Exhibition of Hundred Photographers Inaugurated at 8th Global Festival of Journalism

Noida: One Hundred Photographers from all over India participated in the grand photography exhibition titled “AN EYE’ planned during 8th Global Festival of Journalism at Marwah Studios Film City Noida.
“It is the custom at Marwah Studios to have an exhibition in every major festival. This time one Hundred photographers from AAFT School of Photography submitted their best work for the exhibition. It was difficult for the department to choose pictures for the show as all of them were very exclusive,” introduced the exhibition by Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of International Journalism Centre, ICMEI and AAFT at the inauguration of 8th Global Festival.
“What a collection! I am sure no picture could have been rejected,” encouraged by H.E. Muhamed Cengic an international photographer and Ambassador of Bosnia & Herzegovina to India while lighting the ceremonial lamp.
“I can see the variety of work, portraits, animals, historical monuments, public, flowers this shows the depth of knowledge of the photographers and their varied interests,” motivated H.E. Radu Octavian Dobre, Ambassador of Romania to India.
“Taking an image, freezing a moment, reveals how rich reality truly is, Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving,” said H.E. Michael Aaron N. N. Oquaye, High Commissioner Republic of Ghana
“Photography is more than just a skill or talent; it’s a passion that needs constant fulfillment,” saidHE Carlos Polo, Ambassador of Peru to India.
“It’s not enough to just own a camera. Everyone owns a camera. To be a photographer, you must understand, appreciate, and harness the power you hold!” H.E. K L Ganju, Honorary Consul General & Advisor to the Foreign Minister, Consulate of Union of Comoros.
“Only photography has been able to divide human life into a series of moments, each of them has the value of a complete existence.” H.E. Dr. Marjan Cencen, Ambassador of Slovenia to India.
“It takes a lot of imagination to be a good photographer Photography is more than a medium for factual communication of ideas. It is a creative art.” Said Komal Nahata renownd journalist from Mumbai.
“Photography is about finding out what can happen in the frame. When you put four edges around some facts, you change those facts Narayanan Madhavan, Renowned Journalist & Writer.
“This is my first visit to Marwah Studios and I am impressed by the variety of works they are involved in,I congratulate the team for this beautiful exhibition,” Mophethe Sekamane, Counsellor High Comm. Lesotho.
“What I like about photographs is that they capture a moment that’s gone forever, impossible to reproduce,” added Ashok Tandon, Member, Prasar Bharti.