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Pinnacle Fame Awards 2018 – A spectacular awards event honouring global entrepreneurs – Organised by Maa2Mom and Goregaon Highway Pulse

Pinnacle Fame Awards 2018 – A spectacular awards event honouring global entrepreneurs – Organised by Maa2Mom and Goregaon Highway Pulse

Pinnacle Fame Awards 2018 organised on December 8, 2018 at Radisson, Goregaon, Mumbai.

It was an evening to remember for each and every attendee and guest. Pinnacle Fame Awards 2018 PIFA is now a name on everybody’s lips. This entrepreneur excellence awards was organised by global mother’s network Maa2Mom in association with India’s first hyper-local online portal Goregaon Highway Pulse. PIFA 2018 was held at Radisson Mumbai Goregaon on Saturday, December 8, 2018.

PIFA was organised to recognise and honour diverse startups, solo-preneurs and entrepreneurs who are doing exemplary work across various categories. From arts to wellness, from education to publishing, PIFA had over 400 nominations by men and women entrepreneurs from Dubai to Haryana to Nasik and, of course, Mumbai.


“PIFA’s most distinguishing aspect is that it is real awards by real people”, said Jyoti Agarwal, Founder, Maa2Mom and the main organiser of PIFA. “Through PIFA we will support and encourage every entrepreneur to excel and realise their dreams and ambitions”, she added. PIFA awards involved completely transparent judgement based on merit and nothing else. No fees were charged for nomination or registry.

PIFA had an independent jury of distinguished names:

Hemang Bhatt (CEO of HAS Juices), Ajoy Balkrishna (General Manager of Radisson Mumbai Goregaon), Era Tak (Artist, Filmmaker and writer), Dr. Samir Dalwai (Leading Developmental and Behavioural Pediatrician & President of Indian Academy of Pediatrics), Kanika Pal (award-winning CSR expert and founder of SOCHE Foundation), Radha Shah (Mrs India Worldwide UAE, 2017), Hvovi Bhagwagar (Noted psychotherapist and counsellor)

Each winners was felicitated on stage, awarded customised PIFA trophies and certificates. This included the acclaimed social reform group – Soch Sayani; award-winning food blogger, Purabi Naha and more.

Lifetime achievement awards were also presented to “Lady Singham”, Sub Inspector Kiran Sethi from Delhi Police and Sanjay Dogra for their distinguished work.

“Success is not based on gender or simply whether you are a man or a woman. It is based on hard work. At PIFA, we choose to recognise the hard work of men and women and applaud them for that”, stated Anushree Chatterjee, Founder, Goregaon Highway Pulse, associate organiser of PIFA.

PIFA 2018 was studded with celebrated personalities. From TV stars like Supriya Raina Shukla, Shruti Seth, Chandan Anand, Vartika Chauhan and Amrit Kashyap to Bollywood singer, Pamela Jain and to celebrity Chef Harpal Singh (Namak Shamak fame), they were all part of PIFA 2018! Each one was praising the beautifully organised event and was pleased with the awards conducted.

A special mention must be made of our PIFA Performances! Master storyteller, Mehak Mirza Prabhu; young poet Ravi Chand Punia, singer Pamela Jain, Nidhi Moudgil and Soumitra Dev Burman dazzled the stage with their acts. Dancers like Ritu Manek and Madhumita Chakraborty left the audience spellbound with their classical dance acts that included young children as well. Sneh Kala Kendra’s featuring oldies left everyone spellbound!

PIFA 2018 also had a very special focus on social causes. The PIFA stage was used to promote and spread awareness about key issues like Mental Health, Save Aarey and Forced Sex Trade. For this, PIFA had associated with foundations like Rescue Foundation, Bipolar India and #Imwarrior to support their initiatives.

Through a specially curated ramp walk, that featured adults and kids, PIFA brought to the fore the real stories of mental health victims, of the threatened forest lands in Mumbai and the humanitarian cause of saving victims of forced commercial sex. This received great appreciation from the PIFA audience.

पिनाकल फेम अवार्ड्स २०१८ का शानदार महोत्सव ‘माँ2मॉम’ एवं गोरेगाँव हाईवे पल्स द्वारा।

हाल ही में गोरेगाँव स्तिथ रेडिसन में पिनाकल फेम अवार्ड्स २०१८ शानदार रूप से सम्पन्न हुआ। इस का आयोजन माँ2मॉम एवं गोरेगाँव हाइवे पल्स ने किया। इस कि आयोजक माँ2मॉम की फाउंडर ज्योति अग्रवाल ने कहा कि इसमें जूरी द्वारा उन्ही विजेताओं को चुना गया जो इसके हकदार थे, किसी किस्म की सौदेबाजी नही हुई है। गोरेगाँव हाईवे पल्स की फाउंडर अनुश्री चटर्जी ने इनका समर्थन किया। ज्यूरी में हेमंग भट्ट, अजोय बालकृष्ण, इरा टाक, डॉ समीर दलवई, कनिका पाल, राधा शाह और हवोवि भगवागर थे।

सोच सयानी, पूरबी नाहा, संजय डोगरा, सब-इंस्पेक्टर किरण सेठी को लेडी सिंघम के रूप में एवं अन्य तकरीबन ७० लोगो को सम्मानित किया गया। इस अवसर पर बॉलीवुड से भी कई लोग जैसे एक्ट्रेस सुप्रिया रैना शुक्ला, श्रुति शेठ, चंदन आनंद, वर्तिका चौहान, अमृत कश्यप, गायिका पामेला जैन व मशहूर शेफ हरपाल सिंह (नमक शमक फेम) शामिल हुए। साथ ही कथाकार महक मिर्ज़ा प्रभु, स्वराज सिंह, कवि रविचन्द पुनिया, निधि मौड़गिल, पामेला जैन, सौमित्र देव बर्मन, नृत्यांगना ऋतु मानेक एवं मधुमिता चक्रबोरती ने स्टेज पर जान डाल दी विशेषकर स्नेह कला केंद्र की महिलाओं ने।

पिनाकल फेम अवार्ड्स २०१८ PIFA के जरिये सोशल संदेश भी दिया गया जो मानसिक रोगों, सेव आरे, और ज़बरदस्ती देह व्यापार के बारे लोगो को जागरूक बनाता है। इसके लियर पिफ़ा PIFA रेस्क्यू फाउंडेशन, बाइपोलर इंडिया एवं आई एम वारियर के संग ज़रूरी कदम उठा रही है।