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Strengthening The Protection Of Sanatan Dharma : A Meeting Of Inspiration And Commitment

Posted by on Sep 6, 2024 in Top Story | Comments Off on Strengthening The Protection Of Sanatan Dharma : A Meeting Of Inspiration And Commitment

Mumbai : An inspiring meeting was held to address the vital topic of protecting Sanatan Dharma and fostering unity within the Hindu community. Prominent social activist Kajal Hindustani, along with Dr. Ramkumar Pal, the Executive Chairman of the Prime Minister’s Self-Reliant India initiative, and Gaurishankar Chaube, President of the Dwarkamai Charity Organization, came together to discuss strategies for organizing and strengthening the Hindu society.

During the event, Kajal Hindustani was honored with a statue of Lord Ram, presented by Ramkumar Pal, symbolizing the deep-rooted values of Sanatan Dharma and the community’s commitment to preserving its rich cultural heritage. This gesture underscored Kajal’s significant contributions to promoting Hindu unity and her tireless efforts in advocating for social justice.

Ramkumar Pal, known for his leadership in empowering communities through the Self-Reliant India initiative, emphasized the importance of economic development as a means to protect cultural values and traditions. He shared insights on how self-reliance can strengthen the Hindu community, encouraging members to support local businesses and initiatives that align with their cultural identity.

Gaurishankar Chaube also participated in honoring Kajal Hindustani, praising her dedication to uplifting the community and inspiring others to engage in meaningful dialogue and activism. He highlighted the need for collective action in safeguarding the principles of Sanatan Dharma, emphasizing the role of charity and social work in building a stronger society.

The discussions revolved around how the Hindu community can unite to address contemporary challenges while remaining steadfast in their cultural identity. The leaders highlighted the need for grassroots movements, collaboration among various organizations, and the involvement of youth in promoting the values of Sanatan Dharma.

The meeting concluded with a strong commitment from all attendees to work together towards these goals, recognizing that a united effort is essential for the preservation and protection of Sanatan Dharma in today’s society. The gathering served as a powerful reminder of the collective responsibility each individual has in fostering a vibrant and organized Hindu community.


Strengthening The Protection Of Sanatan Dharma : A Meeting Of Inspiration And Commitment

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Posted by on May 15, 2022 in Top Story | Comments Off on MUAY THAI TRAINING BY THAI CHAMPIONS AT UFC GYM BANDRA

The Royal Thai Consulate invited Thai Fighters to conduct Muay Thai Training at UFC GYM Bandra

Mumbai: India’s bilateral relations with Thailand are rooted in history, age-old social and cultural interactions and extensive people-to-people contacts. In the past two decades, with regular political exchanges, growing trade and investment, India’s ties with Thailand have now evolved into a comprehensive partnership.

On the eve of 75 years of this partnership, the Royal Thai Consulate-General in Mumbai partners with UFC GYM India to extend the training of their popular MMA sport through their top athletes Supawit Chaisiri (Kru Bank) and Anusorn Sor Ruya (Kru Tum) to the Indian brethren at the UFC GYM Bandra facility in Mumbai.

Muaythai, also referred to as the art of 8 limbs which include 2 fists, 2 feet, 2 elbows and 2 knees, is a martial art and one of the most demanding combat sports that uses stand-up striking along with various clinching techniques. It’s a total body HIIT workout. A fun and efficient way to burn fat and lose weight that also builds your core, flexibility, and overall strength. It also builds confidence, dedication and determination.

Mr. Donnawit Poolsawat, Consul General, Royal Thai Consulate-General in Mumbai states, “On the occasion of the 75th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between Thailand and India, the Royal Thai Consulate-General in Mumbai extends this training session to the Indian audience in association with UFC GYM India. We are sure this ancient form of martial art will help to inculcate a holistic fitness regime among fellow Indians”.

“We, at UFC GYM India, provide unlimited group fitness classes where one can discover the fit that’s right for themselves. This initiative is part of the same endeavour where one can consistently shock their system and deliver the desired results and achieve optimal fitness. We thank the Royal Thai Consulate-General in Mumbai for such a noble initiative to promote fitness in India and look forward to many such initiatives in future to strengthen the bond between both our nations”

“We’d also like to thank Ms. Nattasuda Mettaprasert, Deputy Consulate General, Royal Thai Consulate-General in Mumbai and Mr. Ajay Marwah, Associate Director – Marketing & Operations, UFC GYM Bandra for bringing this event together and making it a success.” share Mr. FarzadPalia and Mr. Istayak Ansari, Master Licensees of UFC GYM India.

To sum it all up, Muay Thai is one art form beneficial to people of all ages and it’s never too late to start learning it.

For more information about UFC GYM Bandra, please visit, or follow the gym on Instagram at @ufcgymbandra.


UFC GYM® is the first major brand extension of UFC®, the world’s premier MMA organization, created in alliance with New Evolution Ventures™ (NeV), developers of many of the world’s most successful fitness brands. As the first to unite the benefits of MMA with fitness, the brand is not what you expect, and more than you can imagine. UFC GYM’s TRAIN DIFFERENT® approach provides members with the ultimate fitness experience and programming that secures results for all ages and training levels. With over 150 locations opened and 700 additional locations currently in development globally, UFC GYM has revolutionized the fitness industry and positively impacted countless lives worldwide. UFC GYM offers theopportunity to own and operate a franchise domestically and internationally. For more information, please visit Follow UFC GYM at,, Instagram and Twitter @UFCGYM. Follow UFC GYM India at,, Twitter and Instagram: @UFCGYMIndia.

About UFC®

UFC® is the world’s premier mixed martial arts organization (MMA), with more than 688 million fans and 198 million social media followers. The organization produces more than 40 live events annually in some of the most prestigious arenas around the world, while broadcasting to nearly 900 million TV households across more than 170 countries. UFC’s athlete roster features the world’s best MMA athletes representing more than 75 countries. The organization’s digital offerings include UFC FIGHT PASS®, one of the world’s leading streaming services for combat sports. UFC is owned by global entertainment, sports and content company Endeavor, and is headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada. For more information, visit and follow UFC at, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram and TikTok: @UFC.


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Ashfaque Khopekar Littleknown Facts About Welknown Personality President Of Dadsaheb Phalke Film Foundation

Posted by on Mar 11, 2022 in Top Story | Comments Off on Ashfaque Khopekar Littleknown Facts About Welknown Personality President Of Dadsaheb Phalke Film Foundation

मायानगरी केवल अभिनेताओं की नहीं अपितु रुपहले पर्दे के पीछे की भी दुनिया है जिसे लोग नज़रअंदाज़ कर देते हैं। लेकिन पर्दे के पीछे के इन्हीं लोगों की बदौलत रुपहला पर्दा चमकता है। इस पर्दे के पीछे निर्देशक, निर्माता, मेकअप आर्टिस्ट, जूनियर आर्टिस्ट, डांसर, लाइट मैन, टेक्नीशियन, स्पॉटबॉय, मजदूर और ना जाने कितने लोग शामिल रहते हैं। इन पर्दे के पीछे के नगीनों का चयन कर दादासाहब फाल्के फाउंडेशन अवार्ड उनकी योग्यता को परख कर सम्मानित करता है। ऐसे ही हीरों को हौसला दिलाने वाले नवीन राह दिलाने वाले हैं अशफाक कोपेकर।

अशफाक कोपेकर दादासाहब फाल्के फ़िल्म फाउंडेशन के अध्यक्ष हैं। वर्तमान में वह स्क्रीन राइटर ऑफ इंडिया असोसिएशन के अध्यक्ष भी हैं। साथ ही इंडियन फ़िल्म डायरेक्टर असोसिएशन के साथ भी जुड़े है। इसके अलावा अशफाक कोपेकर विभिन्न असोसिएशन के साथ जुड़े हुए हैं। जहाँ वे फ़िल्म इंडस्ट्री से जुड़े हुए लोगों के साथ विभिन्न क्षेत्रों के लोगों की भी सहायता करते हैं और उन्हें उचित प्लेटफार्म भी मुहैया कराते हैं।

उनका मुख्य कार्य लेखन और निर्देशन है। इतने वर्षों से फ़िल्म उद्योग से जुड़ कर वह अनोकोनेक कार्य करते जा रहे हैं।

फ़िल्म उद्योग से जुड़ी कुछ बातों को लेकर अशफाक कोपेकर से हुई बातचीत के कुछ महत्वपूर्ण अंश…

प्रश्न – आप कब से फ़िल्म इंडस्ट्री से जुड़े हैं?

उत्तर – उन्नीस सौ तिरानवे से मैं फ़िल्म उद्योग से जुड़ा हुआ हूँ। जिसमें फ़िल्म उद्योग के रुपहले पर्दे और उसके पीछे जुड़े विभिन्न कामों को करता आ रहा हूँ। जैसे फिल्मों का निर्देशन, लेखन आदि कार्य।

प्रश्न – आपकी पहली शुरुआत कैसी रही और आपने क्या कार्य किया?

उत्तर – मुख्यतः मेरा मूल कार्य लेखन और निर्देशन है। मेरी पहली धरावाहिक ‘आजादी की ओर’ है और धीरे धीरे अपने कार्यों से आगे का पड़ाव चढ़ता गया।

प्रश्न – आप विभिन्न असोसिएशन से जुड़े हुए हैं इस बारे में व्याख्या करेंगे?

उत्तर – वर्तमान में स्क्रीन राइटर ऑफ इंडिया असोसिएशन का अध्यक्ष पद पर हूँ साथ ही दादा साहब फाल्के फ़िल्म असोसिएशन का अध्यक्ष हूँ। इंडियन डायरेक्टर असोसिएशन जैसे कई असोसिएशन के साथ जुड़ा हूँ और साथ मिलकर कार्य भी कर रहा हूँ।

प्रश्न – विगत कुछ वर्षों से दादासाहब फाल्के फ़िल्म फाउंडेशन के आयोजन ना हो पाने का क्या कारण है?

उत्तर – दादा साहब फ़िल्म फाउंडेशन अवार्ड का आयोजन ना हो पाने का मुख्य कारण कोरोना प्रोटोकॉल है। विगत दो वर्ष से कोरोना महामारी के कारण सरकार के आदेशनुसार भीड़ इकट्ठी करने की मनाही थी। जबकि हमारे अवार्ड शो में बत्तीस से भी ज्यादा असोसिएशन का साथ होता है और एक असोसिएशन से बीस से पच्चीस लोग शामिल होते हैं। बिना असोसिएशन के सदस्यों के अवार्ड नहीं कर सकते साथ ही फ़िल्म इंडस्ट्री से जुड़े सभी लोग रहते हैं ऐसे में भीड़ बढ़ जाती है। लगभग हजारों लोगों को इकट्ठा करने का सरकार द्वारा आदेश प्राप्त नहीं है जिस कारण यह कार्यक्रम करने में कठिनाई हुई। हमारे ही नहीं इस कोरोना प्रोटोकॉल के कारण कई असोसिएशन के कार्य में बाधा आयी है। वैसे इस बार हमारी असोसिएशन का प्रयास है कि सरकार से आदेश प्राप्त कर अवार्ड का आयोजन किया जाए।

प्रश्न – आप दादासाहब फाल्के फ़िल्म फाउंडेशन के लिए योग्य उम्मीदवार का चयन कैसे करते हैं?

उत्तर – इस अवॉर्ड में केवल हमारे असोसिएशन का ही कार्य नहीं होता बल्कि लगभग बत्तीस से ज्यादा असोसिएशन हमारे साथ जुड़े हुए हैं। वे ही हर क्षेत्र से चुनाव कर योग्य अवार्डी का नाम रिकमेंड करते हैं। साथ ही हमारे ज्यूरी मेम्बर भी होते हैं जो चयन प्रक्रिया में साथ निभाते हैं। यह चयन पूर्णतः निष्पक्ष और बहुमत के आधार पर होता है। इसमें योग्यता के आधार पर चुनाव कर निर्णय लिया जाता है। इसमें किसी पदाधिकारी का हस्तक्षेप नहीं रहता।

प्रश्न – यह अवॉर्ड किन क्षेत्र विशेष को दिया जाता है?

उत्तर – इस अवार्ड में सिल्वर स्क्रीन में दिखाई देने वाले लोगों से पहले जो फिल्मी पर्दे के पीछे काम कर रहे हैं उन लोगों का चयन कर अवार्ड से सम्मानित किया जाता है। साथ ही उन्हें ग्यारह हजार की राशि और अन्य सहायता भी प्रदान की जाती है। फ़िल्म निर्माण से जुड़े मेकअप मैन, डांसर, जूनियर आर्टिस्ट, टेक्नीशियन आदि इस अवार्ड में शामिल होते हैं।

प्रश्न – दादासाहब फाल्के फ़िल्म फाउंडेशन अवार्ड की शुरुआत कैसे हुई अभी वर्तमान में दादा साहब के नाम से कई अवार्ड हो रहे हैं। आप इस बारे में कुछ मार्गदर्शन देना चाहेंगे?

उत्तर – दादासाहब फाल्के फ़िल्म फाउंडेशन अवार्ड हम बहुत पहले से करते आ रहे हैं। पहले इसका नाम दादा साहब फाल्के एकेडेमिक अवार्ड था बाद में इसका नाम परिवर्तित किया गया है। यह अवार्ड हमने दादासाहब के जन्मदिन के अवसर पर उनकी स्मृति और सम्मान में शुरू किया है। दादासाहब के नाम के इस अवार्ड को शाहरुख खान अपने ऑफिस में सामने रखते हैं, जबकि उनके पास अवार्ड्स की कोई कमी नहीं है। हाँ, वर्तमान में इस नाम से कई अवार्ड शो चलाये जा रहे हैं लेकिन मुझे उनसे कोई गिला नहीं क्योंकि वे अपनी आजीविका या प्रसिद्धि हेतु यह कर रहे हैं। किंतु जो वास्तविक है वह वास्तविक रहेगा कोई उसका मुखौटा लगाकर पूर्ण जीत प्राप्त नहीं कर सकता। वास्तविकता वो भी जानते हैं और अंजाम भी, अतः अपना कार्य पूर्ण यत्न से करते रहो।

प्रश्न – आप स्टार मेकर्स के लिए भी कार्य कर रहे हैं इस विषय की ओर आपका ध्यान कैसे गया?

उत्तर – हमारा असोसिएशन स्टार मेकर्स द्वारा चयनित योग्य और अच्छे गायकों को गाइड करता है और उचित प्लेटफॉर्म मुहैया कराता है। हमारे देश में योग्यताओं की कमी नहीं है। अभिनय और गायन क्षेत्रों में तो प्रतिभाओं का कोई सानी ही नहीं है। लॉकडाउन के दौरान हमने सोचा कि देश की इन प्रतिभाओं को मौका दिया जाए। जो भी स्टारमेकर्स के गायक हम तक पहुंचते हैं, हम उनकी सहायता करते है। खंडवा की तरुणा शुक्ला जो आल इंडिया रेडियो में गाती थी, उसे उसी के होमटाउन में गायन के क्षेत्र में प्लेटफॉर्म मुहैया कराया गया। उससे ‘लोरी’ गीत गवाया गया और डिजिटल प्लेटफार्म तक पहुंचाया। हाल ही में वडोदरा की वसुंधरा पंड्या को भी मौका दिया गया है। ऐसे ही नवीन और योग्य गायकों को मौका देकर उन्हें एलबम, फ़िल्म, शार्ट फ़िल्म आदि में गायन का मौका दिया जाता है और उनका मार्गदर्शन कर नया रास्ता देने की कोशिश की जाती है।

प्रश्न – दादासाहब फाल्के फाउंडेशन में क्या क्षेत्रीय स्तर के कलाकारों या फिल्मों को स्थान दिया जाता है?

उत्तर – जी, हमने अपने असोसिएशन के तहत क्षेत्रीय ही नहीं पड़ोसी देशों को भी भाग लेने का अवसर दिया है। बांग्लादेश और नेपाल से योग्य लोगों का चुनाव किया है। अलग अलग प्रांतीय क्षेत्रों से भी दो- दो योग्य लोगों का चुनाव भी किया जाता है। जो अलग अलग विभाग से होते हैं जैसे टेक्नीशियन, आर्टिस्ट आदि। इन्हें पुरस्कार के साथ धनराशि भी दिया जाता है और जल्द ही इनके इन्शुरेंस और पेंशन प्लान देने के बारे में भी विचार किया जा रहा है।

प्रश्न – क्या आप राजनीति में भी प्रवेश करना चाह रहे हैं?

उत्तर – नहीं, राजनीति में मेरी कोई रुचि नहीं है, मैं सर्वधर्म सर्वभाव में विश्वास रखता हूँ। मेरा मुख्य उद्देश्य मानवता के लिए हितकर काम करना है। मैं सभी को मानवतावादी दृष्टि से देखता हूँ ना कि धर्म विशेष जानकर। मैं दहिसर में ओम्कारेश्वर साई मंदिर ट्रस्ट का चैयरमेन हूँ तो वहीं बोरीवली में मस्जिद कमिटी में भी शामिल हूँ।

प्रश्न – युवा लोग जो मायानगरी के चमक को देखकर आते हैं किंतु कहीं खो जाते हैं आप उनके लिए क्या कहना चाहेंगे?

उत्तर – अगर आप कुछ करना चाहते हैं तो अपना स्वास्थ्य पर ध्यान दो। स्वस्थ तन है तो स्वस्थ मन होगा। स्वस्थ मन आगे बढ़ने के लिए हौसला और संयम प्रदान करेगा। ऊंचाई पाने के लिए शॉर्टकट नहीं अपनाओ अपने काबिलियत पर भरोसा कर धैर्य के साथ आगे बढ़ोगे तो मंजिल जरूर मिलेगी।


Ashfaque Khopekar  Littleknown Facts About Welknown Personality President  Of Dadsaheb Phalke Film Foundation

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वृंदावन के श्री बांके बिहारी मंदिर के मुख्य पुजारी आशीष गोस्वामी जी ने होली महोत्सव के बैनर के लिए मुम्बई में किया शूट

Posted by on Mar 11, 2022 in Top Story | Comments Off on वृंदावन के श्री बांके बिहारी मंदिर के मुख्य पुजारी आशीष गोस्वामी जी ने होली महोत्सव के बैनर के लिए मुम्बई में किया शूट

रंगों के त्योहार होली की देशभर में तय्यारी होने लगी है। इस कोरोना काल के बाद 2022 में बहुत ही धूमधाम से होली पर्व मनाया जाएगा।

वृंदावन के श्री बांके बिहारी मंदिर के मुख्य सेवायत पुजारी श्री आशीष गोस्वामी जी ने होली महोत्सव के बैनर के लिए मुम्बई में शूट किया। ये बैनर श्री बांके बिहारी महाराज के सभी भक्तजनों के हार्दिक स्वागत के लिए वृंदावन में लगाया जाएगा। इस बैनर पे लिखा होगा “होली महोत्सव (वृंदावन), श्री बांके बिहारी महाराज के सभी भक्तजनों का मुख्य सेवायत पुजारी श्री आशीष गोस्वामी जी (श्री बांके बिहारी मंदिर) हार्दिक स्वागत करते हैं।”

आपको बता दें कि इस बैनर को शूट करने की जिम्मेदारी फोटोग्राफर सोमसुभरो सरकार ने बखूबी निभाई। फोटोग्राफी में असिस्टेंट भरत जाधब थे जबकि स्टाइलिस्ट टीना ठक्कर थीं और असिस्टेंट स्टाइलिस्ट सुरेखा बेलकर थीं।

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Ashish Goswamiji   chief Pujari  of Shri Banke Bihari Temple in Vrindavan  shoots for the banner of Holi festival in Mumbai

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Playback singer Hrishikesh Chury’s live concert in Mumbai

Posted by on Mar 11, 2022 in Top Story | Comments Off on Playback singer Hrishikesh Chury’s live concert in Mumbai

The concept of ‘Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Park Art Festival’ was introduced by Shri. Aditya Thackeray, the Minister of Environment and Tourism. It was the first of its kind to be held with the aim of providing a comprehensive platform for students and artists.The event was attended by lakhs of visitors in 3 days.

The fest also featured Bollywood playback singer Hrishikesh Chury’s ‘Live in Concert’. He performed on the stage in front of the scenic views of Dadar Beach and Bandra Worli Sealink. His soulful voice mesmerized the audience.

Hrishikesh Chury said, ‘CSMP Art Festival’ was a comprehensive and artistic event organized in Mumbai with a large participation in various events. The response from the audience was overwhelming. I am happy to perform here”.

Other attractions of the festival were various workshops, Marathon, the display of antique & historical weapons, exhibition of artistic products, art installations, Live performances, talk shows and Food court.

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Hrishikesh Chury’s Soulful voice spellbound the audience at the CSMP Art Festival

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KUDOS TO SHOWMAN DR KRISHNA CHOUHAN F0R Miss. and Mrs. India and Nari Shakti Samman 2022 on International Women’s Day

Posted by on Mar 11, 2022 in Top Story | Comments Off on KUDOS TO SHOWMAN DR KRISHNA CHOUHAN F0R Miss. and Mrs. India and Nari Shakti Samman 2022 on International Women’s Day

On this occasion MLA Dr. Bharti Lavhekar, ACP Bajirao Mahajan, Dr. Parin Somani, Dr. Deepa Narayan Jha, Harshali Malhotra, Ehsan Qureshi, Prema Kiran were present.

Mumbai. On the occasion of International Women’s Day, on 7th March 2022, Dr. Krishna Chouhan under KCF and KCP organized a grand event of ‘Miss. and Mrs. India Beauty Contest’ and ‘Nari Shakti Samman 2022’ at Mayor Hall, Andheri West, suburb of Mumbai. The names of Dr. Krishna Chouhan, ACP Bajirao Mahajan, Dr. Parin Somani, Dr. Deepa Narayan Jha and fashion designer Sarla Pandey were notable among its jury members.

Artists, social workers and journalists including many distinguished women were honored in this program at the hands of MLA of Versova, Andheri Dr. Bharti Lavhekar, Dr. Parin Somani, Dr. Deepa Narayan Jha, ACP Bajirao Mahajan, Ehsan Qureshi.

At the same time, PK made everyone laugh here with his performance in the getup of the character played by Aamir Khan in the film PK.

Harshali Malhotra, who played Munni in Salman Khan’s film Bajrangi Bhaijaan, was awarded the Nari Shakti Samman 2022.

Comedian Ehsan Qureshi laughed a lot with his performance on stage.

Dr. Bharti Lavhekar after receiving the trophy of Nari Shakti Samman 2022 said that Krishna Chauhan does a very good program. Salute to women power, congratulations to all the awardees. Thanks to Simran Ahuja, she is a great anchor.

MLA Dr. Bharti Lavhekar, Dr. Parin Somani, Dr. Deepa Narayan Jha, Prema Kiran, Anuradha Solanki, Kiran Golani, Mayuri Patalia, Zeenat Ehsan Qureshi, Sania Ejaz, Sarla Pandey, Reshma (for Yogesh Lakhani Bright), Sudhakar Sharma, Dr. Rajkumar Kanojia, Shyam Lal, Dr. Praveen Bhalerao, Shirin Farid, Lalita Prathamesh Jadhav, Mona Shah, Indu Shashikant Singh, Asma Kapadia, Priyanka Raj, Manvi Tripathi, Dr. Chandrakala, Gayatri Sahu, Seema Suryavanshi, Simran Ahuja, Kailash Masoom, Sundar More , Ehsan Qureshi, Rajesh Kuril, R Rajpal, Pankaj Pandey, Dinesh Kumar, Mohan Rajput, Leo Media Digital’s Keval Kumar, Tinku Chauhan, Sameer Khan, Zubair Ali, Anita Pandey, Dr. Chhaya were honored with Nari Shakti Samman 2022.

Simran Ahuja anchored this wonderful show. Many artists on stage entertained the audience with dance and singing.

Many women participated in the Miss and Mrs India contest. This beauty contest took place over several rounds where all the contestants displayed their talent and confidence. From ramp walk to dance performance, these ladies proved themselves better in every examination. The last round was of question and answer questions where the jury members asked a variety of questions to the contestants, which were answered by all the contestants. If she wins this trophy, what would she like to do for the betterment of the society? Such questions were asked.

In the Miss India contest, Mrs. Rashmi Agarwal was the first runner up (Silver Class) while Komal Kataria was declared the first runner up (Golden Class). Miss India 2022 Seema Suryavanshi was the winner while Mrs. India Preeti Amnerkar was adjudged silver class and Anita Dattani in golden class, Dr. Chandra Kala Gothwal was adjudged the winner in platinum class. On the other hand, Dr. Parin Somani, the brand ambassador of Gujarat, Dr. Parin Somani, brand ambassador of Delhi, Chhaya Sakhare, brand ambassador of Maharashtra, Ismita Aggarwal were declared as the brand ambassador of Krishna Chouhan Foundation 2022.

Thanking all the jury members, Dr. Krishna Chouhan said that on the occasion of Women’s Day, the women power of our country has been awarded with Nari Shakti Samman. The recipients of this award were such women who have contributed for the society and the country.

It is noteworthy that Dr. Krishna Chouhan is not only a successful film director, a social worker, but is also considered to be the most talked about personality in terms of award functions. One of his award functions is over and he gets busy with the preparations for his next award ceremony. In the new year 2022, he successfully organized the “Bollywood Iconic Award 2022” at the Mayor Hall of Mumbai. And now by successfully organizing the Nari Shakti Samman 2022, he has proved that he is the emperor of the awards. Bollywood celebrities and many celebrities were honored for social work on this occasion. Krishna Chouhan has been organizing many award shows under Krishna Chouhan Foundation (KCF). Bollywood Legend Award, Bollywood Iconic Award, Legend Dadasaheb Phalke Award and Mahatma Gandhi Ratna Award have been organized under KCF over the years.

On the occasion of his birthday on 4th May 2022, Dr. Krishna Chouhan is going to organize the Legend Dadasaheb Phalke Award 2022.


KUDOS TO SHOWMAN DR KRISHNA CHOUHAN F0R Miss. and Mrs. India and Nari Shakti Samman 2022 on International Women’s Day

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Pakistan Legends win Friendship Cup–UAE Championship as it concludes successfully amid fanfare – March 08, 2022 by Maagulf

Posted by on Mar 11, 2022 in Top Story | Comments Off on Pakistan Legends win Friendship Cup–UAE Championship as it concludes successfully amid fanfare – March 08, 2022 by Maagulf

Pakistan Legends win Friendship Cup–UAE Championship as it concludes successfully amid fanfare

Sharjah: Pakistan Legends beat World XI by 14 runs to lift the first Friendship Cup – UAE that successfully concluded at the Sharjah Cricket Stadium on Monday, March 7, 2022. Held under the patronage of HH Sheikh Faisal bin Khalid Al Qassimi, the first Friendship Cup – UAE that was sanctioned by Emirates Cricket Board (ECB), was a huge success.

At the presentation ceremony, HH Sheikh Faisal bin Khalid Al Qassimi, Chief Guest and the Chief Patron of the Friendship Cup – UAE handed over the Friendship Cup to Champions Pakistan Legends, flanked by a number of dignitaries,

Mr. Abdelrahman Elbah

A representative of his highness faisal bin khalid Alqasimi

Mr. Mohamed magdy

Legal consultant dr. Khalid kanah

Mr. Qasim almorshdi including, General Mahesh Senanayake, former Chief of Army Staff of Sri Lanka, Aarefa Saleh Al Falahi, Member of Board of Director RAK chamber, Eng. Aliya Al Kindi, Dr Bu Abdulla, Hamad N Al Hammadi and Head of Organisation Committee, Mr Husaifa Ibrahim.

The organizing team led by Mr Amin pathan Founder and chairmen, Aslam Gurukkul Co,founder & Chief Executive Officer of Arba Sports Services, Noufal Qudran, & Anas pathan Director Operations, Habib Koya, COO of Arba Sports, event & media director Naghma khan & Muneer Bin Mohiyadeen,  and adviser Zaheer ahmed  ,Asutosh Pattanayak Chairman and President WSS London and Spokesperson for French Embassy, was also present at the ceremony.

Pakistan Legends piled up 133 for five in their stipulated 10 overs, powered by Salman Butt’s 45 off 20 balls and Mohammad Sami’s 36 off 10 balls. In response, World XI started off well, despite Asghar Afghan’s early exit. Phil Mustard with 50 off 21 balls and Tillakratne Dilshan with 34 off 16 balls looked dangerous after putting up a 78-run partnership and looked like they were in a hurry. A few quick wickets in the following overs due to good bowling by Mohammad Irfan took the game out of World XI’s hands.

With this, the three-day star-studded Friendship Cup – UAE 2022, that features cricket legends including former Indian Cricket Captain Mohammad Azharuddin, Bollywood star Suniel Shetty, former Pakistani cricket sensation Imran Nazir and Sri Lankan star cricketer Ajantha Mendis came to an end. However, this is more likely to be the end of a new beginning for Friendship Cup, that could become an annual fixture in the global cricketing schedule.


Pakistan Legends win Friendship Cup–UAE Championship as it concludes successfully amid fanfare – March 08, 2022 by Maagulf

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Music composer Dilip Sen records melodious songs in the voice of American singer Surya Kumar Das

Posted by on Feb 20, 2022 in Top Story | Comments Off on Music composer Dilip Sen records melodious songs in the voice of American singer Surya Kumar Das

Music composer Dilip Sen recorded a very melodious song in the voice of American singer Surya Kumar Das at Dilip Sen Studio located in Mumbai. Its lyricist is M Prakash.

Music composer Dilip Sen said on this occasion that singer Surya Kumar Das had a wish for years and now God has fulfilled his wish. Surya Das ji wanted us to work together since 1993. When I got his call from America, I told him that we will make albums only, you should prepare a music bank. Contains songs for every mood. Then we have made many songs. This music bank also has songs in the voices of Palak Muchhal, Sadhna Sargam and Anuradha ji. He has also composed romantic, sad songs, chisel wale songs and sufi songs.

Surya Kumar Das came from America for these special songs. You will clearly see the style of Dilip Sen Sameer Sen in these songs. These songs of 2022 are going to be evergreen. These songs will have the same melody that will remind you of the music of the 90s.

Surya Kumar Das said that we jump in the sea and then learn to swim. I am from Orissa and I had to do a lot of work on pronunciation of Hindi Urdu words. Dilip Sen ji helped me a lot in singing and in correct pronunciation of words. The kind of beautiful songs that used to come in the 90s, now such songs are not coming. Living in America, I used to search for songs like those of that era, but today’s music does not contain such songs. That’s why I contacted Dilip Sen ji, he has made some beautiful songs.

Dilip Sen said that seeing the dedication of Surya Kumar Das, God, Mata Rani and Hare Krishna fulfilled his wish. Due to the association of both of us and the collaboration of our daughter-in-law from America, the best songs have been prepared. Sameer Sen has also contributed in preparing these songs. Recordist Rakesh Sharma has recorded all the songs well.

Surya Kumar Das’s wife said that I am very happy to hear this song. Dilip ji has composed great songs which are very nice to listen to. Dilip Sen said that the voice of Surya Kumar Das does not match anyone, his voice has its own style. I hope tomorrow will be of Surya Kumar Das.

———-Fame Media

Music composer Dilip Sen records melodious songs in the voice of American singer Surya Kumar Das

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Seven X Hospitality Entered Into Music Venture With Film Junkies

Posted by on Feb 20, 2022 in Top Story | Comments Off on Seven X Hospitality Entered Into Music Venture With Film Junkies

Seven X Hospitality  A  project by Ashitaa Parekh, Shreesh Jain, Purvish Jain

Independent individuals who have got together to manage business  or for a philanthropic purpose. These professionals provide their expertise and extensive knowledge to ensure that the project continues to flourish. They invest into new ventures and emerging projects with the goal of growing and scaling them.

Seven X had invested Film Junkies into their first Haryanvi project with Himanshu and Gurmeet Bhadana of Haryanvi Music.

Gurmeet and Himanshu are the star Singer and  composer who had given loads of hits in haryanvi which scales from 100 million to 200 million.

Songs like THM in haryanvi are the most trending songs.where Halka Dupatta tera Muh dikhe is the most viral songs on the reels.

Song is directed by Team Film Junkies also featured sana sultan who is having 2 million followers and gave loads of Haryanvi hits in the music scene.

For more updates keep watching this space.


Seven X hospitality entered into Music Venture with Film Junkies

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Global Music Video Dots World Bindi Day To Celebrate Womanhood

Posted by on Oct 16, 2021 in Top Story | Comments Off on Global Music Video Dots World Bindi Day To Celebrate Womanhood

And now it is World Bindi Day that was celebrated this Navratri. Karmanye Kreations is a US based media conglomerate and an initiative by a few NRIs with an objective dedicated to producing content on the culture and history of Indic civilization has come out with a music video about the importance of the Bindi.

The video featuring Dr Sonal Mansingh,  Mata Rajyalaxmi, Malini Awasthi, Aroona Bhatt, Anusha Srinivasan Iyer, Simran Kaur Mundi, Manjari Phadnis, Nyra Bannerjee, Ragini Dwivedi, Anchal Dwivedi, Kainaat Arora, Shibani Kashyap, Nivedita Basu, among others was put recently on the social media during Navratri. The Bindi Song has been sung by Shweta Pandit, Composed by Hriday Gattani with Lyrics by Shivangi Tewari. The video is produced by Karmanye Kreations and Shilpi Shrivastav with Music on Advait Music featuring women from various walks of life.

“The video will give a global appeal to all the women around the world to wear Bindi with pride as a mark of women empowerment. A letter to officially designate a World Bindi Day has been sent to the United Nations by World Bindi Day concept was conceived by few NRIs last year, when it was decided that the pious day for this beautiful concept should be the start of Navratri, which emphasizes women empowerment and their importance in the society. Hence the first day of Navratri was formalized as World Bindi Day. To make it a global initiative and spread the word among millions of women around the globe, the idea to compose a music video was conceived by Karmanye Kreations, US. The song and the video were thus made to share with the world the significance of putting up a Bindi as a mark of each woman’s pride and a symbol of women empowerment,” says Anannt Srivastava of Karmanye Creations.

“A new Bindi song will be released next year too. Next year’s plan is to reach out to celebrities, social workers, eminent personalities from around the globe to support this initiative and also appear in the video,” adds Annant.

“I was attracted to the concept of coming up with a song. The song will show how the Bindi described the Indian woman. It perfectly explains the reason and pride behind wearing the bindi,” says Shweta who has sung the number.

“I think a woman’s beauty is enhanced by wearing a Bindi. I sometimes wear a Bindi on casual and western wear too. I have noticed it gives me a distinct persona. Other women should try it to see the difference,” says Anchal Dwivedi.

“I wear bindi as it is part of my Indian culture and tradition and I am  truly proud of it. It also activates the third eye – the pituitary gland – which is in the middle of the eyebrows!” says Shibani Kashyap. “My Bindi is the essence of  existence. Without it I am incomplete. It gives me strength and the power to stand up for right and against wrong. The bindi is the sixth chakra point and my third eye to view the world,” elaborates Anusha Srinivasan Iyer.

“The significance of beauty and strength in one bindi … the essence of womanhood culture and pride. I love to wear it each day with each outfit; it only makes the look better and stronger,” opines Ragini Dwivedi.

“My bindi not only enhances my beauty but also reminds me of the divine powers through my third eye. Bindi is the symbol of my Divya Drishti,” says Nyra Banerjee.

Karmanye Kreations is to show the historical aspects of our civilization. Few of the early projects that Karmanye Kreations has undertaken are – Unexplored places of Ayodhya, Kashmir History and History of Indic Civilization and the current effort is an initiative to celebrate various Hindustani Diwas like Bindi Day and Tilak Day and not just international days like Halloween or Valentine’s Day.


Global Music Video Dots World Bindi Day To Celebrate Womanhood

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