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Nikita Nayak Showcases Her Collection At International Fashion Week

Nikita Nayak Showcases Her Collection At International Fashion Week

Bhubaneswar based designer Nikita Nayak Showcases her collection at India Fashion Week London. Her label is 2 year old and has garnered a lot of appreciation at shows as Delhi Times Fashion Week, Bhubaneswar Style Week and many more. Nikita has vast background of manufacturing and fashion management. Her designs are brief presentation of India’s diversified collection and tales of weavers. The show was directed by Indian Fashion Show director Mr. Lokesh Sharma. Designer coordination and backstage was managed by Mr. Swagat Ranjan. The colour Palette used for the creation were bright red carpet ready colours such as red, black, silver, shades of wine and dark green.


Our artist, handloom, paintings are known all around globe, through my designs I am giving my bit to the global audience. And presenting them in international platform like India Fashion Week London was an overwhelming experience for me, said Nikita while exhibiting her thoughts on participation.