a seamless and anxiety-free experience for allguests.‘Deltin’ is the leader and the most appreciated brand in the luxury gaming segment and is a recipient of many prestigious awards and accolades.
Interested players can book their visit throughwww.deltin.com or by contacting the customer service desk @ 98196 98196.
Read MoreA Soulful Track ROSHNI Sung By Shivangi Sharma Depicts A Heart Touching Love Story
Shivangi Sharma starrer song ‘Roshni’ has become the most viewed video on Youtube.
Roshni is a Hindi romantic song, i.e., bound to leave you with butterflies inside.
After a few minutes of its release, the sad-romantic number became a viral sensation. Looking at the rapid pace of increase in views and likes, there is no stopping to some record breaking stats. The track is romantic, soulful, and has something magical about it that can’t be described but only felt in the recently released Roshni sung by the uber-talented and charismatic Shivangi Sharma and co-produced by See Saw Entertainment.
Shivangi Sharma and Co- Producer is overwhelmed with the amount of love for their new song, we decided to get some word on it from them.
Here is what she said.
Shivangi said that she was thrilled with the fantastic response her song, Roshni, has received so far. It has been a long journey – one that started nearly ten years back. She takes immense pride in her journey and accomplishment and is grateful for all her found support. She had always thought of herself as an introvert, and it was the stage that made her realise her potential. Today, she has done shows globally in places like the US, Europe, and Singapore. Of all the people she has worked with, she is most grateful to Aslam Khan, who was critical in getting her a break in the industry and first major hit in “Sexy Saiyaan.” She has worked with legendary singers like Daler Mehndi and Arijit Singh, and Rahul Vaidya continues to be her frequent collaborator. She enjoys interacting with her fans and considers their feedback a major source of motivation to continue doing what she is doing.
Following some words from Shivangi Sharma, we requested Aslam Khan to share some highlights behind Roshni.
Aslam Khan added “Roshni is everything Shivangi Sharma represents. Hard work and dedication to her craft. I’m just glad I get to share parts of this beautiful journey. She is an exceptional talent, and people love her for that. I wish her to keep growing and delivering hitmakers like Sexy Saiyaan and now Roshni. What more can I say? Just keep supporting us.”
Roshni is close to their heart as they have put immense hard work into producing the song. The early reactions have thrilled everyone involved in the project, especially the singer Shivangi Sharma herself. It has lifted everyone’s spirit, and they are thankful to everyone in the industry and their fans for making the song a success. They plan to continue producing more songs and music videos down the line and entertain the fans.
This love song is just one of those tracks that catch the listener’s ears from the moment you hit play.
Check out now :
Read More10th International Documentary Film Festival Noida 2022 Announced
Noida: “This is the 10th year we have planned an international Documentary Film Festival under the banner of Global Festival of Journalism Noida 2022. We could not do much last year because of Pandemic but now we have overcome the difficulties. This year documentary film festival will go international way,” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah Chancellor of AAFT University of Media and Arts in a joint meeting to announce 10th Edition of Documentary Film Festival.
“Global Festival of Journalism Noida has already emerged as the most exclusive festival of the World. Earlier documentary film festival used to be the part of three days celebration of this journalism festival, but now even documentary film festival has grown big and expanding as a separate identity.,” said Dr. Sushil Bharti newly appointed Festival Director for IDFFN.
“International Journalism Centre has suggested to give more time to film makers to submit their documentaries. The last date of submitting the documentaries is going to be 31st March. Some very valuable awards are being planned for the winners. There will be also a participating certificate for every film,” added Ashok Tyagi Director of Global Film Festival Noida & Hindi Cinema Samman Samaroh.
The festival will be presented by International Journalism Centre and is supported by AAFT School of Mass Communication & Journalism, International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry, AAFT University of Media and Arts, International Film and Television Club, International Film and Television Research Centre, International Public Broadcasting Forum and many other National and International associations.
10th International Documentary Film Festival Noida 2022 Announced
Read MoreCheetah Yajnesh Shetty celebrated Bruce Lee’s 81st Birth Anniversary on 27 November 2021
MUMBAI: Bollywood’s famous Action director and martial arts expert Cheetah Yajnesh Shetty, who is also the President of Cheetah Jeet Kune Do Global Sports Federation, has been celebrating Bruce Lee’s birthday with much fanfare in India for the past 12 years. This time the 81st Birthday of Sijo Bruce Lee was celebrated at The Celebration Sports Club, Andheri (West), Mumbai on November 27, 2021 with pomp.
Material for studies like books, water bottle, pencils, crayons and food was distributed to the underprivileged children. This time the program was dedicated on global warming in order to spread message on not to burn firecrackers, tyres, plastic, nor to throw them in the sea or pond or forest. The children were given the message of not cutting trees instead plant saplings and to use cycles for travelling rather than automobiles.
On this occassion guest of honours Ashok Shetty Ninjoor, Harish Shetty, Kasturi V Shetty, Poornima Shetty, Rajkumar Bidawatka (O2Rise), Shagun Wagh (Macans Infotech), Pankaj Kamal (SANDSTONEPRO),DN Wisdom Tree (Bhuvaneshwar) etc. graced the program by joining the celebration.
Cheetah Yajnesh Shetty celebrated Bruce Lee’s 81st Birth Anniversary on 27 November 2021
Read MoreDiary Of Angel & Ginie A Book By The youngest co-authors Saanvi Shrivastava – Riddhima Shrivastava
The book, Diary of Angel and Ginie is their debut at the tender age of 10 and 8 years & now called as the youngest co-authors .
The book, Diary of Angel and Ginie is a compilation of stories that these girls have written. The best part about the stories is that each story has a value added in it. In a generation where kids are obsessed with mobile games and Youtube, Saanvi and Riddhima have taken time out to observe people around them and feel their feelings.
In their stories, you will find respect for elders, you will feel love for the society and you will experience their thought process towards their friends, their teachers and their family.
We feel that such stories seek to bring about moral values and store them in a child’s sub conscious.
Realization of these values brings about harmony, happiness and peace, which are miserably lacking in the modern times.
The Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan blessed the both kids for their success in their life and all the best for the book.
Diary Of Angel & Ginie A Book By co-authors Saanvi Shrivastava – Riddhima Shrivastava
Read Moreरानी चटर्जी प्रत्यूष मिश्रा राजा महाराजा के भव्य महल जैसा विशाल सेट बनाकर मुम्बई में की जा रही शूटिंग
पीएसजे मीडिया विज़न के बैनर तले बन रही फिल्म “भाभी माँ” का फर्स्ट लुक लांच होते ही यह सिनेमा चर्चा में आ गया है। निर्माता सुमित की यह फ़िल्म काफी भव्य रूप से फिल्माई जा रही है। मुम्बई में निर्देशक जय प्रकाश मिश्रा की फ़िल्म भाभी माँ का सेट भी राजा महाराजा के आलीशान महल की तरह बनाया गया है। बॉलीवुड में जिस तरह के आलीशान सेट के लिए संजय लीला भंसाली प्रसिद्ध हैं, भाभी मां का सेट भी वही फीलिंग देता है। इस फ़िल्म को लेकर एंटायर टीम बहुत एक्साइटेड है।
हीरो प्रत्यूष मिश्रा, हीरोइन रानी चटर्जी और सोनालिका प्रसाद भी इस क्लासिक फ़िल्म के फिल्मांकन को लेकर उत्साहित हैं।
फ़िल्म के फर्स्ट लुक में रानी चटर्जी किसी महल की रानी ही लग रही हैं। वही भव्यता, वही आकर्षण, वही पेशकश।
पुरुस्कार विजेता निर्देशक जय प्रकाश मिश्रा की यह फैमिली ड्रामा फ़िल्म “भाभी माँ” पीएसजे मीडिया विज़न की एक बड़ी पेशकश है। कर्णप्रिय और मधुर गीत संगीत से सजी इस फ़िल्म की शूटिंग फिलहाल मुम्बई में जोर शोर से चल रही है।
यह एक साफ सुथरी सोशल फ़िल्म है जिसमें दर्शकों को एंटरटेनमेंट के साथ साथ एक मैसेज भी दिया जाएगा। डायरेक्टर जय प्रकाश मिश्रा की इस फ़िल्म की कहानी रिश्तों की कद्र करने के इर्दगिर्द घूमती है।
शार्ट फ़िल्म “गुड मॉर्निंग ईएमआई” में प्रत्यूष मिश्रा की एक्टिंग की काफी तारीफ हुई है। इस फ़िल्म को कई नेशनल और इंटरनेशनल अवार्ड्स से भी नवाजा गया, जिसे जय प्रकाश मिश्रा ने डायरेक्ट किया था। यही टीम अब भाभी माँ बना रही हैं इसलिए उम्मीदें कई गुना बढ़ गई हैं।
फैमिली ओरिएंटेड फिल्म भाभी मां को लेकर निर्देशक जय प्रकाश मिश्रा सहित फ़िल्म से जुड़ी पूरी टीम बेहद उत्साहित है।
Rani Chatterjee – Pratyush Mishra’s Film Bhabhi Maa gets a huge set like the majestic palace of the Maharaja film is being shot in Mumbai
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