It was indeed a pleasure to witness the RANGOLI 4.0 by UNIMO, Universe of Moms, which is world’s largest community of mothers with 3.25 Lakh digitally, connected mothers & 21 chapters across the globe. It is the only Mommy community endorsed by Facebook & has been appreciated personally by Sheryl Sandberg ( COO of Facebook) .Our Founder Neha Kare Kanabar is a voluntary admin chosen by Facebook to lead the “ Facebook Community Leadership circle for Mumbai & Ahmedabad”
Entering its 4th edition of Rangoli Awards that is about “ A girl Next door with an Extraordinary story”, honoured 70 women, 5 men and 5 kids under its various category of Awards in 2019 who were shortlisted from over 850 entries received from all over.
This year, Rangoli4.0 by UNIMO also joined hands with the #IWD2019 theme #BalanceforBetter to fill in the gender gap with an agenda to commemorate and celebrate gender parity & work towards Women’s Advancement.
UNIMO has another largest hyper local chapter named as INMO, Indore Moms which has 28,500 mothers in it.
The Awards, keeping the essence of Rangoli- the beautiful decor of several colours was categorised as VIBGYOR. Rising Stars, Community bridge builders, Talent Par Excellence, Hustlers, Business Woman, UnSung Heroes and 30 under 50 awards were identified with each colour of VIBGYOR in the same order.
A social cause event believing that women are truly empowered but they need to be celebrated and appreciated and given their due share of recognition, this coveted award show was attended by over 300 plus attendees. Women were looking gorgeous in the cocktail gowns while the men were seen sporting Tuxedos. This year the families were invited to the event as well. This event was a true example of celebrating womanhood and supporting moms as the entire event was managed, organised and executed by mothers right from Event management to Videographers, Photographers. The Entire Event was powered by “TATA Sampann”. The Mothers got Goodie Bags filled with TATA Sampann’s products who were the “Title Sponsor” to Rangoli4.0.
This was organised at the Holiday Inn, Mumbai International Airport who were the “Hospitality Partners” to this event, It was a perfect venue to be inspired and motivated as the ladies share their extraordinary stories. The Community is currently headed by Komal Kare Joshi, Snigdha Kare Sharma, Jui Shah, Namrta Sharma, Devisha Shah Jatakia, Poonam Pandit Turakhia & Shobha Pahuja Gajjar as Presidents.
These awardees were truly inspiring as they are an ordinary woman like anyone you see around, but they all had an extraordinary story. For the very first time, keeping the Balance for Better theme, the men who contribute in their own special ways by supporting our strong woman were facilitated under the category of UnSung Heroes. Another first was motivating the kids between the age of 5-15 and supporting them to choose their field and life ahead by recognising their talent in whatever field they excel under Talent Par Excellence category.
A Beautiful Fashion Show was organised by the Moms again, for the moms where the 25 Gorgeous moms sizzled the stage of Holiday Inn in the Grand Ballroom with their confidence and Beauty alike.
The evening witnessed the presence of eminent personalities from different areas. Manasi Parekh Gohil, Sandip Soparrkar,, Dr. Swati Popat Vats,, Anju Kish,, Shunali Khullar Shroff, Dr. Zinal Unadkat, Zenobia Khodaji, Rushali Arora, Mrinalini Kher, Dr. Anita Soni, Yog Rishi Swami Karmveer Ji, Dr. Manjusha Kadam, Archana Kochhar Namrata Thakker & RJ Archana Pania from Radio City graced the occasion as Chief Guests.
The Gorgeous ladies Simran Deenz Ahuja and Sheila Navlakha compeered the show with amazing enthusiasm and kept the JOSH high. The attendees were not only seen getting inspired and motivated but having a gala time throughout.
The RANGOLI 4.0 was a Grand Success. The event ended at late night, but we are sure, it has given the 300 moms a new dream, a new motivation, a new belief and a new light to come out of their shades and stand in the limelight. UNIMO Universe of Moms is contributing to society by large by making each girl believe- I am my own Rangoli.
यूनिमो (UNIMO) यूनिवर्स ऑफ मॉम्स के द्वारा ‘रंगोली’ ४.० का शानदार पुरस्कार समारोह मनाया गया।
पिछले दिनों अँधेरी पूर्व के हॉलिडे इन में, यूनिमो यूनिवर्स ऑफ मॉम्स द्वारा “रंगोली” का शानदार पुरस्कार समारोह सम्पन्न हुआ। यूनिमो के साथ पूरे विश्व की साढ़े तीन लाख से ज़्यादा माताएं जुड़ी हैं, व फेसबुक की सी ओ ओ शेरील सैंडबर्ग ने इसे काफी सराहा, इस संस्था की फाउंडर नेहा करे कानाबर को वॉलेंटरी एडमिन फेसबुक सी एल सी का मुम्बई एवं अहमदाबाद के लिए बनाया गया। इसका आयोजन कम्युनिटी हेड कोमल करे जोशी, स्निग्धा करे शर्मा, जूही शाह, नम्रता शर्मा, देविषा शाह जटाकिया, पूनम पंडित तुरखिया, शोभा पाहुजा गज्जर इन तमाम प्रेसिडेंट ने किया। पूरे कार्यक्रम का संचालन सिमरन डीनज़ आहूजा एवं शीला नवलखा द्वारा बखूबी किया गया।
सैकड़ो की संख्या में लोग उपस्तिथ थे, खास कर महिलाएं। विभिन्न क्षेत्रों से उल्लेखनीय लोग जैसे मानसी पारेख गोहिल, संदीप सोपारकर, डॉ स्वाति पोपट वत्स, अंजू किश, शुनाली खुल्लर श्रॉफ, डॉ ज़िनल उनाडकर, जेनोबिया खोडाजी, रुषाली अरोरा, मृणालिनी खेर,डॉ अनिता सोनी, योग ऋषि स्वामी कर्मवीर जी, डॉ मंजूषा कदम, अर्चना कोचर, नम्रता ठक्कर एवं “रेडियो सिटी” की आर जे अर्चना पनिया जैसे और कई लोग उपस्तिथ थे।
अवॉर्ड कैटेगरी इस प्रकार थी राइजिंग स्टार्स, कम्युनिटी ब्रिज बिल्डर्स, टैलेंट पार एक्सीलेंस, हस्तलर्स, बिज़नेस वीमेन, अनसंग हीरोज एवं थर्टी अंडर फिफ्टी अवार्ड्स के भिन्न रंगों में दिया गया।
रंगोली अवार्ड का उद्देश्य एक साधारण महिला की असाधारण कहानी को पुरस्कृत करता है।
पूरे कार्यक्रम को “टाटा सम्पन्न” द्वारा पावर किया गया। मॉम्स को टाटा सम्पन्न के प्रोडक्ट्स से भरा गूड़ी बैग प्रदान किया गया, टाटा ‘रंगोली’ के टाइटल स्पॉन्सर भी थे।